E-Mail from Pelosi on Ted

Somehow I’m on Nancy Pelosi’s e-mail list and just got sent this. I wonder if they’re being a bit opportunistic about Ted Kennedy’s death and a bit obtuse of how he’s perceived by the public at large:

I have great news! Ted Kennedy just died! The nostalgia from his death should be just what we need to help pass the health care bill!

The health care bill will ensure that… well, I’m not quite sure what’s in it right now. BUT IT NEEDS TO PASS! That’s why we will now name the bill in honor of Ted Kennedy. Everyone should support it then since they all loved and respected Ted Kennedy as a man of the people if the reaction here in San Francisco is any indication.

Ted Kennedy was a fierce advocate. That means he talked about stuff. Really hard. And a lot. And about liberal stuff. No one else could have done that. Well, I guess about anyone could have done it, but not while being John F. Kennedy’s brother. And that certainly excuses him of whatever silliness it is that right-wing extremists are accusing him of.

So let’s get this health care bill passed for the memory of Ted Kennedy, a great, magnanimous man who in his great and storied life only vomited and passed out on me once. He cared and fought for each and every one of you no matter what… unless he was drunk and scared and felt he needed the night to get himself together. But we all understand that.

Representative Nancy Pelosi


  1. All I can say is that Ted Kennedy has been sober for at least 48 hours now…

    Ted Kennedy is dead…it’s all water under the bridge now…

    What’s black, white and hungry? Ted Kennedy’s cat…

    Why do I say things like this…what’s wrong with me…

  2. I think you’re correct Wacky Hermit. I can say from personal experience that on those occasions when I’ve been drinking to excess…I’ve always passed out before I got to the point where Nancy Pelosi looked do-able.

  3. There are several reasons that the email was actually sent by the white house sniffers and not by pelousy.

    1. Its in English, well most if it.

    2. kennedy is spelled correctly

    3. the email doesn’t ask for money

    4. thereis no hate Bush epitath

    5. Its almost pro America.

    Therefore is a shoddy attempt by evil right wing conspiricists to undermine the greatness of president pelousy and that dead guy who was a senator.

  4. With Ted Kennedy there’s got a be a “Reach across the car isle” joke in there somewhere.

    Side note ill vote for Amnesty but on an exchange program, we start trading illegals with families and jobs for liberals who dont.

  5. Obamaaintmymama says:
    August 28th, 2009 at 2:27 pm

    Why couldn’t it have been Pelosi in that car with Teddy back in ‘69? Why, why, why?

    NEVER. EVER. EVER use the terms Pelosi, Teddy, and 69 in the same sentence.

  6. I bet Pelosi is celebrating his death, as many others in the senate. Kennedy was the senate, he is been called the lion of the senate. Sometimes I couldn’t tell myself who is running the country Kennedy or the President. Look who’s Kennedy sponsored and supported to become President, and until this day I don’t know what got into Kennedy’s head to bring us Obama. Number one his disqualification under the constitution of the United States, he is not a natural born citizen. Number two his disqualification of leading a country such as the United States. The man has no experience whatsoever, beside making very well written speeches. Now that the lion of the senate is gone, the lioness is taking over. I bet Pelosi is happy.

  7. Pelosi is living proof that there might be some truth to those ads that claim all the ‘happy cows’ live in California. ‘Cause she’s defiantly a happy cow and she is from California! But, as everyone knows….not all the cows in California are happy! Like, for example, the one’s that got IOU’s for their milk, or got their hours cut, or are getting taxed back to the stone age, or got swept away in the floods, or burned out in the fires. So I guess that means there’s only two ‘happy cows in California….Pelosi and Boxer. Anyway, if you don’t believe me….just ask PETA.

  8. IH8Socialist says:

    August 28th, 2009 at 4:59 pm
    nancy pelosi is a useless dead dead twit, and may teddy boy enjoy rotting in hell.

    sorry my comment was ment to say a useless brain dead twit fixed it


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  11. “Mary Jo Kopechne was the first patient treated, in KennedyCare. Sadly, the Quality of Life Board detemined that heroic life-saving measures would consume precious resources that could be better utilized in furthering the career of ‘a man of the people’.”—Curly Smith, an astute commenter @ The American Spectator

  12. Pingback: E-mail sent to Dems from Nancy Pelosi after Ted Kennedy died (Satire from IMAO.us) « Are you Freaking Stupid?

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