Murderous Hippies

William Ayers, Obama’s friend, wanted to divide up America among the Communist nations, round up Americans into reeducation camps, and kill 25 million people. That should be horrifying, but my main reaction to it is “stupid hippies.” Really, how the hell did the Weather Underground expect to pull this off? I guess first they think that everyone in America would go, “Hey, you know those people who are setting off bombs? Let’s put them in charge!” And how would they round up tens of millions of people? With a vast hippie army? Or do they think the current military would just listen to them?

WILLIAM AYERS: “We need you to round up and kill 25 million people.”

MILITARY OFFICER: (pulls out gun, shoot Ayers in the face) “One down, 24,999,999 to go, I guess.”

This just reminds me of the impotent, divorced from reality planning we see on the Daily Kos these days. Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if Ayers is a diarist there.


  1. The only way they could have killed 25 million was if they recruited all of them into the Weather Underground and put them to work making bombs. They ran through bomb makers in groups of 3, so it might have taken them a while.

  2. Well, California alone has about 36 million people with many concentrated in areas amenable to weapons using atmospheric dispersion as the delivery system. Why do you think Homeland Security is so worried about dirty bombs? So, 35 years ago, the idea was silly and unworkable. Today, not so much.

  3. “Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.”

    That’s from Lenin, of course. He thought he was talking about communist indoctrination in Russia. He was actually talking about guys like Professor William Ayers.

  4. Funny (not really ) that you mention this. After hearing a former FBI agent on Levine yesterday afternoon discussing this, I had a LONGGGGGG discussion with my brother the Marxist last night. Oh, he is in total agreement with Ayers and the like. They think there should be a revolution in this country.

    I asked him about Obama’s lame excuses about Ayers. My brother said, of course he knows what Ayers stands for, we all do, and we agree with him.

    Straight from teh mouth of a Marxists. scary, eh?

  5. Frank – once the “vanguard elite” takes over they have other people do most of the dirty work. They just sign the list of people to be liquidated at the bottom. Of course, some guys like Che and Beria enjoyed being in on the “action.”

    Jimmy – as to how they are/were going to do it, you can read potions of the Weather Underground’s manifesto “PRARIE FIRE” [primarily written by Ayers] here:

    I would STRONGLY urge everyone who reads IMAO to familiarize him or herself with the organizing document of the anti-american left. The fact it was written by a close associate of our putative 44th president is, to any person with a modicum of objectivity, chilling.

    See, the plan not just to plant bombs and magically kill 25 million. It was Multifacted plan involving: terroism, group struggle, i.e., mobilization of the “opressed”, errosion of patriotism, with the ultimate goal of socialism from “within.”


    “Our job is to tap the discontent seething in many sectors of the population, to find allies everywhere people are hungry or angry, to mobilize poor and working people against imperialism”

    “We have an urgent responsibility: to destroy imperialism from within in order to help free the world and ourselves from its grasp”

    “Our final goal is the destruction of imperialism, the seizure of power, and the creation of socialism. Our strategy for this stage of the struggle is to organize the oppressed people of the imperial nation itself to join with the colonies in the attack on imperialism. This process of attacking and weakening imperialism involves the defeat of all kinds of national chauvinism and arrogance; this is a precondition to our fight for socialism.”

    Take a good look around. Patriotism, ahem, “national chauvinsim” is an anathema to our elites and to many of those who have gone through the grinder of our “education” system, the “discontent” has been tapped and is used for votes by “democrats”, who then further their agenda from “within”. As for the 25 milion in “re-educations camps” – well, give them time.

  6. Small comfort though it is, I find some solace in the knowledge that the commies are always so fractured that they can never even agree on what they are so pissed about. I offer you landmark case of The Judean Peoples’ Front v. The Peoples’ Front of Judea, circa AD 33.

  7. I think McCain should buy ad time to just run that video clip with no comment. Let people make up their own minds. Let the media left embarrass themselves, let the academics come out and say it’s what should happen.

    I do think it’s sick they take one corrupt banker that McCain was found innocent of being associated with and think it’s even steven with the Weather Underground.

    Keep in mind, the Weathermen before they went underground were discussing the idea that it would be a good thing to kill every white male baby at birth because they will just grow up to be oppressors. When one person said that’s unfair, he was shouted down.

    The only good thing about hippies is that they were too baked to do more. For an incredibly accurate and funny description of hippies and Ayers.

  8. “This process of attacking and weakening imperialism involves the defeat of all kinds of national chauvinism and arrogance; this is a precondition to our fight for socialism.”

    Multiculturalism anyone?

  9. Ironically, on 9-11 as the terrorists were hitting the towers, there was an article published in the NY Times about terrorism:

    “Mr. Ayers, who in 1970 was said to have summed up the Weatherman philosophy as: ’’Kill all the rich people. Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the revolution home, kill your parents, that’s where it’s really at.’’

    “So, would Mr. Ayers do it all again, he is asked? ’’I don’t want to discount the possibility,’’ he said.”

    “In 1967 he met Ms. Dohrn in Ann Arbor, Mich. She had a law degree from the University of Chicago and was a magnetic speaker who often wore thigh-high boots and miniskirts. In 1969, after the Manson family murders in Beverly Hills, Ms. Dohrn told an S.D.S. audience: ’’Dig it! Manson killed those pigs, then they ate dinner in the same room with them, then they shoved a fork into a victim’s stomach.’’He also writes about the Weathermen’s sexual experimentation as they tried to ’’smash monogamy.’’ The Weathermen were ’’an army of lovers,’’ he says, and describes having had different sexual partners, including his best male friend.”

    “And if there were another Vietnam, he is asked, would he participate again in the Weathermen bombings?

    By way of an answer, Mr. Ayers quoted from ’’The Cure at Troy,’’ Seamus Heaney’s retelling of Sophocles’ ’’Philoctetes:’’ ’’ ’Human beings suffer,/ They torture one another./ They get hurt and get hard.’ ’’

    When Barack Obama was running for State Senate, he held committee meetings at the home of his neighbors Bill Ayres and Bernadine Dohrn. Bill and Barack have children at the same school, served on boards of local groups together.

  10. Reality Intrudes proves once again why his/her comments are so worthy of note. That’s some scary research, Reality.

    We are in a political battle for our way of life.

    McCain for President for no other reason that he’ll buy us some time by fighting the idiot Congress.

  11. GiantJellyFishKiller: I perused the link you provided. Thank you.

    THere is some amazing stuff there. I read through one of the links that discussed the possibility of Obama knowing Ayers way back in 1980. Can you imagine? And of course Obama’s records during college have not been released. Coincidence? Doubtful. I’m not a believer in conspiracy theories, but this stuff is becoming frightening.

  12. Since they apparently can’t be arrested Dohrn and Ayres should be banished, banished, banished. There’s an island in the Indian Ocean that has some goats and Navy personel on it. I’m thinking that’d be a great place to send the great unwashed. The lagoon even has a man eating-oh sorry Ms. Dohrn a person eating shark.

    New game- bobbing for hippies.

  13. Adak island, Alaska; waaay out at the ass-end of the Allutian islands had a SAC airbase with housing for 4000 people.
    When they closed it in the 90’s (Thanks, Pres. Clinton), the state of Alaska didn’t know what to do with it because it would cost a few million a year just to keep the buildings heated.
    Last I heard, they just shut it down, turned out the lights and left.
    If we need a isolated community for child molesters and/or 70’s radical college professors it’d be perfect.
    (And so close to Russia, they’d feel right at home!)

  14. Dang GJFK #9, scary stuff there. And I can see it all happening…or already happened.

    From #16: Mr. Ayers quoted … ’’ ’Human beings suffer,/ They torture one another./ They get hurt and get hard.’ ’’
    It’s almost as if Ayers (he’s no ‘Mister’) expects it, defends it as his m.o….rather than fighting such atrocities or at least being appalled by them.

    Same here #23.

    Time to go shopping for my first gun! Can I get one at Walmart, and piss off the Liberals at the same time for shopping at WM? 2 birds and all. I’d like some sort of rifle, and something small for CC inside my purse and/or bra holster (it’s okay, I’m a she). Should I register them like the law-abiding citizen that I am, and thus advertise to the elected gun-grabbers that I have one two for seizing? Or should I break the law and just surprise someone who wants to mess with me that I’m packing heat? I can see merit both ways. Someone needs to write a Gun Ownership for Dummies book. Anyway….

    #24 That sounds like a good location for a conservative bunker should The O. steal this election with all his zombie, felon, terizt, idiot, fictional character, and multiple voters voting multiple times.
    Fred and Sarah can be appointed our Leaders for Life. I’m literally packing my bags now just in case.

    The more I think about it, the more I think we definitely are in the midst of Armageddon right now, battle between good and evil and all that. Of course, the WW2 generation probably thought the same thing. But back then, Americans were united as one against evil, and proud of our country who fought evil inside and outside our borders. Nowdays, half the country supports evil, teaches it, legislates it, broadcasts it, and lives it outright.

    Whichever, the comforting thing is that Good always wins in the end, and all of us will soon be standing in Judgement to explain ourselves to our Creator.

  15. McCain/Palin win and all our dreams come true, and all our fears prove unfounded.
    The country prospers, our enemies retreat, and our children have clean earth to till.
    But what kind of weather shall they have?
    The same twisted Animal Farm bunch that are trying to steal this election will regroup and hatch new plots, spread new propaganda, and seach for more bitter people, clinging to their resentments and unfullfilled ambitions, with antipathy towards those who, unlike themselves, can still find joy in the simple blessing of being left alone.
    If this contest is a narrow victory, the next one will be narrower still, unless something changes their hearts, for nothing so far has been able to change their minds!

    “Hardly has our strength sufficed to beat off the first great
    assault. The next will be greater. This war then is with-
    out final hope, as Denethor perceived. Victory cannot be
    achieved by arms, whether you sit here to endure siege after
    siege, or march out to be overwhelmed beyond the River…”
    Gandalf, LOTR, ROTK.

    Well, we know how Gandalf and his buddies solved their problems, but how do we win the minds and hearts of of our enemy within? (Without massive airstrikes, I mean!)

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