It seems like Obama is really set on destroying the American economy with his cap and trade energy tax, his taking over healthcare, and his “stimulus” spending. But why?
I think I’ve figured it out.
In 2012, we’re all going to like super-hate Obama and be like, “Let’s get rid of the bum!” But when we get to voting booths, they’ll be like, “I’m sorry, but the country is completely out of money and we can’t afford any ballots.”
So, with no money for an election, Obama will announce, “I’m president now for forever and ever!”
Then we’ll go to get a court order to remove him like the Honduran military, but Sotomayor will be there and she’ll be like, “Wise Latina Senses tingling!” And she’ll tell us, “According to the Constitution, if there is no money for ballots, the current president gets to rule forever and ever.” Except she’ll pronounce it “Constipution” because she’s never even seen the document.
Then Obama will declare martial law and declare a number of fascist edicts, but it will be Biden who announces them and they’ll be weird and contradictory and no one will have any idea what to do. And North Korea, Iran, and the Taliban will each put one hundred dollars in a pool and whoever nukes us first will get all the money.
It will be almost as bad as the Carter administration.
It will be almost as bad as the Carter administration.
almost? This classless disgrace makes carter look intelligent. But his teeth are whiter.
………and is THAT when we break out the dinosaurs with rocket launchers?
This is all a conspiracy theory! You are getting paranoid!
You are a Right wing nut clinging to your guns and religion!
You have no proof of this and Obama is the greatest President since Carter or Lenin!
Actually, Frank, I think it’s worse than the Carter Administration.
Obama is going to continue on with his increase in the size of the government. because (like all liberals) he doesn’t understand that there are unforeseen negative consequences to everything. Liberals don’t believe in consequences; it’s sort of their defining characteristic.
Carter was an ineffectual naif; Obama is an effective one.
So we’re going to have high inflation, expensive energy, crippled national defense, no private sector growth, a dead car industry, houses no one can afford, hostility toward religion, free abortions, and bankrupt states.
On the plus side, we’ll have daily Obama press conferences blaming it all on Bush.
Bunker in forest: $18000
Guns and ammo: $2000
Horse and plow: $3000
Being able to say “I survived Obama”: priceless
But Obama won’t have the support of the military and police forces to back him up. He’ll be easily dislodged from The White House by a troop of girl scouts armed only with marshmallow roasting sticks.
And all manly men not already neutraliized by liberals shall have thei manhood removed by a camel skinner
Re: DamnCat: But Obama won’t have the support of the military and police forces to back him up. What about Obey-me’s brownshirt civilian force?!
Ooo lookie! I finally got rid of that ugly little guy and replaced it with my doggie! ;o)
I keep seeing this sleepy Elfin woman with the large modules on Frank’s site…inviting me to “Play Now”. Is this how Frank is now generating revenue as the economy tetters on the brink? Medieval lap dances and baroque barumpski’s?
OK fine….I’ll play.
If that’s the case, you clearly don’t have enough guns and/or ammo.
“Wise Latina Senses tingling!” Now I have to clean my keyboard, again. I bet they were tingling when SCOTUS handed down a decisiion toady.
When I wrote that post, I knew someone was gonna say this. I love you guys. 😉
I know where this is going…Hell in a Hoverbarrow comes to mind ( handbasket was way too small for what O-bah-muhh is slinging ).
“What about Obey-me’s brownshirt civilian force?!”
#8 – Taken care of by America’s many-shirted armed populace. You think we are going to let hObama’s SA to push us around? I don’t care how Black their Berets or Leather Jackets.
Wait, that color was SS’ color, wasn’t it? I’m sure that, given their Jew-hating, the Black Panthers would enjoy the comparison. Especially given how much they have in common with the Schutzstaffel.
#15 — Not to mention that the browns shirts can be eaisly targeted when they are smiling while beating off the juice.
It will be almost as bad as the Carter administration
the carter years sucked but the obozo years are sucking harder. obummer makes carter look like a great president.
…or, maybe it’s just that Kenyans don’t like America. Perhaps we should have elected an American to our highest office.
Hummmmm!! Wise Latina Sense, is that anything like Spidey Sense?
November 2010: as a last-ditch effort to scratch togeather some revenue for his next Whitehouse pig-roast, o re-institues the Poll Tax.
Frank; There is a time when I would have read that and thought – Never happen but pretty funny. These days, I wouldn’t bet a whole lot against it.
There’s all kids of stuff that could be engineered to happen to impose martial law.
Acorn could be put in charge of all the voting booths, and if you’re not drooling and chanting Obama…Obama when you show up to vote, the suckers don’t let you in or let you vote but toss your ballot out as you leave. It’s entirely possible.
Hell, the Dems decided they needed 60 Dems in the Senate, so they just kept finding Stuart Smalley ballots in their trunks for weeks on end until they had enough to push him over the top. Is there anyone alive who thinks those are righteous ballots?
And the Repubs are all about as useful as Harpo Marx.
Almost as bad as Carter… at least Carter had a brother the media made fun of like “Otis the town drunk” and even got a beer named after him… remember “Billy Beer”… left the same bad taste in your mouth as his brother’s politics …