She’ll Swallow Your Soul!

Here’s a photo of Hillary Clinton from her appearance in Paranormal Activity 2:

Eh, still find Obama to be scarier these days.


  1. -Voting is a deeply religious experience for democrats because their dead relatives and neighbors reappear only for a moment at the voting booth behind the closed curtain.

    Shown -Hillary is about to summon the souls of thousands of dead KKK members (since they were a democrat movement) to go once more unto the breach to vote for greater state control over the citizens otherwise referred to as state slavery.

    Welcome to the new democrats same as the old democrats.

  2. Speaking of Hillary Clinton, her press conference with Timothy Geithner today was bizarre. What was especially disturbing, though, was that clearly, CLEARLY, Hillary believed that she was being rational. If you get a chance to watch a rerun of that press conference on C-SPAN or on other networks, it will be worth you time to watch it, if only to see how irresponsible, irrational and weird the people in the Obama Administration have become.

  3. Now THAT’s the Hillary that I wake up in night sweats thinking about! She is about to rise up in a cabinet meeting and announce Muwahahahah as she is lifted in the air and her head does a 360 on her shoulders. Barry will wet his pants as she sucks his blood from his body! Then every cabinet member in the room’s head will explode along with Pelosi’s and Hillary will finally be POTUS! Muwhahahahahaah!

  4. But then Sarah Palin will arrive, walk into the room and deliver a Skank Punch to the Skank of Skanks. It will send her to Umniverse of Skanks where she will rule forever with Madeline Albright and Helen Thomas and we shall have no more to do with her Skankiness…

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