Shell Shock

It seems that whenever there is a suicide bombing, later on the news we’ll hear, “This just in: there are reports of the Israelis shelling Arafat’s compound,” and they act all surprised even though it happens everytime. The Israelis always assure the media that they are not targeting Arafat and won’t kill or expel him. Instead, they just seem perfectly content killing and destroying everyone and everything around him. I think that’s fine and dandy, but I have just one question: how big is this compound? Aren’t the Israelis going to eventually run out of parts of it to shell, the whole thing being ruduced to one room containing Arafat who is frantically cleaning the dust off him with baby wipes? Then what do they do? Do they just fire really near where Arafat is while exclaiming, “Not shelling you! Not shelling you!” If it makes any difference, the Israelis have my permission to finally go ahead and kill and expel Arafat. I really don’t see how anyone will care that much; maybe the impotent Germans will whine about it, but it’s not like anyone will do anything. Then Israelis can then get back on to the road to peace and start shelling all the other Palestinian buildings.

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