Random Thoughts

My family used to live in Alaska. They gave you money just to live there. It wasn’t enough.

I don’t want to overhype Rubio, but if he doesn’t end up being the most awesome person in politics ever then he is a huge failure.

Winning elections through skulduggery doesn’t make me happy. But I’ll take it!

I don’t know if Buttercup looks more like me or SarahK. I think she looks more like a bobble head doll.

Am I the only one who doesn’t find Murkowski that hard to spell? It’s not like my name where everyone is always doubling the frickin ‘m’.

I’m glad Kanye West and George Bush made up. You think they’ll release a new album together?

If the car was invented today, it would be considered too dangerous to be available commercially. “Really? You want to let any idiot who passes a couple tests speed around in tons of metal? Are you insane?”

It’s pretty cute the way Buttercup tenses and throws her arms into the air anytime something nearby explodes.

Proposed Constitutional Amendment: Every ten years, we toss all incumbents.

“It’s on like Bubble Bobble!” Yeah, guess that doesn’t have the same ring to it.

I think Buttercup is a conservative. Even small changes make her really angry.

Humanism is 98% the same as Ape Law.

Really? Atheists go with the name “humanism”? That’s so homo.


  1. So we see Buttercup has been to the firing range already. Can’t start them too young.

    I have heard the West/Bush release “Ebony, strategery, misunderestimated in by Hillary…”

    Humanists fling poo like apes, so we can see the common thread there.

  2. Anyone notice Republican establishment types trying to take over Rubio? Next up: Rubio teh Gigantic Puppet.

    Why do I find that the more Republicans wax lyrical about Rubio, the less I like him. Why don’t they go back to waxing something else?

    Bill Kristol said Marco Rubio was the first mainstream Hispanic that is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. What about Raúl Grijalva?

    Republicans waxing about Marco Rubio can sometimes be code to hide their distaste with other, more authentic Tea Partiers. “Why can’t Candidate X be more like Marco Rubio?” “I think the Tea Party is great, just look at Marco Rubio”. “I wish we could talk less about Sarah Palin and more about Marco Rubio”.

  3. Has Buttercup started her Kung Foo lessons yet? If you are any sort of responsible parent she should be breaking boards by now! That way if you are in the super market and some dweeb comes up to the cart she is in she can do some nad bustin’

  4. Am I the only one who doesn’t find Murkowski that hard to spell? It’s not like my name where everyone is always doubling the frickin ‘m’.
    I hear you FrnakJ.

    Proposed Constitutional Amendment: Every ten years, we toss all incumbents.
    See. that takes out accountability if they know they’re going to be out in 10 years even if they’re good.

    I propose that after 10 years in Congress each re-election is on whether or not to cannonize you.
    If the voters decide not to cannonize you, you’re still in Congress.
    We could use the Mexi-cannon when it’s not in use to cannonize any losers.

  5. jcp370 says:
    Why do I find that the more Republicans wax lyrical about Rubio, the less I like him. Why don’t they go back to waxing something else?

    Nail meet head. I don’t know much about this Rubio fellow, nor have I clue as to what he’s actually done, but I do know that Christie is kicking liberal backsides in New Jersey. Whyizzut that only Tea Party folks are waxing lyrically about the man whose approach Bismarck would describe as “an iron fist inside a titanium glove?”

  6. My family used to live in Alaska. They gave you money just to live there. It wasn’t enough. Good, the less people we have here the more money those of us who do live here get to split! Here’s hoping we never have more than three electoral votes…ever.

  7. RT- I see a 2012 Republican nomination debate will be by NBC and Politico. Are you all F’ing retarded? Did you not learn any lesson from 2008 -the talking snow man -the you tube bible questions? -the way so many debate questions were calculated to divide the right rather highlight the candidate?

    These are Republican nomination votes the rest of the country doesn’t care so they need to all be moderated by a Republican. I vote Jonah Goldberg. Unless that McCain crap worked out so well last time you want more of it.

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