Better Days for the Middle East

So there’s supposed to be a “day of rage” planned for Saudi Arabia today. Do they really need a “day of rage” over in the Middle East — isn’t that just Tuesday for them? Here’s some possible more useful days for them:

* Day of Quiet Reflection
* Day of Hugs
* Day of Not Obsessing So Much About the Jews
* Day of Singing Kumbaya
* Day of Laughing and Smiling
* Day of Really Thinking About How Our Behavior and Attitudes Have Led to So Much Violence and Held Back Our Whole Region
* Day of Skipping
* Day of Kittens and Puppies
* Day of at Least Trying to Improve Things So that the Rest of the World Back in the Early 1900s Wouldn’t Look Down on Us as Backwards
* Day of Ice Cream

Then again, I guess the idea is for the rage to be directed at their corrupt leadership instead of the usual stupid things they’re raging about over there, so maybe it’s not so much there’s too little rage over there as they just need to find better targets for it.


  1. *Day of kneeing Obama right in the nose when he bows to you and then accepting his apology for getting snot on your lovely potato sack
    *Day of understanding that if women didn’t need to drape themselves you might learn that human females are in fact *not* cattle and should probably have more rights than said cattle
    *Day of trying a bold, new head scarf pattern – checkered red is soooooooo the last 100 years
    *Day of realizing that so many princes in a country smaller than Alaska makes royalty sort of lose its sense of exclusivity
    *Day of everyone in the neation wearing Ray-Bans – trendsetting is fun!

  2. I vote tomorrow we take western anti-American wimmin (leftists) cover them up swap them with middle eastern women. I think everyone will be happier. Ill bet Saudi women would be very very happy with the way they are treated here and would appreciate it greatly.

  3. I would think every day is a day of rage in the Middle East. Given what rat holes all countries in the ME except Israel are (my apologies to any rats I may have offended comparing their holes to the Middle East), I would expect that rage is as natural as waking up and taking a morning dump.

  4. How about a Day of Work, like those of us in the civilized world. So much of your “rage” and will to live is sucked out by the day to day grind that the whole marching and whining and “rage” thing takes a back seat. Give them all jobs, sell them crap on credit, they will need to continue work to pay off the crap that the cycle will repeat its self and become self perpetuating and eliminate their will to get all whiney. problem solved. No jobs? well… when was the last time the desert was thoroughly combed? (enter Space Balls reference here)

  5. Off topic, maybe Obama should get suicide bombers to unionize along with his plans for TSA. That way we can refuse their demands and have both groups go on strike. Peace and privacy for everyone!

  6. Whack-A-Mullah Day

    National Choke A Muezzin Day

    National Change Your Turbans Day (sponsored by Al-Pampers)

    Why not take all teacher’s union members in Wisconsin over to Iran for continuing education?

  7. Their rage is usually like a fire hose with no one holding it. Not likely to put out any fires. Gets a lot of attention though. I agree with you Marko on #6. A little like having to vote for McCain instead of obama. Not too sure how much better we would be if he would have won.

  8. How about just “Bath Day.” Think about it, American companies could get all kinds of cash from selling soap. I we’re lucky, it might just catch on and they’ll hold it atleast once a month or so. Then maybe we can get the hippies here to try it out.

  9. In Libya it’s the day of realizing no one is going to come to your aid. A situation pretty well summed up with this line from Animal House…”Face it Flounder you f**ked-up, you trusted us.”

  10. If y’all send our bacon to the museilins, then there will be a day of rage here!

    They need a day of hippie. They can all sit in a circle, beat a drum, and get stoned, so to speak.

  11. How about a day of Stopping, Looking around and going WTF? We live in the desert in tents and caves and all the infidels live in super sweet houses and drive like BMW’s and Mercedes! So like WTF?

  12. Funny how it’s always the people who claim to be about peace and love, like Muslims and the city of Berkley, are always so angry and hateful all the time. Saudia Arabia doesn’t need yet another day to be outraged.

  13. * Day of Tickle Me Elmo
    * Day of Vegemite
    * Day of Justin Vs. Justin (Bieber Vs. Timberlake) in a MMA Welterweight Grudgematch
    * Day of Take Your Muezzim To Lunch
    * Day of Dryclean Your Prayer Rug
    * Day of Tiger’s Blood and Warlocks

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