[Marble Race: Longest Sand Marble Run Ever!] (Viewer #1,181,389)
“This marble race is divided in 4 stages, each of which contains obstacles like junctions, slaloms, halfpipes, a funnel and a jump”
[Marble Race: Longest Sand Marble Run Ever!] (Viewer #1,181,389)
“This marble race is divided in 4 stages, each of which contains obstacles like junctions, slaloms, halfpipes, a funnel and a jump”
Thank you!
Oh, I’ve got to find a clay hillside.
Interesting how humans can instinctively attribute a sense of drama and competition to what is at bottom a matter of chance and physics. Food for thought.
NOT related to this but, since this was your last posting for Friday it’ll have to do to express my disgust:
After waiting for 5 days to see if there was a glimmer of compassion forthcoming from this site over the death of a gracious lady, Nancy Reagan, I have lost all patience and respect for what once was an insightful and humorously informative Conservative-leaning blog. I have respectfully waited until after her funeral to voice my opinion for what is an obviously disrespectful silence from this web site.
This site has degenerated to a shadow of it’s former self when founded by Frank J. The edge is gone, the humor is mostly stale and the writing is no longer as sharp. The site has turned into a vilifying attack blog for any Trump supporter and without the necessary credibility to support those attacks. And now this – The addition of disrespect for a former first lady.
As Mark Levin said, “Obama is a disgrace for skipping Nancy Reagan’s funeral.” Well, the complete ignoring of her passing puts this blog in the same classification as Obama. At least Obama had the courtesy of mentioning her death – And, I rarely find anything positive to give him credit for. His sending of the “First Moocher” in his stead while he went off on another fundraising tour at taxpayer’s expense was an even bigger insult.
But I digress. I merely wanted to show you the company I place this site in. Your site is the only one of those that I visit daily that did not make a respectful comment in these past 5 days on the death of Nancy Reagan.
That’s it! you and your self-prepossessing, smarmy attitudes have forced me to remove this site from my daily web surfing menu – And I have been on-board from almost this site’s beginning. I know, before you reply with another inane comment, I won’t be missed. That works both ways. I too will not miss you either.
By your own comments instructions – “Mail (will not be published) (required)” – You have my E-Mail address and I hereby request that it be deleted and NOT shared or revealed as I do not want any “attack dogs” hounding me afterwards. Let’s just have an amicable parting of the ways – OK?
@2 – If you don’t like the blogging here, you are free to start your own blog and do a better job. One of the many blessings of living in a free country.
I am now going to write a stern letter to my newspaper to complain that there is no coverage of marble racing on their Obituary page.
@4 – Wish I’d Said That Bacon to Vakatunnen!
But seriously folks, proggies will hate this posting because there is only one winner. The rest are losers. True and right-thinking conservatives will find it compelling, watch it twice, and gain inspiration from Red’s high-risk, high-reward passing strategy.
Ron has a point. The blogging isn’t the same as it was when Frank J started IMAO. It’s almost as if Harvey and Frank J are two different people which, as we all know, is just ridiculous.
Whatever dude. I just watched 12 marbles going at it and loved every second of it.
As for #2 – ffs man, anywhere a Trump supporter doesn’t find Trump support, they go berserk. I’m starting to think there’s something really wrong with them. And I’m starting to wonder if Trump’s endgame in less “Hope and Plans” and more “Divide and Conquer.”
Whatever. Don’t care. More physics videos please.