Q: Anybody notice the one suggestion Michelle Malkin didn’t make in her Top 25 list?
A: (Okay, there is no answer. SarahK just told me to stop talking about Michelle Malkin. Oh, and SarahK told me to tell you that SarahK is pretty.)
Q: Anybody notice the one suggestion Michelle Malkin didn’t make in her Top 25 list?
A: (Okay, there is no answer. SarahK just told me to stop talking about Michelle Malkin. Oh, and SarahK told me to tell you that SarahK is pretty.)
Who is this “SarahK” person, and is SarahJ jealous?
Wow, Sarah has Frank and you whipped. Now that’s talent.
Sarah, do you give lessons?
SilverBubble, it’s simple. i control money at IMAO. they say nice things about me (especially about me being pretty), i pay them.
this is why John Hawkins could never work for IMAO. he’d never say i’m pretty, so i’d never pay him.
Hey SarahK-J! You’re pretty!
Now gimme!
Still a little sore about John, eh?
I am sorry but Michelle Malkin is hot. 🙂