Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.
President Obama’s new plan for defeating ISIS…
Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.
President Obama’s new plan for defeating ISIS…
President Obama’s new plan for defeating ISIS…
has Wile Coyote written all over it.
President Obama’s new plan for defeating ISIS…
outsourcing the surrender to the French.
let it be a gift to the next President.
involves cutting our use of carbon based fuel sources.
…talking them to death.
…involves a pen and a phone.
…will be to give them 40 acres and a mule.
President Obama’s new plan for defeating ISIS…
pretend to be their friend…then throw them under a bus.
President Obama’s new plan for defeating ISIS…
marry them off to campus SJWs.
Actually…there is no such plan.
Give him a break! He’s just a little faster to the “if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em” thought than the rest of you.
…involves a full blitz into their backfield. It’ll all come out in the end.
…: Targeted Global Warming!
… “We’ll work up an Ol’ ‘Number 44′ on them. That’s where we come a-ridin’ in to town, blamin’ ourselves, a-bowin’ and apologizin’ to every livin’ creature in the Mideast!”
President Obama’s new plan for defeating ISIS has only had its first third released: “1. Collect Underpants“.
More appeasement.
Michelle will develop a new hashtag to write on a card to show with a sad face.
They will give up once the Gitmo prisoners are all released this year.
If what Milton Friedman says holds true:
…”If you put the federal government in charge of ISIS, in 5 years there’d be a shortage of terrorists.”
… was a tad garbled, because no one let him be clear.
… Take over ISIS.
Fan them to death with the flurry of white flags.
Ship them a few million gallons of water from Flint.
…he has done so many things where he promised: “I will not rest until…” this time he’s gonna start out with a much deserved nap.
… have them steal just one delegate from Hillary Clinton.
Redefining what the definition of is is.
Teach them to caddy.
Probably will have to give them a reset button. Don’t let Hillary hold it for very long.
…replaces the old ‘new plan.’ And, like in the old plan, he’s ‘in it for the long haul,’ or, until January 2017 or the next new plan.
…he makes three envelopes…
.. is to hope that by calling the crisis a “crisil” will help.
… Whoops — get rid of the “by” in the previous post. Come to think of it, get rid of the one in the White House while you’re at it.
… fight fire with fey-er.
… bring the mountin’ to Mohammad.
… “Beheading Infants and Women”– free zones.
… Teleprompterrorism!
Break the DVD set of that 1970’s children’s show and watch Shazam instead.
…having Bill Cosby make sure there are no virgins in whatever they call their afterlife.
…banning knife sharpeners.
…the language menu for all phone calls to the federal government will have a press 9 option for terrorist threats. Let’s wait them out til Trump wins.
…opening thousands of Chipotles in the mid east.
Here comes the new plan, same as the old plan. Hope we don’t get fooled again.