Be Positive

A good part of being conservative is being positive because we’re awesome and we know it. While liberals bitterly cling to their Noam Chomsky and paper mache protest puppets, we’re generally happy and go about doing our useful day to day work. So, let’s just choose to believe everything here and keep positive about the upcoming election. And we should probably buy some earplugs because if McCain actually wins the high-pitched whining will be unprecedented. I’m not exaggerating. For a while, you’re going to wish we didn’t win. The negative coverage McCain and Palin will get will trump any treatment of Bush. Conservative pundits going on news shows are probably going to need tasers. Keith Olbermann will deliver a comment so special it will just be incomprehensible screaming. The Kos Kids will start to attack and eat each other. It will be horrible and awesome. It will be hawesome.


  1. My dear sweet 83 year old mother in law has nightmares of what will happen if Obama doesn’t win. She live quite near a large eastern city in a Demoncratic infested area of the country. We’ve tried for years to get her to move to a more sane and less violent area of the country but she doesn’t want to leave her memories. This may just be the catalyst for her.

  2. I have done my own polls in Ohio and trust me Obama’s team will try to steal Ohio but I don’t think so!!! I think it’s running more like 55%(McCain) 40% (Obama) with 5% undecided but leaning towards Palin. Enough Said!!!!!

  3. Here is the worst of it.

    – If Obama wins, I think there is a very high probability of a new middle-east war between Israel and Iran and probably others very soon after the election. Either Israel will think there is no other time slot for taking out that nuclear power plant, or Iran will assume that and just start bombing cities in Israel (we’ve already heard a few reports like that, including them bombing London for some freak reason). That’s before he even has a chance to make Jimmy Carter look sane in the white house.

    – If McCain wins, we have riots, lootings, and bombings in our own cities, while some neo-sixties BS boils over. A quick read of the government reports on the sixties do not lead me to have warm fuzzies about that.

    Either way, thanks to the democrats nominating someone so radical, manipulative, cryptic, and incompetent, this is the mess we are on the precipice of. Had Hillary been nominated, even though she would have been a disaster, she wouldn’t have been THIS kind of disaster. Whatever preparation you would take if a hurricane were to hit your house, you would be wise to do in the next few days.

  4. Conservatives are the ones with guns

    I’d qualify that.
    Conservatives are the ones with the guns who practice with them.

    The rioters might have guns, but they’ll probably be the ones who don’t get to the range very often.

  5. My husband and I have noticed that more and more folks are going to the range. We are also seeing empty ammo shelves in stores that never had a problem before. I agree with being prepared… and water is something that living in CA I have to have around anyway- but ammo is the big ticket item- oh and knowing how to properly use the gun that ammo goes in.

  6. I’ve boiled this down to its simplest elements, based entirely on my own selfishness; If McCain is elected I can probably buy a new pickup within the next few months. If Obama is elected I’ll be driving my old Hyundai for at least two more years.

  7. I live in a heavily Democratic urban area. It is so pro-Obama that the NY Times did an article about some folks who live a few blocks from me because they have McCain posters on their house.

    Of course, this McCain pocket is a remnent of the older blue collar resident’s of my neighborhood, most of whom have been pushed by yuppies like me.

    I did not put a McCain sicker on my car (in any event, my wife is in the tank for Obama too) — rather I have a “Bumperstickers are not the answer” sticker.

    I am not sure how my neighbors will react in the off chance McCain wins. I assume some will plan on moving. My political views are not that well known, and I assume some will congratulate me on my upcoming move to the UK.

    I for one welcome our new socialist overlords.

  8. How can I not be positive. Gas where I live has gone down almost a dollar a gallon in a week. I can now buy gas, (Good gas like at Texico or Cheveron, Not that water they sell at discout gas stations.) For under $3. Just in time for Chevrolet to release the new 6.2 liter, gas guzzling Camaro. The Lord works in mysterious ways.

  9. Can’t we spread our ammo around first before we turn in our guns, ussjc? A little equitable redistribution of bullets would be good. That would make it a ‘level playing field.’ Just thinking about fairness here.

  10. FrankJ,
    I’m curious. How long would you guess it would be – regardless of who wins the election – before Keith Olbermann is picked up by cops running naked through the streets telling children he’s Jesus and warning that squirrels are conspiring to take over the world?

  11. Heh.
    Was the post title on purpose? I mean, a post that seems to at least be pointing toward bloodshed is titled “Be Positive” (B+).

    Anybody else I would guess “not on purpose”, but I’ve seen you be too subtly funny too many times.

  12. “How long would you guess it would be – regardless of who wins the election – before Keith Olbermann is picked up by cops running naked through the streets telling children he’s Jesus and warning that squirrels are conspiring to take over the world?”

    I had a roommate who watched him – Honestly, that would be a step up from what he normally says.

    Having been out of work over a month, I can’t afford a firearm at this time. However, my light crossbow and bolts are no longer stored separately. Maybe I’ll visit someone and borrow one this weekend, if only to keep on hand a few months. Fortunately liberals are retarded enough to burn their own cities instead of mine. And in this area, a Bulls win is considered reason enough. Considering Obama has reserved Grant Park for his acceptance speech, and there will be a lot of drunk Chicago liberals there, if he doesn’t have anything to announce by 10 PM that they want to hear, I think the second Chicago fire will be his most likely cause of death.

    Wait, wait – let’s think about this for a second. So if the election is even CLOSE, we might be rid of the hardest-left wing elements in Chicago in one big suicide pact of chickens coming home to roost? Do you envision ANY scenario with that many drunk liberals for a black president in Chicago (murder capital of the US) that does NOT result in something very embarrassing happening for the DNC? His first act as president-elect could be a murderous riot. Even if they put metal detectors and whatever around, gang-bangers are perfectly content to stash weapons nearby, be offended over something innocuous, leave, grab a gun, and start shooting into the crowd from outside security. And then there’s the stampede. One could easily picture any 400-pound liberal boomer trampling through about a dozen 90-pound college bong-water lavae on their way to a heart attack 20 feet down the sidewalk. I can’t tell you how many of these Cloverfield liberals I have known for years in the Chicago area who will no doubt be there.
    The next morning, the only response we could see is Biden and Pelosi looking like Art Carlson and Herb on WKRP saying, “As God is my witness, I thought turkeys could fly”.

  13. Pingback: SansPretense » About those polls…

  14. Laugh you silly clingers! The new SCOTUS will be dominated by lesbians and acorn slicks! We are all going to jail! For some of you the BenDover shuffle in the men’s shower may seem inviting (Jimmy) I for one shall be hugely disappointed in probing games!

  15. The squirrels have already taken over the world. The election will just ratify that fact, no matter who wins. They don’t call this the “Gelded Age” for nothing.

    The only plan left is to pick the most rabid o’bummer supporters you know, and ask them to put in a good word for you when you are arrested and sent to a re-education camp.

  16. Prepare like you’d prepare for a hurricane.

    Turn off the gas, store water, food, medicine and important documents, and board up your windows.

    Or go to the nearest Korean owned grocery store and offer to join their defense forces.
    During the Rodney King riots one positive story was about the Korean Supermarket where they barricaded the doors with grocery carts and posted rifle-men on the roof.
    They didn’t get looted or burned out like many other neighborhood businesses.
    I guess barbarians prefer unfortified targets. I’m Just saying.

    Thanks for the Positive news. I shall ‘endeavor to persevere’!

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