The other day, regular commenter zzyzx asked
There’s this sign, and it’s not on the Moon, in fact it’s on the lower right hand side of my screen, and I only see it when I come here to IMAO. It say’s, in a very ominous manner…close and accept. Close and accept what? Very ominous indeed.
Let me tell you about that little notice. It’s a pain in the butt.
Let me tell you a little more about it. WordPress — that’s the platform this blog runs on — is really big on all these new cookie and privacy things that different countries insist on doing. Now, we’re U.S.-based, and really don’t care what other countries think, but since WordPress really kinda wants you to play nice with others, and since they don’t charge for using their software, we’re playing nice with WordPress by playing nice with those foreigners.
That notice is something that WordPress made available that meets all those silly requirements. And, well, sometimes it doesn’t work right. For instance, when I’m on the Safari browser, it always shows. Using Chrome, though, it doesn’t show for 180 days, which is how it’s supposed to work. I don’t know why it doesn’t work right in Safari. I don’t know if it’s Apple’s fault or WordPress’s fault.
Tell you what I did do that might help out. If you get the message, you don’t have to click the “Close and Accept” thing. Just scroll the page.
You’re welcome.
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