He hasn’t showered,
Nor has he shaved,
His clothes are dirty,
And his gaze unfazed,
With a tear in his eye and a quivering lip,
He collapses to the ground,
And bruises his hip,
He lets out a cry,
For all can hear and see,
That he’s now just a threat…
To his own democracy.
Is “uni-brow” the clue?
(asking for a friend)
Uggh, ERNIE! That smells like a wet one!
Actually, it should’ve read “Before, During, and After” Jan. 20th.
Spot a liberal? I didn’t even know liberals lifted weights.
A Liberal Before Jan. 20th
He hasn’t showered,
Nor has he shaved,
His clothes are dirty,
And his gaze unfazed,
With a tear in his eye and a quivering lip,
He collapses to the ground,
And bruises his hip,
He lets out a cry,
For all can hear and see,
That he’s now just a threat…
To his own democracy.
The back of there head is flat where they got whacked with a shovel..
Works the same as spot the loonie.
A loonie is the coin with that goofy looking duck on it, right?
That too.
They’re being fisted like a puppet?
Liberals today would proudly push the beds together. Still claim it’s a family friendly kids show though.