Could It Be Magic?

There’s a mall in New Zealand that’s looking to drive off troublesome teens … by playing Barry Manilow music.

A group of several dozen young people regularly spread rubbish, spray graffiti, get intoxicated, use drugs, swear and intimidate patrons at the outdoor mall, he said.

The city council, police and local property owners covering 410 businesses agree that “nice, easy listening” music like Manilow’s “Can’t Smile Without You,” “Mandy” and other hits might change the behavior of loitering teens

If it works, I have another mission for Manilow:
The White House
Maybe blasting Manilow music at the White House would drive out all the undesirables.


  1. Wouldn’t jail change some of that behavior? How about a nice humane cattle prod? Or maybe, just maybe, they could hire some rent-a-cops to run the little bastards off the property. It seems to me by not discuraging the bad behavior (loitering) with positive reinforcement of the (most likely) posted law, unstead of cowtoeing to the little shits, they are pissing up a rope with this psychobabble pc correctness.

  2. #1 is correct; most fanilows will drink whatever koolaid their idol does.

    Manilow is a long-time moonbat (remember his hissyfit 2 yrs ago over sharing a stage with Hasselbeck) and Dem contributor, and NZ is not the first time his music has been used as punishment. It worked in Australia with kids loitering after hours in parking lots, and in our own Colorado for noise violators. Thirty years later, his name is still a punchline. Gotta love it.

    I bet some Nuge would flush the Liberals outta DC though, or even Lee Greenwood.

  3. Kathleen Parker sings to Barack Obama…

    I remember all my life
    Rainin’ down as cold as ice
    Shadows of a man
    A face through a window
    Cryin’ in the night
    The night goes into

    Mornin’, just another day
    Happy people pass my way
    Lookin’ in their eyes
    I see a memory
    I never realized
    How happy you made me, oh Barry

    Well, you came and you gave without takin’
    But I sent you away, oh Barry
    well, you kissed me and stopped me from shakin’
    and I need you today. Oh, Barry!

    I’m standing on the edge of time
    I’ve walked away when love was mine
    Caught up in a world of uphill climbin’
    The tears are in my mind
    And nothin’ is rhyming, oh Barry

    Well, you came and you gave without takin’
    But I sent you away, oh Barry
    well, you kissed me and stopped me from shakin’
    And I need you today, oh Barry

    Yesterday’s a dream
    I face the mornin’
    Cryin’ on a breeze
    The pain is callin’, oh Barry

    Well, you came and you gave without takin’
    But I sent you away, oh Barry
    Well, you kissed me and stopped me from shakin’
    And I need you today, oh Barry

    You came and you gave without takin’
    But I sent you away, oh Barry
    You kissed me and stopped me from shakin’
    And I need you!

  4. In Olympia, WA they played classical music to drive the teens away from the park in front of the bus transit.

    It worked in the first two days and has been playing ever since with perfect results.

  5. If they did that at Club Gittmo, the liberals would claim it was torture and call it “cruel and unusual” punishment.

    Arresting the little punks and letting them spend a month or two in the slammer never occured to them. I forgot, thats only used to supress conservative and pro-life free speech.

  6. I was troubled when the government was using music to break down the terrorists who threaten our way of life. But, when it comes to rowdy teens stirring up trouble at the local mall, I say give no quarter, they must be defeated!

    And, get off my lawn.

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