Obama explains why he isn’t suspending campaign and returning to Washington D.C. to deal with financial crisis . . .

(AP — Chicago) In response to questions concerning Senator John McCain’s announcement that he was suspending his presidential campaign and returning to Washington D.C. to help form legislation to deal with the financial crisis, Senator Barack Obama proclaimed that he would continue campaigning and would appear for the debate on Friday in Mississippi whether Senator McCain showed up or not. He explained, “Look, I have zero practical experience in economics or the national legislative process. My only accomplishment as a U.S. Senator has been to get nominated for a different job. Besides, and more importantly, I’ve already FedEx’d my teleprompter to Biloxi. What am I going to do, stand mute on the floor of the Senate waiting for someone to feed me lines about hope and change? I don’t think so.”


  1. Please, oh please, let somebody record the economic meeting Bush invited the O-man to. I can’t wait to hear the boundless wisdom that is sure to come from the The One’s piehole. The attack ad should write themselves after that.

  2. I thought it would be something along the lines of:

    “My position as Senator never really made much of an impact before this crisis because I’ve been running for president ever since I was elected to the Senate, so why bother now? I mean…The only reason I ran for Senator in the first place was to set myself up to run for President. Look at me – I’m totally useless. I haven’t proposed a single piece of legislation, or made a single bit of difference in the Senate so why start now? I’m just going to give my proxy vote to Pelosi and call it done.”

    maybe with a few more uh’s and um’s thrown in because I’m more “articulate” then the Messiah when I type.

  3. Why’s he sending it to Biloxi? The debate’s at Ole Miss- which is in Oxford. That’s the other side of the state!

    Either (1) Darth Rove is just THAT good, or (2) Obama REALLY is bad at geography.

  4. Ya know, there’s something about this bail-out I don’t get.

    Hank Paulson says that this plan could actually make the government money and this would benefit taxpayers. How, exactly is that?

    He’s proposing to buy up a bunch of undesirable debt using my tax money. He’s then proposing hanging on to it for a while, and waiting for the market to rebound. Then he’s proposing selling the assets that are still good back to to the private sector (i.e ME) at a now elevated price, and thinks that he can turn a tidy profit doing it. So…how exactly does this benefit me? Isn’t what he’s proposing essentially having the government take even MORE of my money? I’m a tax payer and I just don’t see how this will benefit me.

    Now..if he said that every taxpayer who will put in their $2300 for this bailout gets a check for, say, $4500 when they government gets this 2-some trillion dollars he thinks this bailout can generate then sure, I get it, but I didn’t see that anywhere in the proposal.

  5. I agree seanmahair, except since Ann isn’t running for office, Sarah Palin should step in and debate Obama tomorrow night. Watching her mop the floor with him, and McCain already showing decisive leadership by demonstrating his Presidential skills in Washington, will certainly put them over the top as it would show all doubters that yes, she is highly qualified and capable to fill in for the boss.

    Obama can keep doing what he does best — talking, and, well, that’s basically it. And he’s really kinda overrated at talking. I’m seriously stunned at how many think that his 143 days as a “present” voting senator qualifies him to run the country.

  6. Good for you Obama, don’t let the idiots get to you, thats the way republicans always do it, by showing how much there stupidy gets in their way, and they say lots of things they never mean, because when the republicans get back in office, everything they say is history, and then they do something else.

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