Cracker Commentary tells how the sniper is affecting people’s behavior… even here in Florida.
Rachel Lucas catches Babs in even more idiocy, and has the foresight to save evidence.
Mean Mr. Mustard shows us the terrorists’ new martial arts. There will be much kung fu fighting.
I hear Mustard is quite deadly with the candlestick.
Hawkgirl has a copy of the Iraqi ballot. It looks simple, but a number of people claimed they accidentally voted for Buchanan and want a re-vote.
Question: Did women get to “vote” in Iraq’s faux election? And, if they did, is that a blow for or against women’s rights?
Archive of entries posted on 16th October 2002
I Believe They’re Also Mentioned in Revelations
The ACLU has decided to attack Bush’s anti-terrorism policies in a bid to increase their own popularity and thus please Satan. The ACLU is evil; if you didn’t know that, I’m telling you now. Their goal is to have every criminal freed and walking our streets and then jail anyone who ever expresses a religious viewpoint. They will then declare themselves lord of all and feast upon the blood of the innocent. If you don’t believe, just check their charter; it’s all in there and signed by Lucifer himself. I wish I had more of a point about this particular issue, but I just realized I never said anything about the ACLU on my blog yet and wished to rectify that.
I Guess We’ll Have to Invite the Terrorists Indoors for an Afternoon Tea
Governor Parris Glendening has banned outdoor shooting in four counties to help stop false sniper alarms. I know it’s a cliché, but, if we can’t fire our guns, then the terrorists really will have already won. I mean, how in the world are we supposed to fight terrorists if we can’t fire our guns outdoors?
Next They May Find a Way to Turn Gun-Rights Against Us
I read this article on the Democrats’ views about the economy, and this one quote stuck out.
“The last thing you do when you’re going into a recession is raise taxes,” Gebhardt said at a briefing sponsored by the Economic Policy Institute, a Washington think tank. “You cut taxes.”
I re-read that a couple times. Was Gebhardt saying tax cuts are good? Maybe it’s sarcastic and it just didn’t translate when put to text, but further quotes seem to back up the notion that Gebhardt is for cutting taxes. This points to only one logical conclusion:
Democrats have found a way to use tax cuts to murder us in our sleep!
I don’t know the details yet, but you can be certain that after they get their tax cuts they’ll soon be coming for us to slit our throats during our slumber. This is probably the Democrats’ most diabolical plan yet. Be afraid, be very afraid.