Why are you looking at me like that?
Oh– I get it– it’s time for the Carnival of the Cats!
The Carnival of the Cats is a weekly roundup of cat-related posts on weblogs. Its purpose is to provide a non-political respite from the vehement echo chamber that the Blogopshere spins itself into during the week, demonstrating that even the mightiest and meekest of pundits have a love of cats in common.
I think we’re up to 113 COTC at this point. Shall we begin?
Shipping and Handling Extra
Steve wonders why cats hop in boxes. The real question to ask is Why do cats hop out of boxes? Because boxes are nice things to be in when you have the chance to be in them.
Some cats prefer plastic. There’s no explanation for this, not even stinky socks within the plastic.
How about sitting inside of a donut? Just don’t dunk it in the coffee.
Don’t want a donut? Perhaps you’d settle for Danish instead?
I’d rather just sit on my hat instead, thank you very much.
Bathroom mats are supposed to be there for your safety, but stepping on this one might hurt you worse than if you had none there at all and just slipped.
Olver and Bazel make a cute, frightened couple, don’t they?
Normally when people get smudges in their windows, they get angry. In this case, I don’t mind.
Ramona and Harper snuggle up and snooze. Looks like someone has a few pounds to lose.
Pull back the blinds to reveal the bright shining sun. Close the blinds and return to the shadow.
CocoPuff gets sweet nothings whispered into her ear.
Eli and Tigger keep the Neighborhood Watch staffed– let’s see– how much do cats sleep? Okay, barely 2 hours a day.
To the winner goes the spoils, to the loser goes the floor.
I didn’t realize that <a href=”http://justbetweenstrangers.blogspot.com/2006/05/thursday-bengal-blogging-snuggle.html>Bengals practiced Zen Buddhism.
Two and a spare make up the infamous Meowers Of Death! (No comment on the use of ham as a bribe)
There’s more than a pair to behold among the animal family, where three’s not a crowd– it’s barely a quorum!
Then there’s the Seven Deadly Cats Of Mog. Because Eight is More Than Enough.
There’s always kittycats from The Holy Land.
Just in case you thought the DaVinci Code was dangerous for human souls, imagine the impact it has on cats with their nine lives!
Current Affairs
Where will Mojo have her kittens? Don’t ask Zogby. They still think Kerry won.
Do your kids watch too much television? No? Then what about your cats?
Domo arigato, Mr. Gato, for defending America from interloper mice when Bush just wants to give them citizenship and the keys to the larder.
Boo demonstrates to Representative William Jefferson what the view from prison looks like.
The Top Ten Threats To National Security? Based on the slashes on my leg, I’d think it would be Nardo’s ten front claws.
Baby survives the New England Floods.
Pretty for Pretty’s Sake
Does GK have what it takes to become the next James Bond?
A still life in fur for Sunday? Perhaps motion can be achieved on Kitty Movie Monday?
Cornelius goes from a sprawl on the bed to whacking away at the keyboard for some late night web browsing.
Miss Marilyn swoons at the news that her favorite blogging cat is back.
Gracie rolls around in sun and shadow.
Is there any better cat than a sprawling Tux?
Butterscotch gets pretty, just for you!
Open the curtain to reveal that the blackness within isn’t just the shadow.
Well, I guess that’s enough links for today, so tune in nex-
Um– what’s with the knife?
Parts and Pieces Parts
Why don’t cats use the Metric System? Because they’d rather just use feet.
Boots shows off the perfect fuzzy tummy for his birthday.
Charlie shows off the perfect spray of whiskers for all to envy and emulate.
Is an Ego a cat-part? When it comes to Morris, it sure is. Or is Morris a part of the Ego?
The one thing scientists can’t seem to find is the voice of the cat. Uh huh. Ever get a tail in your face around mealtime?
Come in here, dear boy, have a cigar. You’re gonna go far, fly high, You’re never gonna die, you’re gonna make it if you try; they’re gonna love you.
How much is that kitty in the window? Since when did Gilmour write that one? Or was this a Syd Barrett special right before the meltdown?
Into the distance, a ribbon of black stretched to the point of no turning back. A flight of fancy on a windswept field, standing alone my senses reeled. A fatal attraction is holding me fast, how can I escape this irresistible grasp?
Dogs of war and men of hate. With no cause, we don’t discriminate. Discovery is to be disowned. Our currency is flesh and bone
We dont need no education. We dont need no thought control. No dark sarcasm in the classroom. Teachers, leave those kids alone. Hey, teacher, leave those kids alone!
Yummy cats are grown fresh in the garden. Just be sure to wash off the dirt.
What’s the best time of the day for a cat? Beezer explains: it’s dinnertime!
How about some tasty possum, Kiri?
Izzy eats the drapes and Meowza devours the sun that soaks through.
Behold, the Power Of Cheese!
If you have a meal around Little Miss Blossom, be prepared to share.
You could always stuff the cat to fill a pie.
One cannot survive long on a diet of wire however.
No matter what you eat, be sure to brush afterwards.
Say a Hail Mary for Mary who didn’t make it.
Sierra is gone, commemorated with stamps. (I haven’t used my Edloe stamps because they were 37 cents, not the current 39. Yes, that’s the reason. It sure is.)
And we reach the end
Yawning so soon? I guess we need to give this one a rest.
Got corrections? Comments? Let me know. I’m game.
Also, if you participated this week and have a photo or three you want added to the Carnival of the Cats home page banner gallery, just send me the photos with the cat’s name and URL so I can add them and properly recognize them.
Future episodes of Carnival of the Cats can be found at the COTC home page, laid out like a pretty schedule table thing there.
I’m not worthy of your splendid intro!
Thanks for hosting it this week.
WOW, lots of cat posts!
Bad link(s?), fixed (the first one) Infamous Meowers of Death
Cats rock! Good looking kitty!
All the best carnivals are hosted by Edloe. That was a great one.
I just found the carnival about a week or so ago…thanks for including Smudgie’s still life photos! I look forward to future carnivals. I just love looking at pix of cats!
Way too much cat-blogging on here. If nothing else, please give equal times to those readers who may be of the canine persuasion and may be offended by the clear bias toward those of the feline culture.
Son of Bob-
What, because I Jewblog, it means I have to waste my time and effort doing “equal time” crap with Islamblogging?
Get screwed, SoB. I do cats.
Dogbloggers are more than welcome to set up Carnival of the Canines, Ask The Dogs, and other canineblogging features.
Not my problem if nobody’s as motivated as I am to do such things.
Maybe if you spent less time whining and more time dogblogging, running a Carnival of the Canines, and doing your own Ask The Dogs feature you’d be a happier person.
Go. Get lost. Go be happy.
I’ve heard that Laurence Simon is full of crap.
Dan J – Jesus, what a pointless podcast you’ve got there. Five minutes of intro and feedback and meaningless garbage, music, blither, music, blither, music, blither, and then five more minutes of thanks and promos and crap.
Is there a podcast somewhere in there?