So, in California, you can’t use your phone’s GPS to get around. What is it with states failing financially interfering in your every day life? Is it they’ll hope you’ll be so annoyed by the small things like telling you how big your soda can be and how you’re allowed to drive your car that you’ll stop noticing how they’re failing in the larger areas? How about a new law: States aren’t allowed to pass laws on piddling crap issues until they get their economies in order. If you want to focus on annoying little things, then you fix everything else first. When the economy is booming and crime is under control, then you can pass laws on cellphones and plastic bags to your hearts content.
Though I’ll punch you in the junk for it. I need my cellphone GPS. If you have a problem with that, you shouldn’t have given me a car and a taste for freedom.
Eh. They’ll prolly enforce it like they did non-hands free cell phone talking: a whole bunch at first followed by hardly ever therefater.
Just mount your cell phone on your dash in a bracket. They can’t arrest you for using mounted hardware.
California: remind me not to go there.
glad I left.
this is nothing more than a sweet deal for the phone manufacturers (they’re probably the ones that lobbied for this bill) to sell more hands-free hardware with phones.
I am an inmate of the formerly Great State of California, and this is the first I had heard of this. My reaction was a string of NSFW profanity that would have made Richard Pryor blush. Eff ’em. I’m using my GPS app, even if I have to duct-tape the d@mn phone to the dashboard. And while I’m taping things, a poster of Mel Gibson’s buns taped to the window wouldn’t hurt (“FREEEEEDOMMMMM!!!!!)
Mmmmmm CA is stupid. I lived there in 2009 and they were talking about “banning black cars to reduce air conditioning use” or some crap. That said, if you’re looking down at a phone for any reason and it isn’t at dashboard level, you’re endangering not just yourself but everyone around you. It’s as bad as texting. GPS needs to be dash level for safety sake. I have no idea why anyone would have a problem with dash level GPS.
Oh wait. It’s CA. Nevermind. GPS = bad. Illegals with 10 unrestrained adults in a 7 passenger van plus 3 lap children unrestrained with driver applying eye makeup doing 45 on the 405/22/5 “Orange Crush” section of highway during rush hour = perfectly acceptable and you’re racist if you question that.
I used to have a black car, and my daughter gave me grief about it every hot day of the year (360/365). She never suggested that black cars should be prohibited, of course, just that I, personally, was a dumb-@ss for buying one when none of the venues we frequented – school, work and shopping – had covered garages, just big old open bake-your-car blacktop lots. I did run that A/C pretty much year-round, and I left the windows open when I parked, unless we were in a very bad neighborhood indeed. I will never buy a black car again, but forcing others to choose pastels instead of learning their own hard lessons just never occurred to me. Because, freedom.