If you’re like me, you’ve probably been looking at all of the TV coverage of the recent end the war/israel/racism/global warming protests across the nation and in response have asked yourself that deep soul searching question: “Who Cares? Isn’t there a football game somewhere?”
Well, dear readers – I care – because it has given us THIS golden image. Just ripe for a CAPTION CONTEST!!
Ahem, what exactly is that officer’s hand doing and why is Cindy so happy? You tell us…
Officer Dan is getting a first hand feel of what Cindy’s position is.
Cop: “I’m going to need elbow-length gloves!”
Cindy: “He’s going to need shoulder-length gloves!”
At three centimeters of dilation – Cindy was not yet ready to give birth to an Anti-War movement.
Come see my latest post…your heart will soar!
Bulimics Everywhere Overjoyed That Fingers Are No Longer Necessary to Induce Vomiting – Just Imagine What View The Officer’s Arm Is Blocking!
“Yes, Mr. President, her’s ARE bigger than Michael Moore’s!”
Yep,Kowalski, that’s contraband alright, and it’s buzzing.
cop on left: “your win, it is a guy! how do I make payments on our $100,000 bet? I think I’m gonna hurl!”
cop on rigt: “have your accountant contact mine, but if you barf on me I wont take payments! carrin it is gross enough!”
New York Times: Patriot Suffers Bush Abuse!
Officer: “Where’s a trash can when you need it?”
Anti-American, Anti-War, Anti-Civil
American War Hero Rolls Over In Grave (AGAIN!)
Cop: It’s a boy.
Moonbat Cindy: Quick, send him to Iraq! My popularity is waning!
A look at the picture under altered contrast shows that he is just grabbing her by her knee. Its just that the shadow makes his hand look distorted.
“Man, I don’t know how they’re gonna get Fred out of there.”
Why do we always have to take out the trash?
Officer: “Hey boss! I think we just found the WMD!”
Cop with hand that’s gone where no man has gone before…
“Man, this is the worst finger puppet ever”
“Hey Earl, I can make her say ‘Death to America’ while drinking a glass of water.”
“Let’s go retard bowling!”
Comrade Sheehan
“Well, he’s not as skilled as Sharpton, but what the hey”
“Hey Earl, I think I found your keys!”
“If we just heave her into the dumpster, it’s less paperwork.”
Cindy Sheehan’s protest crowd diving meets and abrupt end.
“I spend all that time training to beat people with my flashlight, but instead I’m always forced into doing this kind of @#$%.”
Cop: “Man, this guy looks exactly like John Denver.”
She does look almost giddy. Probably the first time something that good looking ever touched her in her life!!
Caption: “Why do these sissy anti-war men always have to wear skirts?”
Cop on left: “Whatever’s down there just chewed off my right hand, so I’m keeping my left one behind my back where she can’t get to it!”
Cop on left: “…and cough!”
Cop on left: “Seriously dude, I don’t know why we have to do this here, a doctor’s office would be more appropriate. They have beds with stirrups and stuff there…”
Cop on right: “Just shut up and get it done with.”
Cop on left: “Fine, but you’re buying the drinks tonight!”
Pomoze Bog.
And thus, in his role as 4-H Club leader, Officer Dan demonstrates once again how mares are artificially inseminated.
Pomoze Bog.
BTW, note the ultra-leftist lesbian Epicopalian minister in the background…
They’re carrying her! Can’t left-wingers do anything for themselves? Always gotta wait on the government.
“Hah! In your face Rita. Let’s see a storm get arrested.”
“I quit working at the zoo so I wouldn’t have to move this stuff anymore. Life just isn’t fair.”
One moment Cindi, we can’t seem to find that left-wing torch everyone says you are carrying.
Cop on Left: “Wait…just a sec…yeah, here we go. Wow, there really was a bug up her @ss.”
Cop on Right: “That’s not a bug, it’s a ‘roach’. Sort of explains her last speech.”
It was at that time that Jim, a peace officer for fifteen years, contemplated suicide for the first time.
Is it me or does Cindy have the hairiest arms in the photo?
Cop on left: “Two in the pink, one in the stink, right Cindy?”
Cop on right: “Now you can carry her like a six pack, and I’ll go club some more hippies!”
Cindy: “I’ve always wanted to be picked up by the fuzz!”
Confederate Yankee has the best caption for this:
This is like a part of the book “Dune”… The officer is taking a test administered by the Bene Gesserit. In her dress is a fleshy “Pain Box”: A small box which induced pain into the nerves of the hand. The officer has ball of steel!
For the first time in her life, Cindy agrees with the authorities’ “position”.
Cop: What the… Isn’t that Disney’s Space Mountain in there? And look, it’s the monorail!!!
All of existance was lost today as a mysterious black hole developed curiously in Cindy Sheehan’s vagina.
Officer – please use your LEFT hand!
And so it came to be that the ultimate question was answered: “Cindy Sheehan, boxers or briefs?”
“Ma’am, do you have anything dangerous up there I should know about?
Weapons, drugs, razorblades, today’s NYT?”
It’s good to see they’re wearing gloves.
I think the cop is about to drink a glass of water while Cindy talks, and then her bowtie will start spinning…