Vote Obama and Don’t Ask Any Questions If You Know What’s Good for You

I hope we’ve all learned our lesson. In the new regime, if Barack Obama comes to your house, you better show him complete reverence or he and his cronies in the media will destroy you. Joe the Plumber has had his company shut down just for asking a question, so Obama is already losing people jobs and he’s not even president yet.

Anyway, if you want to keep your meager job and share in Obama’s socialism handouts, don’t ask questions like these:

“I know your supporters can’t, but can you name anything significant you’ve accomplished?”

“Do you have any friends who don’t hate or want to destroy America?”

“What’s your policy on flag pin wearing today?”

“When Chief Justice Roberts says your full name as part of swearing you in, are you going to have him arrested for a hate crime?”

“Why are your ears so big, you mutant freak?”

“So basically you think Socialism is fine and dandy as long as you call it something else?”

“Can I call you ‘Barry’? How about ‘Pinko’?”

“How exactly are you going to handle the presidency when rolling a ball down a little lane is apparently an epic challenge for you?”

“Can you please say, ‘Did I do that?’ in a nasally voice?”


  1. What a list! I am cracking up! At least you’ve injected some humor into the seriousness of our country’s hostile takeover by the leftist illuminati. I commend you.

    One other thing: In that article, Joe the Plumber comes off as a truly decent, courageous person. He’s a saint for not being angry at being used as a political pawn. If he runs for president, he has my vote.

  2. I asked Obama the following questions:

    “Why did you say ‘Allahu Akbar’ when a car bombing was shown on the television?”

    “Why is ‘From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs’ tattooed on your back?”

    I am now commenting from a dark basement in suburban Chicago.

  3. I vote already for Obama cause he best with saving our giant oceans and is friends with Al Gore and Bill and Hillary Clinton!! I don’t know why they say Palin is all damaged now because she make McCain lose. I think McCain lose because McCain unlucky cause of those stox falling. I’m so proud of Sarah Palin for changing her mind about global warming and promising to help save our planet! I hope she not gonna give up and just go back to Alaska and cry. That would be sad 🙁

  4. If an unarmed citizen see a Palestinian with a rock in one hand and a empty KFC bucket in the other, does he grab for the rock or tackle the bucket. And where does he go for sensitivity training if he thinks like your Secret Service agents?

  5. I’m Colin…err…P…o…w…e…l…l… I…endorse…Barack…Obama…because my wife told me…err…because…he is the most qualifi…snicker…umm…

    I’m Colin Powell and at one time I had self respect but I have lost all! I have sold out to the platforms of racial equality and political correctness based upon what the media wants me to do rather than what is right! I’m sooooo lost!!!!

  6. I’m Barack Obama and you losers thought a Hillary POTUS would be ugly! Wait till I put 3,000 uber lefties into DC! In charge of Air, Water, National Parks, Mining, Oil, Emissions, Cars, Trains, Planes, Light Bulbs, Work Rules, Labor Laws, Gay Laws…Muwhahahahahahahah!!!!!!!

  7. I’m John McCain and my only regret is that I will not be the one putting 3,000 uber lefties in charge of all this stuff with me in charge. Awwwww shucks!!!! I shall, however reach across the isle to work with my close personal friend Barack Obama to accomplish “work” on behalf of the American People (translated making big dough for Wall Street Bankers which will get sent back to Senatorial campaign coffers). Muwhahahahahahahaah!!!!

  8. Collin Powell promotes Obie because he doesn’t like the “tone” of McCain’s campaign.
    As in…. skin tone? What a racist!
    Biden spoils it for Obie (again) by opening his mouth in public less than 24 hours later.
    What crisis? If you know it’s coming, it’s not really a crisis, is it? Just a very poorly kept secret at this point I think.

    More acid down the stormdrain.

  9. #12 USSJC – “I’m John McCain and my only regret is that I will not be the one putting 3,000 uber lefties in charge of all this stuff with me in charge.”
    You’re killing me! I almost choked to death on my vodka and Metamucil reading that one.

  10. Pingback: Why Obama Supporters Should Be Called “Number 2’s”

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