Thanks to all you Veterans out there. The price of freedom was and continues to be paid for by you, personally, your family and all your brave veteran brothers and sisters and their families.
I can’t say enough how much we (the IMAO family and our wonderful readers and listeners) appreciate you and your service to our great nation.
THANK YOU and may the good Lord bless you and yours!
Thank you veterans! Especially my cousin-in-law, who recently returned from another tour.
Please except my heartfelt thanks for the sacrifices you and your families make both at war and in peacetime. I cherish the freedoms bought with your blood and will never forget how I came to enjoy them.
Thank you so much is all I can really think to say. You know why, or you wouldn’t have signed up.
To all of those still over in Iraq and Afganistan, thank you for your hard work and sacrifice. God bless you and your families.
Like most veterans, I spend far less time feeling proud of myself than for all the others I served with and are serving now. Like my baby brother, who is demobilizing now in Fort Lewis after his second tour in Iraq with the Montana National Guard. His first tour was in 2003 with the mighty 82nd Airborne, where he saw some very fierce action followed by months of arresting bad guys in Baghad. To say I’m proud of him falls far short of how deeply I admire him. Hurry home, Rick.
G-d Bless the Armed Forces of the United States, past and present
Thank you and God bless to everyone who has served or is serving. Thank you, also, to their families who make a huge sacrifice. America wouldn’t be what it is without your great courage and bravery.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
I’m a very proud Airforce mom and I want you to know I keep all you service members (and your families) in my prayers.
May God bLess you and Stay Safe!!!
Thank you all and God Bless you and your families.
Thank you veterans for all that you do and have done.
I am in awe.
Thank you and thank God for you who serve and have served in the US Military.
Thanks to the vets over there in the sandbox doing the dirty work. God be with y’all, fellas.
And to Joe Foo’ and MDG- welcome home, guys! Enjoy your holidays!
And to all the Coasties that help save so many every day, when there is a natural disaster such as Katerina, and join the front line on the seas during time of war, THANK YOU.
From the home of Lima company, we thank all veterans for their service and sacrifices.
Ordinary people, doing extraordinary things with courage & valour.
I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to those men and women who have served their country in the armed services, and to those who still do. This quote seems appropriate for the occasion:
“The liberties of our country, the freedom of our civil Constitution, are worth defending at all hazards; and it is our duty to defend them against all attacks. We have received them as a fair inheritance from our worthy ancestors: they purchased them for us with toil and danger and expense of treasure and blood, and transmitted them to us with care and diligence. It will bring an everlasting mark of infamy on the present generation, enlightened as it is, if we should suffer them to be wrested from us by violence without a struggle, or to be cheated out of them by the artifices of false and designing men.”
– Samuel Adams
Btw, today is another cause for celebration. November 11th is also the anniversary of the death of the nobel-prize-winning terrorist, Yasser Arafat. So today, thank a vet, and shoot any terrorists you might see!
Thank you! and to the Merchant Marine who during WWII bravely assisted the armed forces and recently have been recognized as veterans of that war – we salute you too!
To all those who’ve returned home, thank you for your service.
To all those who are still over seas fighting the good fight I thank you and wish you the best.
To all those who will never be coming home we thank you for your sacrifice more than any words could ever say.
Again, thank you, sincerely, to all of our armed forces for the sacrifices that you make to keep us safe and free!
Now, go and kill the rest of those da*ned terrorists so you can get back home!
to ALL Veterans and their families. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for you and your families sacrifice. You protected our freedom so that I can write this. To you and yours may God watch over you still. Thank you.
Martin “Ceann Rua ” Corbett
Many, Many, Many Thanks to all Veterans!! You Men and Women are awesome and the work you do is great!! Every American should be proud that you guys are doing such a great job. Never fear, there will always be those of us that support you in every way.
Ummm, Frank, what about the Costies? I don’t see a Coast Guard seal there… And I’m pretty sure they have one… Or are they still part of the Navy Reserve?
Seeing the things our military does on a daily basis makes me feel so unpatriotic. What I do for my country is nothing compared to what they do.
To all of our men and women who serve this great country on a daily basis, thank you so much.
Thank you veterans for giving me all the freedoms I enjoy today.
There are neither enough words nor enough eloquence to give the full measure of the thanks that we and the rest of the world owe you. From the deepest part of my heart, thank you for keeping this the Land of the Free. Give ’em Hell, then come home safe when the job is done. You have an entire country that is waiting for you.
You’re welcome, but I should thank all of you for your support. Through the good times and the bad, I wouldn’t trade any of it for anything else.
Besides, women actually pay attention to me when I’m wearing my whites 😉
Keep the faith and don’t let the bastards get you down.
We are so humbled by your great patriotism and service to our beloved country and cannot thank you often enough and deep enough! May God bless you all and keep you safe. Thank you so much for both the sacrifice and honor you bestow upon our country. Hold your heads high and proud. We love you!
And welcome home Joe Foo!
UZI4U – Coast Guard should be there – yes, they have a seal – they are not a part of the Navy Reserves but our 5th Armed Force. Coast Guard (Desert Storm) veteran. Thank you.
P.S. Coasties are in Iraq and have been as well in every other major conflict in history.
As a vet myself, I want to thank all of you for remembering what this day is all about. To the vets, thanks for a job well done. To our brothers-in-arms still overseas, keep up the fantastic work. And to those who are no longer with us, your sacrifice will never be forgotten.
Veterens of all branches of the military, please accept my heartfelt thanks for the service you have rendered to this nation.
No matter what you read in the New York Times, know that we all love and appreciate you. Thank you so much for all you’ve done. May God Bless and Keep you, may he make his face to shine down upon you, and give you peace.
Thank you. For everything. Come home soon, safe, and sound, Mission Accomplished.
eh, you’re welcome.
… but I “really” did it for the college money.
I want to thank all those who faithfully serve during wartime (not like me). I didn’t really do all that much (except spend endless cold nights in a tent in 3 feet of snow in the middle of the German countryside, pining for a Dunkel Weizen). Those who volunteer knowing that they’re going into combat are a different breed. Thank you all.
Thanks to all, past and present, who have preserved this Nation for me and my children. I cannot express what I feel when I think of the selfless sacrifice of those who have given their very lives in exchange for my freedom. God bless you and your families for all time.
Thank you son for your service in the sandbox and for standing up and doing the right thing for the right reasons.
Happy 230th Birthday to all you Marines!
I hate to be a nit picker, but the fine men & women who are currently in the Armed Forces are NOT veterans. They’re active duty!
SEmper Fi to all my Marine bretheren
I hate to be a nit picker, but the fine men & women who are currently in the Armed Forces are NOT veterans. They’re active duty!
SEmper Fi to all my Marine bretheren
“I hate to be a nit picker, but the fine men & women who are currently in the Armed Forces are NOT veterans. They’re active duty!”
They’ll be veterans one day – which is good enough to qualify in my book – and are certainly worthy of praise. We love our proud men and women and they should all hear it. But, I’m probably nit picking too here.
We don’t. If the New York Times bites you, you turn into a moonbat. The only way to keep it from biting you is to not touch it. And fire. Fire works.
… but I “really” did it for the college money.
You too, eh? 😀
Seriously, thank you all for supporting us!
From the bottom of my heart, thank you.
Semper Fi!