Lot’s of good reading today. Here’s just a little bit of what was worthwhile today.
My arch-nemesis Scrappleface reports on Democrats’ worst fears.
Laurence Simon has now banned the Irish and dogs from his website. I, personally, could never ban the Irish because they made Guinness (plus I’m half Mick myself… and that’s the funny half). And, if any dogs have been able to surf to my site, I want to tell you that you’re a good, good boy. Who wants a treat?
There are two things in this world you can never have too much of: love and ammo. In celebration of that, Kim du Toit and Mrs. du Toit have started National Ammo Day. On November 19th, make sure to go out and buy 100 rounds of ammunition in support of the 2nd Amendment.
Finally, Rachel Lucas, who is better than any of you deserve and I am deeply indebted to for her help in setting up my new site, slowly and carefully explains guns to stupid people.
Archive of entries posted on 7th October 2002
Ask Dumb Questions…
Has everyone seen this CBS-New York Times poll yet? Was this a poll of crack smokers on their opinions of Iraq? It reads like a Democrat’s dream: people don’t think we should preemptively strike, think we should wait for allies, think there should be more talk of the economy, and think that an attack on Iraq will lead to more terrorism and a broader war in the Middle East. Of course a majority does want military force to remove Saddam, so, if the poll is to be believed (it isn’t), some people want more terrorism and a larger war against all the Arabs.
I’ve had this idea for polls for a while that I think would make them more informative: include basic knowledge questions along with the opinion questions so we can get a better idea of who has these dumb ideas.
“People who placed Iraq in South America were much more likely to oppose a war.”
“Respondents who correctly answered the question, ‘Who is the Secretary of Defense?’ sided more with Bush on the issues. Those who answered the question with audible drooling were most critical of Bush.”
“Those polled who identified their hobbies as eating bananas while swinging from trees tended to side more with the Democrats on Iraq.”
Palestinian Creativity
The Palestinians don’t seem to have much going for them. They live under an oppressive dictator and make things worse with violence, so they don’t ever seem to achieve much. There is one thing, though, they seem to excel at: getting killed by Israelis. Think about it; how many Irishmen have you heard been killed by Israelis? How many Eskimos? How many Brazilians? Pretty much none. Even the innovative Japanese can’t seem to get themselves killed by Israelis. And Americans, who usually excel at everything, are so far behind the Palestinians on getting killed by Israelis that they don’t even register. Even today, Palestinians were able to get thirteen of themselves killed by trying to harbor terrorists. Of course, harboring terrorists is just one way Palestinians get themselves killed by Israelis. Here are some of their other creative ways:
*Charging a bunch of Israeli troops with on AK-47.
*Trying to blow one’s self up.
*Trying to run blockades.
*Camping out in other places in Arafat’s compound than where Arafat himself is.
And finally, my favorite:
*Throwing rocks at people with automatic rifles in their hands.
The last one really is especially good. Usually, throwing a rock at someone with an automatic rifle is not a great idea (think: what’s the best possible outcome of that situation), but, when trying to get oneself killed by Israelis, it uses very little resources. Admittedly, they probably adapted that technique from that one tribe who was especially adept at getting killed by tigers. What they would do is carefully approach a sleeping tiger and then poke him with a small sharp stick. I forget the name of that tribe, though; I believe they died out a long long time ago.
The Democrats Have Been Domesticated, Now They Need to be House Trained
It looks like the Democrats, despite their firm stance against the security of the American people, will authorize war against Iraq. Daschle says he’ll vote for the resolution, but only after trying to make it more to his liking. Now, I’m no master negotiator, but admitting he’s going to vote for it anyway probably won’t give him much leverage to change it. The Democrats have pretty much just caved in to pressure since they are now perceived as being a bunch of anti-war, peacenik hippies by everyone since everyone has eyes in their head. Democrats find all the loud noises, explosions, and moral resolve that are involved in a war quite scary, and they just want a simple life of scaring the elderly. That’s why they can’t help but be weasely with their support of the war, and thus we get statements from Sen. Bob Graham like, “If we don’t handle this carefully, including doing our domestic law enforcement as well as our foreign policy, that we could face a significant increase in incidents of terrorism inside the United States.” So, what should be the Republicans’ response to the Democrats if there is another act of terrorism and they blame it on Bush’s push for war? I think it should be kicking the Democrats in the nuts. They do it enough times, the Democrats will learn to stop making that point. Some may say that’s not a way to conduct reasoned debate. That can be answered by staring menacingly at those people for a few seconds.
Questions Asked Frequently
I get asked a lot of questions, so I have cataloged them in a new FAQ. If anyone has any other questions to add, put them in the comments section.
Know Your History
Everyone seemed to like my brief history of the gun, so I have now made a histories section. Added are my brief history of Canada (60% recycled material) and of Tobacco (brand spanking new!). Perhaps one day I will be a famous historian.
Grand Reopening
I have moved; tell everyone! I have now settled down at imao.us. If you are wondering what those letters stand for, “us” stands for United States, which, in my arrogant opinon, are the best states of all.
Opinons on the new layout are appreciated. A special thanks to Rachel Lucas who not only guided me through the set up, but made me the new logo. If you don’t already read her site, then you’re some sort of idiot and I hate you.