Random Thoughts

The Insane Clown Posse have a point: There are a lot of miracles all around us, and we should take time to notice them.

Also, I’ve taken advanced physics and can describe magnetic forces, but we don’t really know how magnets work.

NASA would like me to tell you that if the moon explodes soon, it has nothing to do with the secret space rocket.

I have a slogan the Republicans can use for the election this year: “Change we can change in.”

Actual line from AZ bill: “If someone looks Mexicany and doesn’t have his papers, you can whomp him with a stick.”

I wonder if the AZ law means I might finally have buyer for my Mexi-Cannon idea.

Actual line from AZ bill: “Dey took are jahbs!”

Illegal immigration is all America’s fault for having a border.

If an illegal immigration squish like McCain approves of the AZ law, then it obviously doesn’t go far enough!

I’m for getting rid of borders. Easiest way: Have America conquer all of earth.

New meaningless exclamation I’m going to try out for surprise/shock: “Bacon-eating Mohammad!”

A lot of people are saying they won’t go to AZ with all the bigots there, but Mexicans seem to like the place.

Who exactly is David Brooks’s audience? Who wants to read that?

I love the mature trees in our neighborhood. When we were in a new development, it was nothing but fart jokes from the trees.

Actual line from AZ bill: “One can’t be considered suspicious just because he’s Hispanic. He has to be REALLY Hispanic.”


  1. I don’t want to take over the world. Most of the world is a leftist or communist. Oh wait. That was redundant. Screw it. Lets take over the world and put all communists and leftists (dang redundancy) on Greenland and see if it capsizes.

  2. Here’s a little non-expletive expletive I’ve been using for a while – fudge-puppies! It goes well in mixed company and can’t be directly related to any of the seven-words-you-can’t-say-on-T.V. And yet, it has a subliminal “dirty” feel to it!

  3. “I’m for getting rid of borders. Easiest way: Have America conquer all of earth.”

    T-dog is right, you know, most of the world is leftist or communist. But look at the bright side, if America conquers the world you know those leftist bozos will probably have a stroke over the fact America is World Boss and many will die, saving us the trouble of hunting them down and shooting them in the head. Yeah, I know hunting down commies and shooting them in the head is a big part of the fun, but think of how cool it will be to haul a cart around town and have people haul out their dead commies. You know, just like in Monty Python and The Holy Grail, you can drive the cart around yelling “Bring out yer dead commie bastards” and pile them high then you haul them to power plant were they can be used as a fossil fuel. This will cause all remaining progressives to experience an exploding head episode. Mmmmmm, liberal exploding heads….

  4. An exercise in logic tells us how we can take care of the liberal commie bastards:

    1. Liberals state that Sadam Hussein’s regime did not torture people.
    2. We know that his son used to feed people who opposed the regime (and by extension, him) feet-first into shredders.

    So…feeding liberals who oppose you feet-first into a shredder is not torture.

  5. Who exactly is David Brooks’s audience? Who wants to read that?
    I’ve got a friend who thinks David Brooks is just the bee’s knees. The friend is one of those ultra-liberals (like all of them) who thinks he’s a reasonable moderate. Brooks’s function is to allow such liberals to pretend that they’re reading both sides of the debate. Can you imagine the depravity of a political movement that needs and wants to pay good money for “professional strawmen” willing to deliberately lose arguments? Wonder why there’s nothing like this on the Right… oh yeah, because we can win arguments on our own!

  6. Also, I’ve taken advanced physics and can describe magnetic forces, but we don’t really know how magnets work.

    A: They attract each other, but only at opposite ends.

    A lot of people are saying they won’t go to AZ with all the bigots there, but Mexicans seem to like the place.

    Well, bacon eating Mohammed, I think you missed the inherent racism here. If AZ has lots of Hispanics, and if AZ has lots of bigots, then Hispanics are bigots.

    I wonder if the AZ law means I might finally have buyer for my Mexi-Cannon idea.

    Is the Mexi-Cannon a chain gun?

    I love the mature trees in our neighborhood. When we were in a new development, it was nothing but fart jokes from the trees.

    I dunno. I’d take fart jokes over carping about 401k’s any time.

    Frank, it was a target-rich environment today.

  7. That secret space rocket is building the super secret sub-orbital concentration camps for the illegal aliens. I learned that on msnbc.

    Wanna see magnets at work? Welfare check + liberal= immediate atttraction. Now where’s my Noble Prize for Science! ?

  8. -The left thinks it can control Islam… it can not
    -The left thinks it can control a huge unrestrained government… it can not.
    -The left think it can control illegal immigrants… it can not.
    -The left thinks it can mock and falsely accuse Christians and American tax-payers… it can

    -The right thinks it can control the giant homeland security… it can not
    -The right think it can control a huge military all controlled from the pentagon…. it can not
    (note the constitutional state guards are a superior model to the pentagon model)


  9. In the NYTimes recently, a sliver lining in this collapse..

    “household debt, which has shrunk by about $600 billion since the fall of 2008, according to Equifax credit data analyzed by Economy.com. That amounts to about $6,300 a household. “

  10. “A lot of people are saying they won’t go to AZ with all the bigots there, but Mexicans seem to like the place.”

    Yes, and the people from Arizona couldn’t be happier that those hippies feel that way. Kind of an added bonus to passing that bill.

  11. When you see nice old ladies protesting like in the tea-parties its just like when you see a middle aged out of shape mother off in the distance sprinting off across yards and driveways. You do not know what were or how but you know something bad has happened.

  12. In the bill is language about training authorities to tell the difference between praying towards Mecca and siestas. Both are grounds for face punching and deportment but cultural sensitivity should be observed.

  13. I’m gonna bet MORE people won’t go to Arizona…or Texas….or Southern California etc because of all the Mexicans….
    much like Mexico. I don’t get people who keep saying it’s raaaaaacist to hate Mexicans, since when is inbreed a ‘race’?

  14. Immigrants come to join you settlers come to replace you. These are settlers.

    The land of America may be about to change hands again. It is happening this time just like it happened last time. Glad I don’t have children who will have to live through this.

    Here is what the leftist have imported into Britain



    Here is what the leftists have imported into America.


    Like I have said before never ever ever underestimate how self destructive the liberal mind is.

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