Also: Lawyers, Guns, and Money

[How to Create a Country] (Viewer #1,593,670)


  1. When I’m elected president of Liberland, I declare that we will not join the U.N. nor recognize its authority to recognize us.


    P.S.: I did like the depiction of the U.S. having declared its independence at the point of a gun. They thought they were being funny, and I was certainly amused. Not clear if we were amused by the same thing, though.

  2. I’m with Ace of Spades on women, especially those silly enough when protesting to demand the same rights as guns.

    *Does that mean that this brilliant liberal wants…
    – women to be banned from entering school and college campuses? (Heh. A woman free zone. – GOC)

    – women to be banned from any establishment selling alcohol?

    – women to be banned from polling places on election days (That would be the death of the Dimocrat Party – GOC)

    – women to be banned from any official government group meetings?(No women in Congress – GOC)

    – all women to be banned from all airports?

    – you to have to pay a fee to the state before you can have a woman with you?

    – some women to be banned outright simply because they look too scary?

    – all women to be locked up at all times that they are not in use?*

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