Straight Line of the Day: A New Report Warns That Robots Are…

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

A new report warns that robots are…


  1. …lean, mean fighting machines…

    …pissed off about what happened to HAL…

    …really pissed off about Westworld…


    …upset that the LBGTQWERTY alphabet doesn’t include a B for binary…

  2. … born to trouble as the sparks fly upward.

    … emulating Obama and blowing all their earnings on things like Circuit du Soleil and the Vger Monologues.

    … seeking repair-ations for Dr. Zachary Smith’s insulting slurs in the past.

  3. A new report warns that robots are…

    reluctant to cuddle after sex.

    not going to look like Tricia Helfer, Lucy Lawless or Grace Park.

    to the bone. ba-ba-ba-bad.

    notorious card counters.


  4. @22: I’ll remember that. There are engineers and then there are . . . GAAAA! There’s a robot right behind you!!!

    @23: +10

    @24: That’s this comment. But if Oppo is commenting on Oppo, then Oppo is not Oppo, but Oppo is Oppo, but . . . does not compute . . . does not compute . . . does not *pow*

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