
What Cadet Happy said.

don’t know jack (?)

go over to aaron’s blog and vote for sarahk in the deck of bloggers thing
you only get to vote once, so don’t do something stupid like click a different name
voting ends Monday at midnight
UPDATE: and don’t forget to vote for . . .

Continue reading ‘don’t know jack (?)’ »

Notice of Class Action Lawsuit

(A Filthy Lie)
Just got a letter in the mail today:

From the office of Glenn Reynolds, Esq., J.D., PPBLNDR:
Since the earliest days of the American Republic, people have looked up into the night sky with awe and wonder, seeking hope and inspiration for their lives as they contemplated the heavenly lights, the most brilliant and uplifting of which is… The Moon.
Yet there are those who – in their desperate quest for filthy profits – would desecrate this sacred symbol of ancient wisdom.
Like Frank J., of IMAO who proudly – PROUDLY! – displays a picture on his site of our precious moon being atomically violated:
This atrocious sight has been clinically proven to induce Post-Traumatic Nuclear Moon Syndrome in those viewing this image. Symptoms of PTNMS include:
* Fear of looking up at the night sky
* Attacking Iraq to steal its oil
* Uncontrollable urges to blow stuff up in order to keep other countries in line.
* Telling filthy lies about greedy lawyers
If you or someone you love exhibits any of these PTNMS symptoms brought on by Frank J’s reckless moon abuse, you may be entitled to compensation. Just send an e-mail to THISISSPAMTHISISSPAMaining how your life has been decimated by irresponsible luno-nuclear photoshoppery and let me help you along the road to healing.
Glenn Reynolds

Glenn Reynolds is nothing but a vile, avaricious, gold-digger! Show your support for IMAO by buying a Nuke The Moon T-shirt today. $1 from every sale will go directly to the IMAO Moon-Nukers Legal Defense Fund and/or toward buying SarahK shiny, pretty things.

talent like this needs to be showcased!

maggie katzen has done laurence one better and combined apolitical Friday cat blogging AND verteran’s day

The Things You Learn

Until SarahK posted a new picture of her ring, I never noticed that bracelet on her.

A Hero’s Story for Veteran’s Day

Happy Veteran’s Day (which also is the birthday of my brother, returning veteran Sgt. Joe foo’ the Marine). Before I told you about Joe Lowe, one of my brother’s friends from the Marines who was paralyzed by an attack on his tank which wounded other Idaho Marines. Today, you can read the story of Sgt. Luke Miller, also a Boise Marine and friend of my brother, who helped rescue those injured in the attack. The full story is here and a video clip of an interview with him is here.
He risked his life to help his fellow Marines, and yesterday he was honored in D.C. with the Military Vanguard Award, bestowed annually upon one member of each branch of the military.
Today is a day to remember the America’s heroes, both those living and those who have sacrificed for this country and for the freedom of others.

Veterans, Thanks!


Thanks to all you Veterans out there. The price of freedom was and continues to be paid for by you, personally, your family and all your brave veteran brothers and sisters and their families.
I can’t say enough how much we (the IMAO family and our wonderful readers and listeners) appreciate you and your service to our great nation.
THANK YOU and may the good Lord bless you and yours!

Friday Catblogging

Since it’s Friday, I thought I’d spread the joy of humor-free, apolitical Friday Catblogging to IMAO (aka “I-MEOW”).
Today, it’s Nardo the Flippykitty trying out the new comforter:

If you’re not sure how this absurd scene pertains to IMAO, since IMAO is famous for that “political humor” thing, it doesn’t. If you must have some semblance of politics or humor in everything you read here, just assume that Nardo is… um…
Help me out here. Make your suggestions in the comments how this scene is, in fact, a political allegory.
(For more animal goodness, try Friday Ark today and Carnival of the Cats on Sundays.)