Random Thoughts

Why does everyone want to blow up the US? What did we ever do except be awesome?

We sure this bomb scare isn’t just HP cracking down on someone trying to refill their printer cartridge?

You think this Al Qaeda attack will distract people from the threat of Glenn Beck?

Maybe Al Qaeda is just planning to join Colbert’s “Keep Fear Alive” rally.

If O’Donnell somehow did win in Delaware, that would be pretty funny.

For the record, I don’t think there is such a thing as someone dangerously unqualified to vote yes or no on stuff.

They hate us for our Chicago Jews.

White people marching on D.C. talking about “restoring sanity”? This isn’t a prelude to ethnic cleansing, is it?

So did anyone figure out what the point of Jon Stewart’s rally was before they threw it?

People need to get over this Islamic terrorism thing. A radical Muslim hasn’t tried to blow anything up since yesterday.

Here’s the irony: The Beck rally actually stood for something. The Stewart rally is full of people not sure what they’re angry at.

Don’t ask me what the Beck rally stood for.

This rally might be the death knell of irony. Maybe society will move back to pun-based humor after this.

Aiee! I just found out the Rally for Sanity was really a plot by the Joker! How could we have been so blind?

Yay, another Saturday of college football where I root for all undefeated teams other than BSU to lose.

Wearing neat baby carrier work got me. Has hood so I can eat corn chips without getting crumbs on Buttercup.

So both the McRib and the new Goldeneye game come out Nov. 2nd. Does sounds like a Rovian plot to suppress youth vote.

Looks like Goldeneye will be an upgrade of graphics, controls, and Bond (Daniel Craig instead of Pierce Brosnan).

A moderate is a fringe left-winger who doesn’t scream angrily at the right all the time.

So basically Zach Galifianakis could just one day shave his beard and fade back into obscurity.

November 2nd will be “The Election to Restore Sanity.” Also, it will be the election to keep fear alive in liberals.

If the GOP doesn’t win on the 2nd, that’s pretty much it for the country and we should focus on making a Heinleinian society on the moon.

Is Nate Silver basically one of the best things ever about the New York Times?

As much as Obama sucks, I really have trouble believing that 47% of Democrats want him challenged in a primary. Maybe some just like primary challenges in principle and still expect Obama to easily win.

So basically the Gallup model says take some pictures of Democrats so you can one day tell your kids about them.

Still, hoping for 50 in the House as a big victory and no expectations for Senate other than Reid is gone.

All these favorable polls for the GOP are creeping me out. Would feel better with more lefties sneering about how we’re going to lose.


  1. So, Iowa beats Michigan State 37 to 6 and the BCS has Michigan St. ahead of Iowa! Yup, that makes sense to me! All that matters at this point is that Boise State loses one game and slides down to somewhere near my Hawkeyes and we play…let’s say in the Orange Bowl! By the second half the announcers will be reduced to “Oh The Humannity!” and the Boise State players will be chewing on Vicotin and shooting Morphine like there’s no tomorrow!!!

  2. So did anyone figure out what the point of Jon Stewart’s rally was before they threw it?

    Before they threw it? Heck, most people still haven’t figured out that it was nothing but a 3 hour promo for Stewart, Colbert, Comedy Central, a has-been basketball player, and a murderous Muslim folk-singer.

  3. Stewart threw a rally? What was it about? did anyone show up that wasn’t paid? How many child molester signs were there?\

    *shudder* Can you imagine the world if MarkoMancus thought. Did it just get cold?

  4. Yeah!!VA plethora of Random Comments. This means only one thing… Buttercup is sleeping all night.

    Over at DU the libtards are prediciting a full democrat sweep of the house and senate. Drug’s will do that to you.

    “We sure this bomb scare isn’t just HP cracking down on someone trying to refill their printer cartridge?”
    You are correct, sir.

    I had a McRib yesterday. Must have been a McPreview McRib.

    colbert and Stewart provided all of the bombs on Saturday. They flat out bombed out. And they were all duds, too.

  5. “So did anyone figure out what the point of Jon Stewart’s rally was before they threw it?”

    It was an attempted career boost for an untalented liberal comedian. Joy Behar’s just sorry she didn’t come up with the idea first…just imagine how many people the “Calling People Who Actually Like America B*tches Rally” could have attracted.

  6. “Here’s the irony: The Beck rally actually stood for something. The Stewart rally is full of people not sure what they’re angry at.”

    No, they’re angry at Beck for having a rally supporting America.

  7. Target rich environment today, Frank. It goes all the way to eleven.

    Yeah!!VA plethora of Random Comments. This means only one thing… Buttercup is sleeping all night.

    I was thinking just the opposite, storm.

    Wearing neat baby carrier work got me. Has hood so I can eat corn chips without getting crumbs on Buttercup.

    Better still, the hood keeps the crumbs for a convenient light snack later on.

    So both the McRib and the new Goldeneye game come out Nov. 2nd. Does sounds like a Rovian plot to suppress youth vote.

    This plot comes from a pay grade above Rove (believe it or don’t). According to the Nostradamas:

    In that year the poisonous orange rib arises
    In a faraway land of potatoes
    A field has turned from green to an evil blue
    The Abomination of Desolation is at hand

  8. Well, I’ve got all my hopes pinned on seeing BSU in the championship game now that it’s been clearly shown that Michigan sucks yet again. We apparently didn’t bother to recruit any defensive players, and to top it off, we’re running a 3-3-5. What kind of idiot runs a 3-3-5 in the Big Ten? Michigan’s (hopefully soon to be former) defensive coordinator, Greg Robinson, that’s who.

    So, I’m hoping for Utah to beat TCU, Alabama beats Auburn then loses the SEC title game, Utah slips against somebody, and anybody beats Oregon. Oh, and Ohio State to lose all their remaining games.

  9. Ernie, the Hawkeyes will do their part and stomp all over Ohio State! Pryor will spend the game on his back with 2 or 3 of our Defensive Linemen on top of him telling him what a loser and mammas boy he is! Adrian Clayborn himself will get 4 sacks and Pryor will be on the sidelines by the second quarter! PAIN…that’s what my Hawkeyes bring to games! Lots and lots of PAIN! That’s why I want to play the little guys in Blue! PAIN!

  10. What did we ever do except be awesome?

    Well, we elected Obama and Carter President, for a start. And elected Teddy Kennedy, Chris Dodd, Barbara Boxer, Patrick Leahy, Harry Reid, and Arlen Specter (multiple times for all of them). I could go on, but I think that I’ve made my point.

  11. Pingback: » Blog Archive » Glenn Beck: Stewart’s Message Was Same as Mine – Newser

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