If Glock Made Flashlights

Sadly, there are currently no plans for a production model, but maybe if we sent Magpul Industries a few letters of encouragement…

Anyway, here’s the pdf FAQ.

[Hat tip: vw bug]

UPDATE: Full disclosure – I own a Glock 17, so I may not be completely impartial on this topic.


  1. Not in production, and no plans to be in production my a**. I bet SOCOM gets about a dozen of these secretly shipped to them a week. They probably just don’t want foreign customs departments to be on the lookout for gringos carrying these flashlights. It saves on the bribe money.

  2. The practical application of this tool is to be easily smuggled into a third world h**l hole, where it would then be taken out, pointed at the head of some terrorist sympathizing public figure, and then the trigger would be pulled, and said terrorist sympathizer would cease to be a problem for the people of the good old USA. It could actually be used on actual terrorist, but usually smart bombs, and M-16s do a better job of that.

    Of course, there is no practical use for it, because all the liberal sights claim that terrorist are just a figment of our imaginations.

  3. Netbook meets submachinegun. I love the line, “Very transformeresque”.

    My main concern would be reliability with that many moving parts, which is my guess as to why it’s “not going into production”. It would take a while to get all that settled out to get it up to special forces milspec, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it does go into production quietly in a year or two.

    As for the flashlight at the end of the gun, anyone who has played Crysis knows to TURN THAT THING OFF ASAP if you don’t want a big arrow saying “shoot here” pointing back at you. Unless you plan to hunt deer with a submachine gun. That’d be a lot of lead to dig out of your venison.

  4. That pocket glock would be great for varmint control . see a teritz — just point your glocklight at him/her and turn it on , I bet it would take care of the greatest threat this country has ever seen——- LIBERALS and don’t worry about the light giving away your position Libiots don’t belive in guns

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