Where’s My Thumb-Screws?

The smart people in Congress have been arguing whether to outlaw torture. Personally, I have never had a problem with torture. Before I would torture someone, though, I would need to be clear about a few things:

* Do I like this person?
* Do I know this person?

If I don’t like someone, then I want that person hurt. Also, I don’t care about people I don’t know, so torturing them is fine.
Now, most of these arguments about torture involve terrorists. I don’t like terrorists and I don’t know them, so they fit my strict guidelines for torture. They should be beaten, electrocuted, have bamboo shoots stuck under their fingernails, and anything else you can think of. They might even give up someone useful information during the torture, but no one should be tortured for information; that ruins the purity of torture. The point of torture is hurting bad people, and we should keep that focus lest we become as bad as those we shock in the gonads.

Nominate IMAO

It’s that time of the year. That special holiday time when we gather round – hog tie Bill Frist and stick an apple… no wait..
It’s time for the Weblog Awards!!!
Go now and nominate IMAO.
We are funny. We are talented.
And if you don’t nominate us – we’ll hunt you down and kill you.

One Hour Left

One hour left to vote for SarahK for Queen of Hearts. Who would mistake SarahK for SondraK? If that’s happening, I’m suprised we don’t see Buchanan doing better on the poll.

Year One of Making Me Mad

Cadet Happy’s website made for parodying SarahK’s site is about a year old. Here’s his favorite photoshops from that year. Yeah, so much of it are in jokes that only make sense if you follow SarahK’s site, but it’s frick’n hilarious anyway.