Embyonic Stem Cell Fun!

Crowder, hilarious as always most of the time occasionally.

Now don’t you right-wingers start fomenting anger against Crazy Pete like you did with Tiller!


  1. I’m not angry at Crazy Pete he’s just a capitalist. I’m angry at Crazy Obama who wants to kill babies and the country. I liked Crazy Pete’s phone number 555-kill that is awesome. Crowder is great.

  2. Some of the cases of people actually trying to use embryonic stem cells internationally are pretty wild. Not only are the cells unhelpful, they go absolutely bat-excrement crazy. People implanted with those suckers tend to start growing fifty seven flavors of tumors in all kinds of inconvenient places.

  3. Im sorry…… but I find that I am morally obligated to hunt down Crazy Pete and, well, lets just say that Crazy Pete is going to be unavailable soon.

    Nothing Personal….. but Crazy Pete MUST Die!

  4. Another good example of why I refuse to call myself a conservative.

    If embryonic stem cells get such bad results, what’s all the excitement about? The whole situation will go away by itself.

    I’m very opposed to late term abortions. If that’s all that the self-proclaimed conservatives wanted I’d be on board. But noooooo… the want me to get all hot and bothered about a blastoshere.

    Same goes for just about any Republican issue – I voted Republican because I want smaller government, lower taxes and strong national defense. What did I get?

    Massive new federal entitlements.
    School prayer.
    Flag burning amendment.
    Terry Schaivo.

    I’m not a Christian, and I don’t intend to become one. Y’all conservatives can keep that smelly pile of dead fish away from me. I’d cut my arm off before voting demoncrat, but I’m not voting Republican either. I’m not even voting “present” I’m just not voting. Screw all of yezz.

    Crowder really comes across as a effing jerk when he does this.

    [Part of being a conservative is also not being a whiny, apoplectic bitch. Probably not for you. -Ed.]

  5. Actually, I really would like to see brain-dead limousine Liberals start using Embryonic Stem cells. How perfect will it be when the Celebutards and Congresscritters start growing all manner of unhealthy tumors all over the place? I believe the Earth-loving, eastern mysticism adopting leftards would call that Karma.

  6. Pingback: Steynian 366 « Free Canuckistan!

  7. #5 – ManMountainMolehill,

    “I refuse, call myself, I’m very, I’d be, want me, I voted, I want, I get, I’m not, I don’t, from me, I’d cut, my arm, I’m not, I’m not, I’m just …”

    Dude, get over yourself!

  8. ‘what’s all the excitement about?’

    They’re subsidizing it despite the fact they don’t work. Just as gov’t subsidizes bad art, you get more of it.

    So you’re killing embryos even when you get nothing out of it. I thought you said you want smaller gov’t? Since when is subsidizing useless procedures part of small gov’t, retard?

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