I Can’t Help Noticing That He Could’ve Stopped At Nearly Any Point and Had a Really Cool Picture

[Painting a dragon with acrylics (sped up video)] (Viewer #35,461)

The part that most fascinates me is how he decides which part of the dragon to work on next. It seems kinda random. I would’ve thought it’d be more systematic.


  1. It’s fun to imagine that there is a really boring “Gender Studies” class going on in front of him.

    It’s worthwhile to think of this as a metaphor for government, each touch of the brush being an added law.

  2. the randomness of where he paints next is because each time he picks up the brush he sees a spot and says “that could use a touch of white” or “he needs a couple more scales behind that ear”
    Using it as a metaphor for government, this is how the liberal would see it.
    reality would be putting the same brush in the hand of a six year old.

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