i forgot to say those three little words at the end…
so here, i say it now.
Archive of entries posted on 14th November 2005
New Jersey Slogan
AP reports that New Jersey is looking for a new slogan.
Oh, and the deadline is today.
Hurry up! Suggest something!
(My suggestion: “Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200.”)
You Vote or I Cut You!
Since SarahK got together a great podcast for you (actually, I haven’t heard it, yet), you go vote for her to be Queen of Hearts on the blogger deck or cards. She’s in fourth place, but I know my readers can make the difference.
IMAO for the Non-Deaf #19
47,000 Channels and Nothing On
According to Glenn Reynolds, Andrew Sullivan is moving to TIME.COM.
I wonder if he’ll continue the endless “I’m a poor gay progressively moderate conservative/moderately conservative progressive blogger(*DOWWTUWIB)” pledge drive now that the Daily Dish is on Time.com.
Since. Time = Money. and all.
Which brings up the question- “Are Time magazine and Money magazine the same magazine?”
* Depending On Which Way The, Uh, Wind Is Blowing
Ask Santa!!
Hello Gang,
RightWingDuck here with a special exclusive. As you know, we here at IMAO have friends in powerful places. Just the other day, I was given the best meal in the joint just because of my powerful connections – AND I was able to supersize it.
Well, it turns out that Santa Claus and I are now back on speaking terms. Sure, he was a bit sore at me from that incident in 1988 where my dad pulled a shotgun on him, but what would YOU do if someone came down YOUR chimney.
Maybe we went a bit far when we took all his toys, but – in our defense – we were poor and greedy.
So, Santa and I have made up and guess what?
Guess? Stop being so lazy and take a guess -!!
That’s right! Santa Claus will be here at IMAO all week to answer your questions. Then he has to get out of here to go work on the Christmas stuff.
Is there something you always wanted to ask Santa? Now is your chance! Post in comments.
Go Ahead! ASK SANTA!!!
P.S. Oh, yeah. I still owe IMAO readers that last Ask Ducky. Oh, well. Maybe Santa and I will take turns answering questions.
…And All Your Dreams Will Come True
This Last halloween, Vote for pedro.
Where’s My ‘Cast?
IMAO Podcast #19 11-14-05
- Introduction
- Berkeley Law
- Vote No on 75
- Harvey: Fun Facts About Maine Part 1
- Sling Blade: Attorney at Law
- Harvey: Fun Facts About Maine Part 2
- CSI: Nome
- WeHireAliens.com
- WeHireIllegals.com
- A Very Brady Survivor
- Law & Order: Special People’s Unit
- Clinton Natural Gas
- Hail to the Hottie [Holy crap! It’s Obama!]
- Conclusion