Let’s See If I’ve Got This Straight

If the government gives a big wad of cash to your business, they can tell you how much you can pay your employees, what mode of transportation you can take, and where you can travel to because you’re on the taxpayer’s dime.


If the government is spending big wads of cash on your health care, they promise not to interfere with any health-related choices you’d care to make, no matter how many taxpayer’s dimes it costs.

Anybody buying this?


  1. A promise is a promise.
    What, like you can’t trust the word of a politician.
    C’mon, man quit being a nay-saying, hate filled racist.

    You know everything that comes out of the White House is TRUTH, especially the latest , truthier truth that is opposite the truth that was released a few hours, days or weeks ago.
    Like the campaign slogan said:
    “Change you can believe in, (as you wait for the next change).”

  2. Pingback: Government Motors And Your Health Care « The Underground Conservative

  3. Congressional Rules permit the speakers who have the floor to revise and extend their comments before they(their words) are entered into the Congressional Record, with the Mr./Madam Speaker’s permission. They revise and amend bills all the time, so in essence they have been playing CONGRESSIONAL CALVINBALL for a long, long time.

  4. How come the democrats communists have no problem telling big companies that pay BILLIONS in taxes what they can and can’t do but if anyone suggests welfare leaches (who suck up all those billions) actually W O R K…that’s mean spirited and of course >>>RACIST O_O?

  5. Teh Gubmint dont LIE…. the gubmint “mispeaks” or “should of calibrated thier words better”…….. or some other code word……. you know like the word “socialist” is the new code word for the dreaded “N” word……

  6. Don’t forget that I’ll buy THAT for a dollar was also in RoboCop. Yes and now the auto dealers are SHOCKED that the government is not paying them. I know they had no choice in the C4C program, but they shouldn’t be surprised. If you’re gonna dance with the devil…..

  7. Pingback: But they promise « Conservative Apologetics: Short & Simple

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