
I’ve tried and failed to come up with a joke about Eliot Spitzer. Should I just turn in my political humorist badge?
Well, put any good ones you’ve heard in the comments. Try and keep it relatively clean.

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  1. Eliot Spitzer walked into a bar and sat down on a barstool. The barman asked, “Hey, aren’t you disgraced Govenor Eliot Spitzer?” He replied, “Why yes, I am Govenor Eliot Spitzer, disgraced Govenor of the State of New York.” So the barman grabbed the back of Eliot Spitzer’s head and slammed his face into the bar, breaking the guv’s nose and the granite countertop at the same time. “I hate Eliot Spitzer” said the barman.
    It’s funny because the barman couldn’t grab his hair when he slammed him into the bar because disgraced Govenor Eliot Spitzer is bald and bald jokes are funny.
    Ha Ha Ha.
    [It made me laugh. Violence is also funny. That’s why all animals love it. -Ed.]

  2. Well, Spitzer is the joke. Ha Ha
    Seriously, here’s a ponderer: When Slick Willey ( no pun intended really) did what he did in the Oval Orifice with Monica not only didn’t he lose his job, he was elevated (seriously, no pun intended) to near saint-like stature within the Demoncrat party.
    Now we have the governor of New York, a place very well acquainted with the oldest profession in a somewhat similar situation. Was the governors mistake paying with cash or was it paying at all?
    So the moral (and I use that term loosely is:
    It’s ok to cheat on ones wife, just as long as you don’t pay for it.
    By their fruits………..

  3. Eliot should have phoned home more.
    Eliot Spitzer thought he was talking to a producer for a movie of “T.J. Hooker” to be shot in New York.
    Eliot is embarrassed his short comings have been exposed.
    Ok, I stop now. Too bad Eliot couldn’t.

  4. It seems Spitzer’s been “on call” for a long time.
    Hillary needs to separate herself from Spitzer before he gets his hooks into her.
    Spitzer’s wife apparently feels it’s okay to touch, just don’t look.

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