Frank Riddles

Cory gets the HIGH PRAISE from the previous riddle, but there is still more HIGH PRAISE to be had. So riddle me this:

We wait for you,
You four in a row,
For you complete us and make us whole,
And then we are gone.

Be the first to solve this riddle and put the answer in the comments, and I will show the way out of this cave. Also, you get…


Have at it.

What Do You Call a Group of Atheists?

Soon, everyone will be having fun in the holidays and maybe about thinking about Jesus, and this is making some atheists mad so they want ad campaigns to stop it. Here is one of the problems with atheism: You have one person not believing and that’s okay I guess, but it just always gets weird when they’re like, “Let’s form a group and not believe in God together!” It just always ends up as a real pale imitation of a religion. And they’ve yet to come up with a good name for it. Some go with “free thinkers”, but anytime a group has to out front tell me how rational and logical they are, I always get the opposite impression. Another name the ad campaign is using is “humanism”, but could you get a name more vague? Do they raise money for George Constanza’s The Human Fund? Maybe this is their mascot.

And probably the worst part are that the most vocal atheists are also who sell it the most poorly. Not many people are saying, “Wow! I wish every little thing would make me bitter and angry at 90% of the population like these people!” And what’s the main appeal anyway? You get to be satisfied in how smart and reasonable you are while crusading in a cause that’s never achieved past fringe status in thousands of years?

Still, glad we have free speech and they get to do their ad campaign. You end up with a flabby, obese faith if doesn’t have to constantly fight off people trying to beat it up.

Should Democrats Change Things Up?

Some people are wondering if whether after this recent shellacking the Democrats should still be led by the same old people who are weird smell funny. But then who are the younger Democrats? The Kos kids? That’s just a bunch of young people who are weird and smell funny.

Maybe Democrats should talk to their friends in Hollywood and see if they can come up with some version of a Democrat that isn’t repulsive to normal people. Maybe using CGI. Of course, a lot of problem with CGI people is the “uncanny valley” where a person will look just short of normal and thus seem vaguely unsettling — so it is a pretty good Democrat simulator. Still, I think a completely fictional Democrat leader would go well with promoting all the invisible jobs they’ve saved and created.

There is still the problem of Democrat ideas, but I don’t think CGI can help that. In fact, it already reminds of CGI like from Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen — incomprehensible and headache inducing. So here is where Democrats should fall back on their secret weapon: Vagueness. Obama had the idea — “Yes We Can!” and all that. Just no specifics because your ideas creep people out as much as your weird old people.

So that’s the plan: CGI and vagueness. It’s like I’m pitching a big budget Lost movie.

Happy Veteran’s Day!

Thanks to all the people who go to crazy places overseas and kill bad people so we can be all safe and write silly blogs. It’s from your efforts that we are able to have these silly political arguments — not that we blame you.

God bless.

Random Thoughts

My family used to live in Alaska. They gave you money just to live there. It wasn’t enough.

I don’t want to overhype Rubio, but if he doesn’t end up being the most awesome person in politics ever then he is a huge failure.

Winning elections through skulduggery doesn’t make me happy. But I’ll take it!

I don’t know if Buttercup looks more like me or SarahK. I think she looks more like a bobble head doll.

Am I the only one who doesn’t find Murkowski that hard to spell? It’s not like my name where everyone is always doubling the frickin ‘m’.

I’m glad Kanye West and George Bush made up. You think they’ll release a new album together?

If the car was invented today, it would be considered too dangerous to be available commercially. “Really? You want to let any idiot who passes a couple tests speed around in tons of metal? Are you insane?”

It’s pretty cute the way Buttercup tenses and throws her arms into the air anytime something nearby explodes.

Proposed Constitutional Amendment: Every ten years, we toss all incumbents.

“It’s on like Bubble Bobble!” Yeah, guess that doesn’t have the same ring to it.

I think Buttercup is a conservative. Even small changes make her really angry.

Humanism is 98% the same as Ape Law.

Really? Atheists go with the name “humanism”? That’s so homo.

Don’t give in, Nancy

Them internets are crawling with stories that Democrats in Congress are wanting Nancy Pelosi to step aside as that party’s leader in the House of Representatives.

I think she should stay on the job. Not that you could say “job well done” about her. On the contrary, she’s led this country down the road to hell.

But, that’s exactly why she should stay on the job.

With Nancy Pelosi as the leader of the Democrats in the House of Representatives, she’s a reminder of what happens when you put a bunch of socialists in charge of important things. And everyone knows that socialists should be in charge of getting their dirt out of Boss Kean’s ditch … and nothing more.

If the Democrats replace Nancy Pelosi, they might pick someone who doesn’t remind Americans that Democrats are idiots who shouldn’t be trusted.

So, I really really want her to stay in charge of the House Democrats.

They deserve each other.