Thursday Night Open Thread

Another band I never really got into was U2. Again, not so much the politics thing as it was the music wasn’t really meant for me. I did like the South Park parody of Bono. Well, “like” is a strong word, but I did laugh. I’m not gonna suggest you watch it. You do that at your own risk.

[The YouTube]

What’s been on your mind? Got something you’d like to share? A topic to discuss? It’s Thursday Night Open Thread.

Who wants to start?

Submitted For Your Approval: Getting Ahead Of The Curve

Before it’s too late…

Ricky Gervais Did Not Kill Himself

Submitted by Gumbeaux

Photo Essay: Democrats Are Like Man’s Best Friend — Minus “Man,” Minus “Best,” and Minus “Friend”

Welcome to the Green New Deal:


And its Venezuelan comeraderie:

“Now, don’t let AOC catch me giving this to you. Milk distribution is only for the government to decide!”

The beauty of this picture is that it can be viewed two different ways:

— Either a Democrat holding a press conference, or a moderator at a DNC debate.

Submitted For Your Approval — by Slapout

Straight Line of the Day: The White House Needs a Pet. President Trump Should Get…

Straight Line of the Day: The White House needs a pet. President Trump should get…

Found on the Intertubes: Kitties! Edition

This Jellicle is for you.

I think they capture the essential catness of the world.

Feel The Bern

Sometimes, they ask for money from the wrong people. Paul Mitchell offered this advice:

Since we have entered the national election year, we will be bombarded daily by Democrat idiots blowing up our phones, emails, screeching on street corners, and giving away free opioids for your vote. Remember, just be nice to them, they can’t help it that they are stupid.

[Paul Mitchell on Facebook]