Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.
A new report warns that robots are…
Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.
A new report warns that robots are…
…less likely to make you a sammich than a good woman.
…voting democrat. However, that will soon be fixed once the brains are installed.
…hiding in Donald Trump’s hair.
…better than you.
A new report warns that robots are…
issuing reports warning about humans.
make being poor easier, if you can afford one.
not to be trusted.
…starting to deny Honda as The Creator and some even question the existence of Japan.
Burt @6–ROFL!
…lean, mean fighting machines…
…pissed off about what happened to HAL…
…really pissed off about Westworld…
…upset that the LBGTQWERTY alphabet doesn’t include a B for binary…
A new report warns that robots are…
doing the human dance.
getting jiggy with it.
… capable of assault, but battery’s not included.
… worse than Hitler. I’m not sure I trust this report.
… as it turns out, not really all that fun to watch bad movies with.
…quite efficient in HR departments.
… born to trouble as the sparks fly upward.
… emulating Obama and blowing all their earnings on things like Circuit du Soleil and the Vger Monologues.
… seeking repair-ations for Dr. Zachary Smith’s insulting slurs in the past.
Always fail at quoting Shakespeare because they just know that “To be or not to be” equals FF.
… close to convincing Obama to release all the vending machines from Gitmo, by assuring him they’ll perform totally differently on the outside when someone puts a coin in them.
A new report warns that robots are…
…preferring Bernie over Hillary 2-1.
…demanding 15 bitcoins an hour
A new report warns that robots are…
reluctant to cuddle after sex.
not going to look like Tricia Helfer, Lucy Lawless or Grace Park.
to the bone. ba-ba-ba-bad.
notorious card counters.
… sitting in driverless cars going nowhere, because both are waiting for instructions.
… all well and good, as long as you triple-check the programming connected to the “kill” switch.
A new report warns that robots are…
scared of rain and too oil can dependent.
…actuallliy don’t like people staring at their naked, open-source innards.
Oppo @19–no software to kill switch. Switch is switch; it’s totally separate, and midway the android’s left side.
…”…not supposed to be doing that”, according to prominent roboticist and amateur diplomat John Kerry…
@22: I’ll remember that. There are engineers and then there are . . . GAAAA! There’s a robot right behind you!!!
@23: +10
@24: That’s this comment. But if Oppo is commenting on Oppo, then Oppo is not Oppo, but Oppo is Oppo, but . . . does not compute . . . does not compute . . . does not *pow*
…still equipped with COM Port 2.
(Oh, Former Hostage, you came so close to being comment #24 and ruining my joke!)
… only setting out to destroy the world n order to compensate for rumors that they have a short circuit.
…still more animated than Al Gore.
…really good at dancing the Roomba.
… pretty darn gay. They obey the three Azure-Mauve rules. C’mon.
@28 (part 2):
Yes! The joke I was hunting for on this one!
(Jimmy got one of these awards already — Whenever I say to myself “Damn! . . . “)
Wait. Never mind.
The Oppos have too few black nominees.