Obama Warned Us – Compromise

“Democracy grinds to a halt without a willingness to compromise.” — President Obama #SOTU


“And if you DO compromise, Democrats will grind you to a powder.”


  1. Ron in Ohio Sez:

    Although this is not on the subject, it is related:

    UPDATE! – This News Alert Comes From Illinois:

    Obama’s Speeches Canceled!

    An update on the condition of the presidential teleprompter:

    Today’s scheduled speeches cancelled:

    1:25 pm CT || Addresses the Illinois General Assembly; Illinois State Capitol, Springfield, Illinois
    3:25 pm CT || Delivers remarks Hoogland Center for the Arts, Springfield, Illinois

    From the White House comes this updated announcement:

    All of today’s scheduled speeches are cancelled because of a teleprompter malfunction due to teleprompter refusing to display any possessive pronouns, rendering 40% of (PSEUDO) president Obama’s prepared remarks useless. Outside computer consultants, recommended by Hillary Clinton, who were called in to fix the malfunction are stumped that the teleprompter refuses to display the proper and necessary English expletive (or dummy) pronoun that are the heart and soul of every (PSEUDO) president Obama speech;

    I (singular personal pronoun in the subjective case)
    we (plural personal pronoun in the subjective case)
    me (singular personal pronoun in the objective case)
    us (plural personal pronoun in the objective case)
    mine and ours (singular and plural possessive pronouns)
    my and our (singular and plural first-person possessive determiners)
    myself and ourselves (singular and plural reflexive/intensive pronouns)

    White House officials further stated that a fully functional teleprompter is being flown to California and that all is expected to be on schedule for tomorrow’s round of fundraisers. It is suspected that the malfunction is the resultant of hacking, possibly by Cruz or Trump operatives.

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