Fun Trivia

If God came down from Heaven and said the war in Iraq is just, would any liberals listen?

No, because God is not currently signed up for the military, thus making His opinions for war irrelevant.


  1. Brandon,
    That’s the funniest thing I’ve read in weeks 🙂 After all, the so-called “fellow travelers” of communism are what Stalin referred to as “useful idiots.” This is because, as Whitaker Chambers explained, self-proclaimed communists who aren’t willing to take action are still enemies of communism. Therefore, moonbat leftists who aren’t willing to commit acts of vandalism, block traffic, and move to communist countries are chickendoves. Cindy Sheehan should speak out about these spineless cowards and dissasociate herself from them.

  2. Pomoze Bog.
    Minibrain, guns (especially handguns) are like beer. Sometimes your in the mood for something heavy like Guinness Extra Stout (.40, or .45 caliber), and sometimes you want something a little lighter, like Rolling Rock (9mm, .38., or even .32).
    Personally, I like them hot and heavy, either .45 or .50 (Golden Eagles are Israel’s best gift to humanity).
    So, Minibrain, the next time some intruders burst into your home and begin sodomizing you and taking everything of value you own (even your hemp t-shirt and sandals, and your rain forest coffee), you might consider that maybe owning a gun would have been a great idea…

  3. That’s impossible, he doesn’t exist. Besides he would say that we need to feed the hungry, house the homeless and make rich people pay for it all. He wouldn’t say kill Arabs for profit.
    Jesus was a Socialist, didn’t you know that?

  4. Yep Toad734, then he just had to go and ruin it when he called the servent “wicked” who buried the talent (a unit of money) he was given instead of engaging in capitalism to grow his wealth.
    Then of all things he took the money away from him and gave it to another servent who was already richer.

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