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California Cops, Firefighters, and Utility Workers Are Earning [Nearly] $800k a Year in Overtime Pay
Daily Mail | April 22, 2024 | Josh Boswell

Watchdogs have slammed California local government for spending billions in overtime pay – with police officers, firefighters, linemen and utility workers earning up to $792,000 in a single year.

Short staffing, poor planning,

IMAO again!

generous union deals and expensive hiring costs all contribute to civil servants relying heavily on overtime, experts told

It has given frontline workers a golden opportunity to earn several million dollars since 2019. But tax watchdogs say it is a raw deal for the taxpayer.

Senior Los Angeles fire captain Jason Getchius had a salary of $169,764 in 2022, the latest figures provided by the city. But by racking up $502,681 in overtime pay, he was able to earn an eye-popping total of $792,467.

San Francisco sheriff’s lieutenant Ronald Terry had a salary of $179,676. With $374,503 in overtime pay, he earned a total of $738,432 in 2022.

Lington Gordon, an electric crew foreman in Santa Clara, made $703,621 with $363,013 overtime, and Oakland police sergeant Timothy Dolan earned $699,345 with $376,998 overtime.

Since 2019, Dolan has earned almost $2.3 million and Gordon $2,231,958.

The figures come from the California State Controller and the charity Transparency California, which compiles salary data on State workers.

Experts say the workers have not done anything wrong, and are merely maximizing their income from local government bosses who have failed to hire enough people.


  1. I was one of those government parasites and even when taking all the o/t I could get, I never made over $100K in a year. They better be investing it though since o/t is not used in figuring PERS retirement pay. I didn’t know there were even linemen employed by the government in CA. Around here it’s P.G.E. and they do pull down the $$$.

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