The Illustrated Frank J: The New Hillary


[reference link]

Both Sides Now

The Department of Justice is fining a company for discrimination because employees have to prove their citizenship status.

Say, isn’t this part of the same government that fines companies for hiring illegals?

The Stopped Clock That’s Always Wrong

Commentary from Hope n’ Change Cartoons [High Praise!]

The mainstream media continues to praise young Ahmed Mohammed, the Muslim genius who “invented” a digital alarm clock (will wonders never cease?) by removing the guts from an old Radio Shack digital clock and shoving them into the most suspicious-looking case he could find.

Link of the Day: The Federation Was an Evil Empire

[High Praise! to Cracked]

(CAUTION: contains moderate swearing)
5 Ways Star Trek’s Federation Was An Evil Empire

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)]

Familiar Plan

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanauel is proposing the biggest tax increase in the city’s history.

Why? The midwest already has a Detroit.

Obama Warned Us – Climate Change

President Obama is highlighting the effects of climate climate during his trip to Alaska. Check it out:


“Look behind me: that glacier is melting because of climate change. And summer. But mostly climate change!

Straight Line of the Day: A Robot Will Be the Featured Speaker at a Clinton Foundation Event, and Is Expected to Say…

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

A robot will be the featured speaker at a Clinton Foundation event, and is expected to say…

Dash for Freedom

A new report shows that taxpayers are fleeing overtaxed Democrat-run states for Republican ones.

Well, well… we finally found border-crossings Democrats DON’T like.