Comment of the Day

Hard to beat this one. Gary wrote (to a Cadet Happy post):

Not sure where the thread went but how is it trolling to wish that McCain had picked Romney instead of Palin?? Given the bailout news it would have been a shrewder pick. Several months ago this blog was pushing Romney. If you think that is trolling then get a clue Frank J. you arrogant unfunny pinhead!!

I like how he starts as a concern troll but can’t keep it up for more than three sentences. Incidentally, the IP places this one in Amsterdam.

Point of order: Did IMAO ever push Romney? I remember statements to the effect of “Out of the candidates remaining, Romney least makes me want to slit my wrists,” but I don’t remember going much further. Anyway, this has been a couple concern trolls now that have been trying to push Romney. Who puts them up to this?


  1. Why not just say yes, he would have been a good pick but we are behind Palin instead of slamming Romney. Bunch of jerkoffs here at IMAO. Don’t be short sighted and arrogant.

    [Another Chicago commenter! -Ed.]

  2. I’m not from Chicago you lying moron. Quit lying to your readers. You think your so smart cause you think Palin is better than Romney but you have no facts to back it up. Get some facts or don’t argue it! God your stupid. You know we would already have this election locked up and Obama would be a non-threat. I’m just one of millions that wish McCain would have picked Romney. You must be one of the biggest losers on the internet. Your hate of Romney is disgusting. I vomit now: blerghhhhhhh.

    [IP address -Ed.]

  3. I think Romney would had made a better presidential canidate but Palin makes a better VP canidate.

    I could care less where you are from but my research shows France and the IP is owned by a company named in Amsterdam.

  4. Candidate*

    I guess I still am not fully awake… So use to hitting preview and proofreading.

    I will take this post to reiterate that I voted Romney in the primaries and think that he would make a great president.

  5. WTF wrote: “You know we would already have this election locked up”

    We know, that’s why we went with Palin – so you guys wouldn’t win.

    …and WTF, shouldn’t you be out looking for a job?

  6. Please read what Jason has to say at – he explains why Palin is bad and why us Mitten fans are souring on PP (short for Pathetic Palin). I’m really horrified that a conservative blog is now deadfast against Romney. I can’t believe this is happening in my party. What hell hast McCain wrought?

    [This one is actually from Pennsylvania. Who is organizing this crap? -Ed.]

  7. Why is it crap that some of us like Romney. He’s a lot more experience than Palin! Read the blog and maybe learn something! You do understand that Palin is a political joke compared to Mitt Romney don’t you?

    I am not a crank!

  8. Romney haters are mean. Down with the Romney haters. You IMAO people are making me really start to dislike Palin. Be nice to Romney or Palin will not get my vote! Obama is fine and he can get us to 2012. We don’t need McCain-Palin. And we don’t need liars like you saying lie things on the Web.

    [Yet another Romney fan from a Chicago IP. -Ed.]

  9. What silly douches! The only candidate IMAO pushed was the most awesome Fred Thompson. I did vote for Romney in the Florida primary after Fred dropped out. These douches are starting to make me regret that.

    And what is it with these cranks insisting they aren’t cranks? C’mon, show a little self esteem. “I may be a crank, but I’m still OK.” Yes you are, there, there.


  10. Seems the troll scored a big point on you and found a weakness. You obviously know Romney would be a smart choice otherwise you would not have spotlighted this comment so you could ridicule it. Making fun of something is a way to attack something and try to diminish it but it is mostly used by inferior feeble minded fools who are incapable of intelligent discourse. Apparently, the last thing the far right wants brought up is that Romney would have been a better choice than Palin. This is because they plan to run Palin in 2012 if McCain does not win. If Palin is destroyed and made to blame for losing this election then it might be the much more presidential Romney that Republican voters turn to as their choice in 2012. That is what you and the other righteys fear. It’s obvious given today’s financial crisis that Romney would have been the better choice so out of fear and the lack of a reasonable argument to the contrary you are forced to go with the “make fun of it” approach. In doing so you have exposed yourself to the world and your goals and desires now stand naked to the universe and obvious to everyone. A better tactic might have been to ignore this one completely but it is much too late for that now. Yes, Romney was the right choice and the right is now desperate to hide this fact or try and laugh it off. Good luck with that. Sincerely yours, Rub My Bean Pole.

    [Chicago! -Ed.]

  11. Hm, did you say Amsterdam? Over at Dirty Harry’s, they had a Concern Troll named smellybeef who was quickly unmasked and subsequently banned. DH fended off a few attempts to circumvent, with the IPs coming from Amsterdam.

    You should let the DH folks know that you found their troll. They must be worried – you know how the trolls like to stare at the sun unblinking when left unattended.

  12. hidemyass – that’s a funny name! Romney would have been better because at least he is not afraid to be interviewed. There are running out of time to let people get to know Palin. Still some time left though. Interesting blog.

  13. I think people are tribal. They identify with a particular tribe and cheer for anyone who represents that tribe. A lot of my fellow Mormons rooted for Romney to succeed just because he was a member of our tribe– in the same way that Communists cheer for Obama, and the mentally ill cheer for Ron Paul.

    But let’s leave the tribalism aside, and try to examine the issue a little more objectively. Romney doesn’t have to be the VP candidate for McCain to bring him out and have him talk about the financial situation. And in fact, McCain has done that.

    So, what’s the problem? And don’t tell me that Romney would have been better for the ticket, because he wouldn’t have been. He wouldn’t have made people excited to vote Republican in the same way that Palin has. And a lot of Huckabee fans would have stayed home rather than pulling the lever for McCain / Romney. I’m sorry, but that’s the truth. The party is better off without Romney on the ticket this year.

  14. [Another Chicago commenter! -Ed.] [Chicago! -Ed.] [Yet another IP from Chicago. Chicago sure loves Romney. -Ed.]

    Now do you all realize what I’m up against in this goat-herd city?! It’s not enough to love Daley and worship BHusseinO, now they love trolling, gays, and Romney, too. Just not necessarily at the same time.

    Oh, and Jimmy, good one with the troll shoes, although you forgot “Piss Ant” and “Heiny Hole”.

  15. I love your freedoms, too, ILoveMyFreedoms.

    We’re always on the hunt for more styles to satisfy demand. So, at your suggestion, these are now added to our troll shoe styles:

    Piss Ant
    Heiny Hole

    Also, as a special bonus to our customers today, we’d like to take this opportunity to unveil these new special styles:

    Skunk Cabbage
    Brain Dead
    Cellar Dweller
    DNF (Did Not Finish)
    No Job Yet
    Clueless In Chicago

    And good luck in Chicago! Seek out fellow Conservatives.

  16. It’s great how the children lose their mind when they realize they’re losing. Even Bill Clinton is praising McCain and Palin.

    Poor little fellas…stuck with two losers: Barry the Socialist and the President of Hair Club For Men.

  17. “Incidentally, the IP places this one in Amsterdam.”

    Just nit picking here on the technical side: Does it really point to Amsterdam, or is ARIN pointing to RIPE in Amsterdam? RIPE is the European version of ARIN, so you have to follow the link to them to see where exactly it is in Europe. My guess is that it will probably land in either Germany or Italy. Based on the sentence structure and use of slang (pinhead maybe in Oxford’s dictionary, however I can’t imagine the queen using it), it appears that this troll is American. Germany and Italy have the highest concentration of Americans in Europe, and it is quite possible that multiple deployments of this person’s spouse may have caused an acute case of BDS that lead to a total breakdown of higher brain functions such as reason, logic, personal accountability, etc. AKA liberalism. This troll should know that help is available through family counseling services on post.

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