Random Thoughts

None of this Libya mess would have happened if Keith Olbermann was still on the air.

Space heaters don’t work because you can’t heat space since space is a vacuum and vacuums don’t work if they’re overheated.

Monitor running out of batteries beep not different sounding enough from baby stopped breathing beep.


  1. Monitor running out of batteries beep not different sounding enough from baby stopped breathing beep.

    I’ll never forget the time my Dad fought desperately to win a sports car racing game before the battery went out.

    five laps to go….beep…..beeep……beeeeep. No!

    Random thought: The White House is referring to our actions in Libya as a kinetic…

    I can’t remember it off of my head. Let me check Hot Air.

    Kinetic military action! Not a war, a kinetic military action!

    Obivously kinetic military action doesn’t seem like the best description for a nation using military force to achieve a set of goals. We usually call that a war. Lucky we don’t even have a set of goals! Just send in armed force and hope for the best!

  2. Jimmy, I’ve heard the Irish are excellent when involved in kinetic potato actions. Can you speak for this?

    (That’s as close to a joke as you’ll get from me today. I hate these people. God help us all.)

  3. Well, since we just changed the batteries in D.C. a couple of years ago, that continued ominous beeping from up north makes sense now.

    If the terms war and military kinetic action confuse you, it’s quite simple. War implies the use of force as a means to an end, and thus has a plan with goals in mind.

    Kinetic Military Action implies breaking crap and blowing stuff up for the fun of it, with no goal in sight. You just quit when it gets boring or inconvenient.

  4. Well, not just kinetic potatoes, Marko, but all kinds of kinetic (and kinematic!) actions. We Irish are constantly moving and full of energy while we do it, we are. Why just last night, I lifted a fine ale to my lips which involved a very careful application of F=ma and a very finely tuned path of motion so as to not spill that wonderful essence of barley. But I digress.

    One can appreciate the marriage of potatoes and the science of kinetics by the sound effects. Early in life, some of us learned this first hand after fashioning ‘potato guns’ or by stuffing potatoes up tail pipes. We Irish like sound (I kid you not!) and will take every opportunity to make new and unusual sound effects.


    and of course, the big, famous Irish combo:

    (multiple, simultaneous hits on the same target)

    Of course, these are the same sounds that potatoes make when colliding with liberal’s heads.

  5. apparently, the new P.C. term for war is “kinetic military action”

    no kinetic military action for oil!!….kinda rolls off the toungue doesn’t it?

    I guess we’ll see if Biteme was serious about his campaign promise to impeach Obama if he tried to wage war without congressional approval.

  6. Since this is a Kinetic action, can we use the Kinetic Rods that they were talking about developing. You know, the telephone pole sized rods of tungsten that they were talking about dropping on enemy countries from outer space? Supposed to hit with a force much greater then any nuclear weapon ever used.

    Also Michele Bachmann is now running for president, so at least one candidate has the balls to be chief executive.

  7. So did the jacka$$ in the White House get approval from congress to perform the kinetic action, or is billy-bob biden just blowing smoke?

    So far I am not impressed with any R republican candidates, they seem like rino liberals in disguise.

    Do liberal marxists make good bait?

    If we gave ole joey a brain, do suppose he could share with that one?

    Sasquatch make jo-jo eat broccoli, broccoli is supposed to help thinking.

  8. We Irish like sound (I kid you not!)

    Like the majority of central Pennsylvanians, I am of Scottish and German extraction. The Scotsman in me wants to type a long comment in response, full of complaints (Lots of complaints) and typing errors. However, I have more German in my blood and the German in me just wants to shake my head dismissively. I have to go along with that.

    Thanks for answering me, Jimbo.

  9. That one will now start referring to his agenda as:

    The kinetic military action on poverty

    The kinetic military action on drugs

    The kinetic military action on oil

    The kinetic military action on American culture

    The kinetic military action on American values

  10. I like the space heater thought, it started my day out with a good laugh. However, I would be very careful Frank, you are getting very close to the logic that is the basis for “GlobalWarming”.

  11. You’re most welcome, of course, Marko. I have a wee bit of Scot in me, myself, I do. When I find myself complaining too much, my Irish side eventually wins out with some kind of amusement. It takes very little to amuse the Irish – which is why I read IMAO, I guess. (Oh, oh.)

  12. Not Irish (stern German to the core), but I am full of green energy, too – methane. Source of fuel: Sauerkraut, Bratwurst und Bier. Und Speck! (Speck = Bacon, for those of you who are not Huns.)

  13. The military officer reports to the President. “Sir, threats of potential military action against Libya are having no effect. What should we do now?”

    Obama looks in his old high school physics book. “It seems the opposite of potential energy is kinetic energy so, it must be time for kinetic military action.”

    “Uhh, if you say so sir.”

  14. Let me explain the difference between Kinetic Military Action, and Static Military Action. Kinetic Military Action is: Killing people and breaking things. Static Military Action is: O-bah-muhh deciding to send the Military to kill people and break things with Humanitarian Bombing.


    But it can’t be a WAR, because O-bah-muhh, The Smartest President Ever, The Former Constitutional Law Professor Knows that the President Of The United States must get Congressional Approval/Authority to make War.

    And we all know that O-bah-muhh is a Nobel Peace Prize Winner, so he would never MAKE WAR. But suppose some nation GAVE A WAR, could a Nobel Peace Prize Winner accept it? Inquiring minds want to know.

  15. So as I understand Kinetic Energy it is like when the Space Shuttle blasts off and uses all that power to escape the Earths gravity. It has stored up a great deal of Kinetic Energy which is then dispersed when coming back through the atmosphere which is why the landings are so dangerous. So how is a Military action “kinetic”? Are we like winding the rubber band tighter and tighter and tighter and eventually kaboom something is going to really explode or what?

  16. no no you see guys, using the word “kinetic” before “military” softens the blow, it is artsy ! Like, Artsy Science ! You ever go to a modern art museum and the lecturer is using all this flowery silly verbiage that sounds wacky interpreting a canvas with sploshes of paint slapped on it? That is the elitist softening the term. And I am Irish, Scottish, German and American Indian.

  17. Mike Huckabee as the leader of the contenders for the Rep. nomination for president is like nominating Fred Phelps for the Nobel Peace Prize. I guess we could find someone more contentious, more bigoted, more intolerant but I think Fred is too busy protesting at funerals, stealing lollies from babies and debunking Santa Claus. His daughter Marge I (Ivan) the Terrible is free though and she’s a lawyer, she’ll fit right in with the sharks and bottom feeders in DC.

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