Any Animal That Can Get Beat Up By a Plastic Straw Deserves to Die

[Stossel: Plastic Straw Myths] (Viewer #51,209)

Every morning, liberals wake up and look around for something else to ban.

It’s kind of irritating.

Anyway, I feel the same way about this latest eco-freakout as I do about oil spills.


  1. A case can be made for anything.

    If 90% of all the money and natural resources that go into making Hollywood and TV productions were prohibited by government, they could provide sustenance to a Third World country for decades.

    Of the 10% remaining entertainment products approved by government, none would be shown in theaters. When you multiply the number of vehicle trips saved, by the number of viewers, the savings in pollution alone could make a huge impact.

    Those shows that remain could be streamed to all people — we’ll call them Streamers — in their homes, free of charge. Everyone around the world would share in them equally.

    That’s Sandertainment. Populist culture.

    Millionaire entertainers and big businesses should not profit from a human right. If you elect me, I will form a bipartisan commission.

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