You Keep Using That Word

I’m not sure what a “witback” is (I suspect it’s a euphemism for “smartass”), but apparently it’s as offensive as the word “illeg*l”.

Yes, these freaks are seriously asking you to stop using the “i-word”.

Let’s see, how many code words are we up to now? I’m pretty sure the following are currently classified as unspeakably offensive:

i-word (***new!***)

And possibly the v-word, if you watched any World Cup Soccer.


  1. With no apologies to James Wagner, the voice of Disney, who did the hilarious bit about the History of the F-Word (opens an MP3 with gratuitous use of the F-word that makes it NSF):

    Perhaps one of the most interesting words in the English language today, is the word illegal. Out of all the English words that begin with the letter ‘i’, illegal is the only word refered to as “the i word.” It’s the one magical word. “Illegal, as most words in the English language is derived from German — the word Geschwindigkeitsüberschreitung, which means to break the law.

    In English, illegal falls into many grammatical categories:
    As a noun for instance …John’s an illegal.

    Its meaning is not always legal, it can be used as…
    An adjective such as …John’s doing all the illegal entering.
    As an adverb …Shirley entered illegally.
    As an adverb enhancing an adverb …Shirley is working illegally here.
    As part of a word …absof*ckingillegal -or- inf*ckingillegal.
    And as almost every word in a sentence …Illegally hire the illegal illegals.

    As you must realize, there aren’t too many words with the versatility of illegal, such as these examples describing situations such as:

    Fraud …I hired an illegal.
    Dismay …Ahhh those illegals.
    Trouble …I guess I’m really illegal now.
    Aggression …Don’t take my job, illegal.
    Difficulty …I don’t understand this illegal person.
    Inquiry …Who the was that illegal?
    Dissatisfaction …I don’t like what the illegal is doing here.
    Dismissal …Why don’t you go outside and play hide and go jump the fence?

    I’m sure you can think of many more examples. With all these multi-purpose applications, how can anyone be offended when you use the word. We say use this unique, flexible word more often in your daily speech. It will identify the quality of your character immediately.

    Say it loudly and proudly…ILLEGAL!

  2. The First Amendment was specifically added to protect speech that people were offended by…screw liberals.

    In their twisted world, a liberal movie director drugging and raping a 13-year-old is fine, a jackass who puts a crucifix in a jar of urine is creating “art”, but calling people who break the law illegal is intolerable. Screw ’em….I’m going to have to start using that word more.

  3. As someone who married a foreigner and put the time, effort, and money into taking all the steps for her to legally immigrate to the US (and eventually getting her naturalized as a US citizen), I actually find this “Drop the I-word” campaign to be highly offensive. There are proper ways to enter this country, and I welcome anyone who wants to come here legally. “Illegal” isn’t a slander, it’s a factual description. If you come into our country without going through the proper steps or stay longer than you were authorized to, you are breaking the law. Amnesty for illegals is both a reward for breaking our laws and a slap in the face of every immigrant who came here legally.

  4. These dudes got the completely wrong point from reading 1984. You aren’t actually supposed to try to be Big Brother and eliminate concepts from language to screw with political goals.

    Good grief. If someone immigrated here in violation of our laws, they are an illegal immigrant.

    This reminds me of a scene from The Office, when Michael asks Oscar to talk about his background, and interrupts him with “Can you call yourself something other than ‘Mexican’? Something less offensive?”

    If these liberals hate illegals and think racisty thoughts when they consider that concept, that’s something they need to deal with on their own. I don’t. I don’t think of anything like the classic democrat hatred in the N word when I use the term “illegal”. I am thinking, hey, that person is here in violation of our laws. I think an illegal should be more offended by these lefties than the average Tea Partying type.

    It’s just English language, in the most strictly accurate way, and the people who want to make it immoral to make honest observations by deleting words are SOME SICK SOBs.

    Obama really screwed with a lot of heads. The left thinks people actually like this crap now.

  5. lol “Witback”… The derogatory slur for a Mexican is “wetback” if that’s what you mean. But yeah, I am no fan of racial slurs or political correctness. How about we keep things in perspective on what is offensive, and what is just the facts.

  6. See how calling people “illegals” what they are feeds the hate machine and hurts our nation’s future.

    If they’re so concerned about our nations future, they’d realize that importing million of criminals and “workers”
    when unemployment is at 20% and then paying them to reproduce like insects pretty much ensures there is no
    future for “our” nation.
    Communist front group much?

    BAN THIS:Support the campaign by donating to ColorLines/ARC

    hey!!! I thought colored was offennsive?

  7. I don’t usually double post but this particular issue really frosts my jets. I’m offended by 90% of what I see on TV or what is portrayed in the movies and about the same amount of what comes out of people’s mouths at almost any venue available. Foul, nasty, disgusting language from not just the “riffraff” but by our supposed betters and elites. You know the people large and in charge of the nation.

    Senators swearing at each other, candidates hiding behind their wives, staffers run amok. Everyone seems to think civility is the rule for everyone but them. So here’s what I have decided to do. Anyone who has to call someone foul names to make their point, I pay no attention to. Anyone who has to use foul language every other word, I pay no attention to. Any place visited by those who don’t know how to speak in PG rated language, I avoid it. Anyone who makes me want to vomit just by opening their mouths either because of the mental images they produce or the lies they perpetrate, I ignore. Along with that, companies that use spokespeople who are guilty of the above I either substitute another product or I do without and as someone who spent 28 years with 6 children and one income I’m really good at doing without.

    I guess that makes me a prude or intolerant and that’s fine by me. I’m tired of having other peoples filth forced on me.

    They absolutely have a right to say whatever they please as did that long ago band “The Dixie Chicks” but as with the Chicks I have the right to pretend they don’t exist, not to pay for their continued existence and to free myself of their influence. That’s what makes America the greatest nation on the planet, in spite of the Demon-crats, liberals, progressives and traitors …….oops so sorry. I meant communist-socialists but same difference. My bad.

  8. sean’s right. We’re inundated with the nastiest stuff. I’m pretty crass, but the TV can be absolutely ridiculous.

    That’s liberation or something. but speak the truth? That’s doubleplus ungood.

  9. I don’t like to swear much but where the f is Frank J? We miss his totally a funny and it’s time he get’s back to work unless he’s a q or something! So stop being p and get with the funny, now!

  10. I word? would that be illegal or insurgent?

    N word? would that be nancy pelousy or Nanny State?

    R word? would that be rahm or rangle?

    Oh yeah, illegal, illegal, illegal, illegal, illegal, etc.

  11. I would like to submit for banning: The “M” word. Used as in “mojado”. it is a term used by my Mexican/American friends to refer to the others if their race who just happen to not be citizens. Literal translation is “Wet”.

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