IMAO Reader Challenge: Diagnose Kos

Considering Kos’s usual paranoid delusions on his blog combined with this creepy appearance in a campaign ad, why don’t we all grab a DSM-IV and try and diagnose exactly what mental defect he has.
My off-hand guess is Irritiable Bowel Syndrome… but that’s not covered by the DSM-IV.

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  1. It seems that Kos is afflicted with the following from DSM-IV:
    Adjustment Disorders | Anxiety Disorders | Delirium, Dementia, and Amnestic | Impulse-Control Disorders | Mental Disorders| Personality Disorders | Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders | Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders | Sleep Disorders | Substance-Related Disorders
    or maybe he simply suffers from the Peter Pan syndrome ( I’ll never grow up….not me)
    I fear however that he is infected with liberalis psychosis, which is a terminal condition, demonstrated by a unwillingness to see things as they really are and a total disregard of any fact in opposition to the patients belief system.
    *This differs from faith due to the wholesale lack of a basic belief in any eternal truth and/or something or someone greater than the patient himself.
    My recommendation: a year or two in a third world country, say the Philippines or Nicaragua. No contact with the civilized world and living on the economy, it’ll either kill ya or cure ya.

  2. I’ve atackled that question before in a post titled Kool-Aid, Spiked With With Vitriol. Kos and his followers have a very real disorder known as Folie à deux, meaning quite literally “a madness shared by two.”
    Folie à deux is a rare psychiatric syndrome in which a symptom of psychosis (particularly a paranoid or delusional belief) is transmitted from one individual to another. (Related to the issue of shared delusions, there have also been occasional claims of shared visual hallucinations that are near-to-exact duplicates.) The same syndrome shared by more than one person may be called folie à trois, folie à quatre, folie à famille or even folie à plusieurs (madness of many).
    Various sub-classification of folie à deux have been proposed to describe how the delusional belief comes to be held by more than one person.
    Folie imposée is where a dominant person known as the ‘primary’, ‘inducer’ or ‘principal’ … (Kos anyone?), initially forms a delusional belief during a psychotic episode and imposes it on another person or persons (known as the ‘secondary’, ‘acceptor’ or ‘associate’) with the assumption that the secondary person might not have become deluded if left to their own devices.
    Read the whole thing here.

  3. My professional diagnosis is that he suffers from one of the most severe cases of cranial-rectal inversion I have ever seen in almost 30 years of being an Evil Doctor.
    Have an Evil day

  4. This is an easy one. Notice the monkey eyes? That indicates a monkey brain located a couple inches behind. The cure? A punch in the face of course! Are you guys OK with brass knuckles? Of course this one wasn’t listed in the DSM-IV, but all those shrink types are nuts anyway.

  5. It’s simple. It’s the ol’ “I hate my life. I ain’t smart enough to figure out how to straighten it out. Would you like some cheese with that whine…” Crap that plagues this type of website. Kinda sad, really…
    Picture the cartoon of the School for the Gifted with the kid with a school book under his arm, pushing for all he’s worth on the front door that has a large pull sign on it…

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