Surrender monkeys surrender. Or did they?

Remember that whole government-run health care bill? You should. It’s been in all the papers. And on all the blogs. And on the Twitter and the Facespace and all the other Interwebz.

Remember how important it was that it be done now?

“Why the rush?” we on the right asked. “Trust us,” the left said. “BS!” we on the right said.

Well, conservatives stood firm. Most of them. Those that haven’t, well, I’m not too sure they’re conservatives, anyway. Might be Republicans, but that don’t mean conservative.

Now, according to news reports, the White House seems to have backed down.

“Seems to,” is the key phrase. It’s too early to tell if they have surrendered, or if they’re just going to find another “Gang of 14” and ram it through anyway.

On the one hand, Democrats are cheese-eating surrender monkeys:

On the other hand, Democrats are also sneaky little weasels. And “moderate” Republicans will “go along to get along,” and be taken advantage of. That’s why the motto of the moderate wing of the Republican Party is “Thank You Sir May I Have Another.”

Remember how, in Iraq, some of Saddam’s soldiers would fake surrender, then pull out weapons and shoot our soldiers? That’s because they had no honor. And neither do Democrats.

So, we shouldn’t let up just yet. Government-run health care isn’t dead until it’s shot, stabbed, beaten, burned, with the ashes mixed in goat blood and fed to Ted Kennedy and John Dingell, and the whole thing videoed and posted on YouTube.

Even then, I don’t trust the Democrats. Or moderate Republicans. They’ll just write another bill that’s as bad. Or worse. Or nearly as bad.

The thing is, they won’t write a good bill.

Any bill that’s too long to sit through an oral reading is a bad bill.

The thing people are forgetting is that 10% of health care expenses are criminal fraud. And unintentional errors accounts for more waste. Until that’s fixed, increasing government spending on health care will increase the amount of money lost to fraud.

Of course, when you have a government run by Chicago crooks, they don’t see fraud as a problem, but as an opportunity to line their pockets.

The good news is, these types won’t stand up to an honest fight. They’ll fight dirty, but can’t stand honest debate. As long as the fight is honest, the right (moral and political) will win.

And the surrender monkeys? They’ll just sit and yell and fling poo. Like always.


  1. I agree. They are probably going to try and back door something sneaky. Therefore, we need to keep the pressure on until they are completely and utterly destroyed and crying and begging for mercy. Then, and only then, can we stand back and say: HAHA!

    [Here it is, without leaving this site:

    – B]

  2. Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made…They are of their father the devil, and the lusts of their father they will do. He was a murderer from the Big Inning, and abides not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. Like father, like sons, and daughters. NO TRUTH IN THEM!

  3. Government-run health care isn’t dead until it’s shot, stabbed, beaten, burned, with the ashes mixed in goat blood and fed to Ted Kennedy and John Dingell, and the whole thing videoed and posted on YouTube.

    This sounds fishy to me. You’d think that it wouldn’t be dead until it’s also fed to Henry Waxman, at least. Maybe also Barbara “Ma’am” Boxer.

    I’m reporting you.

    [Report me here?]

  4. Sorry about that link thing, MikeLL.

    I was adjusting the Reality Nozzle and it slipped.

    Somebody had been using it to make peanut butter.

    I’ll try to work on it tomorrow, but for the time being, the year 1968 has disappeared from history.

  5. And unintentional errors accounts for more waste. Until that’s fixed, increasing government spending on health care will increase the amount of money lost to fraud.

    That’s not a bug, it’s a feature.

    Now I’m reminded of what the Gipper said about eternal vigilance.

  6. While the cabal in the White House remind me of cartoons, do not be deceived. This is just the intermission. There will be more, it will be more brutal, more personal and definitively more duplicitous.

    Anyone out there who thinks these people are willing to compromise has their head in the sand. They don’t ever compromise. Not ever.

    Stay tuned for act 2.

  7. I was recently reading AOL news and came upon an advert in the sidebar where some do**sche named Ken Layne asked “Should socialized medicine protesters be denied Medicare?” It seemed to be linked to Are we to then deny war protesters the protection of our military????
    Oh goody!!!
    Interestingly, as of this writing, 78% said no. Hah. Stupid surrender monkeys.

  8. True, all. Clinton used a very simple tactic called the “90 day study” to push issues out of the news cycle and then decide them when no one was paying attention. Obama’s health care program basically isn’t single payer – it is unfairly competing payer that drives all other payers out of business in a few years, or only leaves the ones that give kick-backs to Friends Of Obama’s Buddies And Relatives (FOOBAR).

    Hmmm. That just came to me, but it’s so obvious once you type FOO that I’m shocked I’ve not seen someone else come up with it earlier.

  9. It wasn’t over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor…Nothing is over until we decide it is!

    Sen. Leahy has offered his Bush Truth Commission page to help in the battle (well, maybe not) with a great email service. You can tell a friend about Zombie coverage under the President’s plan, or perhaps share a great fish story, or let know about monkey poo slinging at a townhall. I’m just kidding, I would never advocate sending emails from Leahy’s Bush Truth Commission page with a sender address of That would just be wrong.

  10. Some suggest killing this bill will take wooden stakes thru the heart of it, or silver bullets from an M2 Machine Gun. Exposing all 1000+pages to the light of day has proven difficult to say the least. I think Ripley was on the right track, nuke it from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.

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