I was just thinking, have you heard of a more cynical case of capitalism than the sale of Huffington Post? Here, you have a liberal site always going on about how great socialism is and how bad corporations are and then make $315 million off of thousands of unpaid bloggers who still don’t get a cut of the money. Anyway, something to keep in mind if you ever see another post on HuffPo about corporate greed or something. That’s the way it is with the left: The rules are always for other people.
Anyway, makes me think of some cynical ploys. Like maybe I could sell my whole online persona. I don’t know if anyone has done this before, but maybe someone could just buy out my whole online identity. They’d give me big cash money, and then I quietly hand over the password for my blog and Twitter account and they get to be Frank J. You guys wouldn’t notice anything different except, considering who bought me out, I might start talking up how great Chevy trucks are or something. This would work even better for someone completely anonymous like Allahpundit. Someone else could start being Allahpundit, and no one would ever know. Could have happened a few times already.
Anyway, I think it’s time to cash out. I’ll soon put up being Frank J. on eBay. Bidding starts at a million.
Well, Frank J. had grown so rich, he wanted to retire. He took me to his cabin and he told me his secret. ‘I am not the Dread Blogger Frank J.’, he said. ‘My name is Ryan; I inherited the blog from the previous Dread Blogger Frank J., just as you will inherit it from me. The man I inherited it from is not the real Dread Blogger Frank J. either. His name was Cummerbund. The real Frank J. has been retired fifteen years and living like a king in Patagonia.’
FrankJ as a virtual Dread Pirate Roberts. It could work. Maybe this explains a few things about Charles Johnson, too?
A million of what?
If it’s the right item I’m sure I can get a million or so of them.
But Chevy trucks are crap!
*Even “usefulier idiots”
*I’m not going to go there but do any of its supporters see this as a betrayal? Those ones sounds like principled idiots which I oppose but find a far more respectable. Of course being gentlemanly in battle does not work out well just ask the British after we beat them by fighting dirty. funny thing that.
*Frank J says Allahpundit like “Dread Pirate Roberts”
*people on the right I bother reading
Frank J
Thomas Sowell
Jonah Goldberg
Mark Steyn
Of course now
In case you haven’t been following the “white house insider.” A disillusioned old Hillary backer like “Hillbuzz” but inside the white house. Spoiler alert -its even worse then conservatives assumed.
“Anyway, something to keep in mind if you ever see another post on HuffPo about corporate greed or something.”
I’ve never seen a post on HuffPo about corporation greed or something. Then again, I’ve never seen any post on HuffPo ’cause I’ve never been there. The Science! of logic at work.
I think PuffHo is a more apropriate name, don’t you think?
“…have you heard of a more cynical case of capitalism than the sale of Huffington Post?”
Yes, the anti-capitalism movie-maker Michael Moore’s lawsuit, where he’s suing the movie company for more money.”
Heh. PuffHo. And April 1st is coming…
When I first read this post, I immediately thought of the Dread Pirate Roberts as well. You should have stayed annoymous, Frank! Then you could have cashed out too.
You could be just like The Dread Pirate Roberts, passed on to apprentice, to apprentice, to aprentice…
Curse you Ernie Loco for beating me on the keyboard! 😉
@Infidel, #7: I don’t visit zoos; however, in the case of Huffpo, I make the occasional exception. It can be more amusing than the monkey house at poo flinging time.
Hey, FrankJ, long time reader, first time commenter.
You are absolutely right, it has already happened. I am one of the creators of threedonia and I blog under a pseudonym. I also use a nomme de plume. Awhile ago I got bored with blogging and so I e-mailed one of our regular commenters and asked if he would be willing to impersonate me so I could have a rest. It worked swimmingly. Nobody was the wiser. Thus I’ve assured my own immortality. I’m kind of like the Dread Pirate Roberts, except I don’t fence and I get seasick easily.
Thanks, and I’ll take my reply off air.
Oh. Hey. I just read the other comments and realize my dread pirate roberts reference doesn’t seem so clever now. Sorry for being so redundant. Sorry for being so redundant. I did think of it on my own, however. When my accomplice and I pulled off our caper we even called it the Dread Pirate Roberts caper. So there. Oh, and sorry for being so redundant.
And since I’ve changed my status from long time lurker to imao commenter I should let you know we’ve featured Imao.us on Threedonia, http://www.threedonia.com/archives/33659 and sung your praises, http://www.threedonia.com/archives/29640
I understand the entertainment value. I’ve done that at Kos and DU. But ther’s something about Arianna Huffington that gives me the major creeps. I think you can probably catch cooties from her through the Internets.
Wait, who’s FrankJ?
You should put up FrnakJ, that would probably start at $1.6mil.
“Bidding starts at a million.”
One million dollars? Petty cash. (OK, sell some Microsoft stock first.)
Perhaps you could find a member of the secretive Skull & Bones Society or FreeMasons to buy you out, Frank. But you should advise them NOT to implement this plan:
Step #1: Buy-out “Frank J.”
Step #2: ???
Step #3:
Profit!Operating loss.Sure…1 million large and under the bus go all Frank J’s loyal readers! Lame!
Yea right.
Just sell it to Harvey or Basil. We will believe it’s not your sock puppet selling to your other sock puppet.
Huffy Ariana didn’t get that great a deal,
$314 Million of it will be paid in America Online floppy disks
Selling the Frank J. personna !?
But, if it comes with a wheelbarrow and a holocaust cloak,
I’d pay you 2 Million for IMAO.US ,
in carbon credits.
Wait, I’m confused…who is it I’m supposed to pretend I am now?
Glenn Greenwald could not be reached for comment….
Not bad for a commie!
I’ll give you 1 million picoliters of gasoline for it.
or if you want I could pay you in 10million Vietnamese dongs (that’s the name of their money you perverts)
Does the Frank J. identity come with the gorgeous T-shirt babe? And the guns? Without those, it really isn’t worth much.
I bid 1000 Quatloo’s for the blogging newcomer.
Frank actually signed his identity over to me back in 2005 in exchange for a Hoyo de Monterry No. 2 and 3 dirty martinis.
I’ve been Frank J. ever since.