Canada Still Sucks

For some reason, every once in a while an old post gets discovered by some wackos and commented on. That happened to this post about Canada (which, incidentally, was later adapted to my brief history of Canada), on which I now find a number of comments such as:

F**k you all mother f**king bitches who made this site the reason we wont support you sick ass f**ks in the Iraqi war is becuase we dont want to die and canada kicks ass and america sucks is my best friend and hes rite u bombed us u stupid f**ks you guys are fukin stupid ass bitches who still live with their moms and cant even afford a 1984 Toyota Corrola Sprinter Trueno and all you gay ass bitchs love da cock well we here are prety much straight you guys have guys on your cocks then all the american chicks will start to like mother fuking girls you gay ass mother f**kers f**ks stop dissin us you f**k ass homos nothing gives you that right and If I ever found you I would beet the f**king shit outta you f**king gay ass homos you guys are gay ass computer nerds who still cant afford that 1984 Toyota Corrala Sprinter Trueno as in all shut the f**k up u bitches and get f**king job DUMBASSES.
From Infinity Zero

I decided to edit only the swear word he spelled correctly. Just click on the post if you really want to see the rest of the comments.
Anyway, only one commenter left an e-mail, so I e-mailed him and left this warning in the comments:

Thank you for your interest in, and you are certainly free to read it anytime you want, but I need to remind of the Information on the Internet Act (Resolution 756). This resolution was developed in mind to keep the internet full of information that could be useful to other people, and it was thus determined by committee that Canada has no useful information and, though they are free to read America’s internet, they are not allowed to post any information on the internet as it will simply clutter and obscure useful things that people like Americans may have to say. You’ll probably get a warning for the first offense, but, if you continue offending, your IP will be banned and your neighborhood saturation bombed. I know this may anger you so much you’ll break your hockey sticks, but, remember, this is to help keep the internet as a useful information tool for everyone in the world.
Frank J.

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  1. Hey, it’s almost the National Hockey League finals. Didn’t anyone invite any Canadian teams AGAIN?
    Let’s have the New Jersey Devils lose to the Mighty Ducks of Anaheim CALIFORNIA!
    We’re overthrowing Lord Stanley and completimg the regime change. Now it will be House Minority Whip Stanley’s Cup!

  2. “You’ll probably get a warning for the first offense, but, if you continue offending, your IP will be banned and your neighborhood saturation bombed.”
    Frank, I’m noticing shades of Nuke the Moon here… “Sorry Canada, we don’t make the rules; we just enforce them”

  3. Interesting comments from infinity Zip.
    It has been my experience and pleasure over the years to take notice of the fact that Canadian women come to the States to get layed. They say they cannot find any real men in Canada, atleast not ones with any teeth left.

  4. Hey, last time I was in Cabo there were these two little ladies on the plane from Canada, and they didn’t seem interested in any dudes that appeared even remotely Canadian. In fact, they were all over my traveling companions, who are Mexican-Americans, before the plane even hit the tarmac. Hmmmm. I guess they were just tired of pasty, pale, beer-bellied, lumberjacks.

  5. I hate canada, even more since that simpsons episode on sunday, did anyone catch that? whether it was a joke or not, it still pissed me off a great deal, they basically said that America’s anthem is to warmongering, and Canada’s was better cause it was peacefull, so they sang that at a ballgame instead, while forming that stupid leaf on the field. even if i am missing a joke there, its really really gay, and the writers for that should be attacked by our war vets, the living and the ghosts of the dead.

  6. Canada really does piss me off.Their national symbol is a damn maple leaf. In fall at the end of the season, they writher up and blow away. Our flag represents a bunch of stuff including freedom, patriotism and the American way. Even if we are warmongering, atleast we aren’t a bunch of pussies.

  7. If you remember your history, I think you will find that a lot of Canada is made up of people that fled America because they could not decide who to back during the American revolution. Then of course you have the French Wussies. And do not forget the draft dodgers from the 60’s. All a bunch of whimps and Whinners.

  8. I know this may seem petty, but what is a 1984 Toyota Corrola (or is it Corrala?) Sprinter Trueno and why in h— would I want one?
    And by the way, why wasn’t I told we’d bombed Canada?

  9. A 1984 Toyota Corolla Sprinter Trueno is another name for a Chevy Geo. It was one of those joint manufacturing things.
    I guess they don’t have engilsh classes in Canada… at least if they do this Zero never took any…

  10. Granted, some portions of Canada are wussy and arrogant (Quebec). However, Alberta (the Canadian Texas) is the kick-ass capital of the world.
    At any rate, it is better than some state that looks like America’s wang.
    Edmonton, Alberta

  11. I think I’m sensing a certain amount of sexual hostility in the gentleman’s post. Tinges of homophobia maybe? Oh…and there’s a bit of a logical flaw here and there. How can Americans be mother f***ers and homosexual at the same time? I mean if you’re going to try and lay the smack down…at least do it with a modicum of internal logic.

  12. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – the best that Canada could do for itself and the world would be to declare war on Quebec. They would instantly surrender – they are FRENCH after all – and then Canada could get about the business of being the funny-speaking, beer-gulping, Moose-riding, hockey-playing Canucks we know and love. At the very least I think BC should lobby to become an U.S. territory, thereby linking the lower 48 with Alaska and giving Americans someplace to go besides Nevada for legalized prostituion……. uhhhhhh…… was that out loud? Sadly, I have lost control of my internal monologue….. drat……

  13. I feel bad about making fun of Canada (well, except for the French parts). On the whole, they seem fairly decent if ineffectual. In fact, I think those last four words are their national motto. Only in Latin, of course.
    Still, if you want to know the difference between Canada and the US, check out our countries’ respective bacons. I mean…WTF? Bacon is about the bestest food in the world, especially when it’s cooked real crisp. Its great with eggs or on pizza or on a peanut butter sandwich. Yet look at Canadian ‘Bacon.’ Blech.
    Even so, Strange Brew is a bitchin’ movie.

  14. Hmm… Homophobia (repeatedly), sexual slurs (ditto), bigotry related to a victim’s national origin (repeatedly), bigotry and contextural threats of violence against women and gays and transmitting the same over the wires…
    Frank, has it occurred to you that the email you recieved is actually ILLEGAL under Canada’s ‘Hate Speech” laws, and that you could file a charge against Twerpboy and (with a little luck) have his ass thrown to the Canadian equivalent of Sweet Bubba?
    …”Squeal, boy! SQUEAL!”…

  15. Calling florida America’s wang, is kinda funny, if an american says it, but not when a canadian says it, cause nobody like them. Its kinda like how its ok for u to pick on your little brother, but if somebody else does, you beat 5 shades of s**t out of him

  16. Joey,
    I thought the Simpson’s episode was freakin hilarious. From the 5-H club to the Canadian national anthem. The point was that Canadians think they are oh so cool because the have peace keeping troops and get along with everyone and think the US is uncool because we’re a global hegemon and have things like JDAMS and Apaches. The funny thing is, we think just the opposite for the exact same reasons.
    The whole point of the ending was to show just how ridiculous the pacifist/Canadian outlook is in the real world. But I guess it works for Canada, because all the other countries know that we called dibs on all of Canada back in the Aroostock war, but settled on taking only northern Maine because that was too many whores and toothless back checkers already. So like who would be crazy enough to mess with Canada, eh?

  17. I think the Trueno/Sprinter is so mentioned because the writer might be a fan of’Initial D’.
    Google “inital d” and trueno, and you’ll see what I mean. Fans of the show worhsip it as a godlike car

  18. Yeah, teh Truneo is an old Japanese race type car, it has been called the king of drifiting and waht not. I played the Initial D videogame the other night, and drove one of those cars, and got my ass handed to me by a skyline. But yeah, Canada is a shit hole. Have you ever heard the comidian Jeremy Hotz? Hes canadian and even he says teh country sucks ass.

  19. thanks for clearing that up Mike P, i still dont like the idea of doing that at a baseball game, even as a joke, but i guess il call off the undead troops, and call up the Babe, Cobb, Williams and Dimaggio

  20. Hey, at least America has a wang.
    I refer you to the map of Ontario, particularly that thing that juts out to the south.
    (posting from Toronto, somewhere near the scrotum of Canada 🙂

  21. Speaking of Florida, even the barely-literate semi-retarded public school graduates we turn loose on the voting booths have the capability of spelling simple four letter words. It shows canada must really suck to get trounced by Florida. Damn.

  22. In the interests of addressing you all to the total badsassery of Canada (which we once had, but now can only be found west of Quebec and in our Armed Forces) I shall now point out some historical facts.
    620,000 Canadians were in World War 1 (which we joined a damn sight earlier than you did, might I add) approximately 10% were KIA.
    1,086,000 Canadians served in World War 2 (Again, Canadians were in the ring from almost day one), with 42,000 KIA and 53,000 wounded
    26,791 Canadians volunteered to go to Korea (516 KIA)
    4,000 Canadians went south to join up and fight in Vietnam, 30,000 Americans fled north (why we took them I’ll never understand)
    PPCLI and JTF 2 make significant contribution to Afghanistan operation, get bombed by Americans while on excercise.
    Finally, LEAFS RULE! Goddamn you Philadelphia…
    PS, I agree about Quebec, and feel free to make fun of our current government (or assassinate them, whichever you prefer)

  23. Stuart – regardless of Frank’s hatred of Canada, I think even he would admit that Canada would be acceptable if it grabbed Quebec by the scruff of the neck and threw it in the Atlantic. I don’t think most Americans dislike Canadians. But we vehemently HATE French-Canadians.
    As for the military stats, I like the Canucks. They don’t have much, but they are good with what they got. Having to fend off the Meese makes ’em tough! If I had to go into a fight, I’d take some of those lumberjacks with me, along with the Aussies and the Brits.

  24. Stuart,
    I certainly agree Canada used to kick ass, or least punch way above your weight. I haven’t seen it in my lifetime though. They’ve downsized their forces way too much and seem to have, at in least in the majority, gone the European route – ie bitch incessantly at the US for protecting them from harm.

  25. Stuart,Great military stats, all true and very manly. Now allow me to blow out one of your candles by revealing that PPCLI stands for Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry regiment. hee-hee! You’ve been outed!

  26. Always amused at responses to a troll post. Mr Zero must be laughing his ass off.
    Frank can play with these all he wants (it’s his site – and it’s a great one too), but seeing other people take this crap seriously is just too funny.
    Jeff – yup, Princess Patricia Canadian Light Infantry might sound like a funny name, but they got the job done in Afghanistan backing up batallions of the 101st Airborne and 10th Mountain.
    I’d dare you to make fun of PPCLI at distances less than 2,500 metres 🙂
    Four PPCLI also died in a Friendly Fire incident. (…and no, I don’t blame the US for that – most Friendly Fire is a “shit happens” thing. And I know that more US troops died in “Blue on Blue” actions).
    chipstah – 1. Wayne Gretzky is Canadian – read the article you linked to. “Ever the gentleman, the Canadian Gretzky passed on the opportunity to criticize his own prime minister, Jean Chrétien, who has parted ways with the United States on the issue of Iraq.”
    2. no argument there, that guy is incomprehensible in either Official Language (you don’t want to get me started on our disfunctional democracy in Canada).
    3. it gets worse, remember TotalFinaElf (who held – past tense – those Iraqi oil contracts), well there’s a Chretien family connection there
    4. Maybe this is true, or not. Are you saying the similar number for the US is 0%.
    And, oh, yeah, Americans don’t panic about plague type stuff …cough ANTHRAX cough…..
    Anyway, there’s plenty of things really screwed up in this country of mine. No need to make shit up.
    Hope all have a good weekend.

  27. Yo Brian J. your right about one thing. No Canadian team didn’t make it into the Stanley finals but Anahiem didn’t win the cup it was the devils and I admit im glad that the devils got the cup. In 2002 Team Canada defeated Team USA in your own wasteful gay country to win the gold medal in mens and womans hockey and for some reason all the Americnas were cheering on Canada. Probaly because the American hockey players have no Canadian to save their ass and in the NHL they do like Paul Kariya, J-S Giguere, Mario Lemieux, Brett Hull, Martin Brodeur, Mark Messier and a shit load of more. Just face the facts and stop kissing this f***ed up hillbilly Frank J’s sack.AMERICA SUCKS !!!!!!!

  28. HELLO LOSERS IM BACK AND YES TO JUST LET YOU KNOW YOU ARE ALL FAGGS AND WILL BE BOMBED BY ME INFINITY Z and also i can not beleive you stupid little american faggs wasted so much band width on me thank you!oh yes to just let you know i think back in 1812 we scared you away with pitch forks and cows which you are still all afraid of and you faggets who mock me about my speach its just a website and you know what i have very good spelling so dont make me go all technical on all of youre little loser asses and about that nasty little toyota yes its probobaly something you wouldent want to buy bought probobaly the only thing you could afford with youre litle iq’s so there hhahah
    Love Infinity Zero

  29. Yes i can agree i myself do not like the french canadians unless there girls becuase they will not get with the program and yes one more thing to say many many years ago before our natives were here vikings lived here and battled youre indians and destroyed them mauauauauah just another blast from the past yo outs
    Infinity Zero

  30. Canada Is A Shithole
    I say we nuke the Grate-Damn-Dorks, they don’t even know how to f***ing spell, they are all idiots, cowards, and commies, bomb the f*** out of them, I’m not joking, we should declare war on Canada.
    PS: To you France-F***ers (Canadians): Do you think calling us hillbillies & cowboys is an insult? That just shows how damn stupid you are, Kill-Billy-Justice would have seen all you commies killed at the end of a shotgun.
    Cowboys would have just marched into Canada & taken over the damn shithole, it would be about as hard as knocking over as bar.
    Canada should feel very lucky that we haven’t sent a troop of boyscouts armed with BB guns to attack Canada, if we did carnage would be all thats left of Canada
    BTW Bush has 10 times the balls of all you france-f***ers put together

  31. ALL you pople are wasting away behind the computer screen dont you wanna do something besides this shit.. yeah once in a while look things up and have fun but posting all this pointless shit… sad. well im just looking for reasons to hate canada cuz i have a outside life where i want to get my friend to come back to the city cuz… that dosnt matter what matters is that yall have no life and id like to bring that up, and i ant ever gonna check back at this site so dont bother with responding

  32. Americans….some can be so immature, most arent, but the ones i run into this site sure are.
    Wayne Gretzy is CANADIAN he was raised in Ontario i believe.
    Dont go dissing canada
    and YOU ARE OURS
    both of you quit argueing.

  33. Actually, I AM Canadian – and not particularly proud of it. For what it’s worth, this is one country that deserves to be bombed (and, knowing your military industrial complex and all the american jobs that rely upon its continued vitality, I’m sure your brilliant – if less than articulate – president can come up with yet another specious reason for going to war against an over-matched, diminutive nation – but I rest my case.
    Now, with all of that out of the way, I might also add that America’s empire – like all of the great (and, to my mind, far greater) empires that have come before it – will crumble and fall and that the same people Americans haughtily deride today will be the very same ones pissing on America’s collective grave tomorrow. No nation – not ancient Egypt, Rome or Great Britain – has held power indefinitely, and when the curtain comes down on America, it will come down with a resounding crash and with an irrecoverable finality. It won’t be a pleasant sight but, with all due respect, I cannot think of any other nation in history that has married such awesome military, economic and political might with so little prescience or wisdom.(but, on the bright side, we’ll all have China soon enough to grovel before).

  34. CANADA has been the one who is so ignorant and misinformed that they still have no defense!!!! Any terroist could walk into Canada and drive down to the northern U.S. border and walk across with all of his biological equipment and set a plan to murder Americans…I wonder why he didn’t pick Canada. Muslims don’t like gay people so why didn’t they get rid of the gay hockey boys. What’s better? Dying because you exterminated someone who has abolished God by being gay or killing innocent Americans…GAY CANADIANS may be innocent but the world is already polluted with such obscenities such as sex. BURN FAGGOTS BURN!!!

  35. is canada really that bad? maybe u guys haven’t even step foot on canadian soil. dude we’re a peacekeeping country no one said we’re some sorta warrior fighters. give it a break. if you’re upset that canadian hockey teams are better and the basketball game is invented by canadians then sue us, but u have no right to say that canada sucks.

  36. u stupid dumbass, most american teams r gettin stanley cup cuz ALL THE F***IN CANADIAN STARS R ON UR TEAMS, lets c… new jearsey: stevens is canadian, neidemayer is canadian, newendyke is to. anahiem has one of the best hockey player on there team: paule Karya. yep he owns, so anyways canada owns u in hockey so dun pronounce lord stanleys name if ur american… Emen

  37. Yeah that’s right terorists can walk here,
    Yes that right we are not some kind of warriors
    We don’t do a lot of things.
    But remember
    Stop to insulte lumberjacks, you need them.
    We don’t care about terorists much because our gouvernement didn’t give us some fake terror just to start a war for cash.
    No one except you want to really want to attack us… Probably when you will find a reason to attack us.
    You are really less intelligent, in fact over 80% of american would want to engage a war agaisnt canada because we are supposly fishing your silver fish.
    Well this was a real poll to see how much american are mind less warrior.
    in this 80%, 47% like to frie those silver fish.
    But the probleme is the silver fish isn’t a fish but a beatle.
    You are damn fat and I don’t know the %, but proud of that because it’s your choice. Heart attack… Evrey other country hate you or don’t like you. You think you are the best country… let’s see my situation.
    I will never pay for hospital or any medical fee.
    I pay about 2500$ for a good education like computer technitien… Canada and Québec pay the rest.
    No body will sue someone for a hot coffee.
    If a car hit me and I can’t work or live with out help, I will live with somone to take care of me, food etc… Free
    I don’t lose 5 years of my life if I do something stupid in my young life like starting a fire in a empty house.
    We don’t need an anti-rocket sheild because no terrorist won’t attack for no reason.
    Now your ally in this war get bombed.
    My country will give me cash to help me to build a new shop.
    My country will pay me to find a job.
    We know much more that just ours past presidents and just about us, we know about other country.
    Your history is full of blood, when you kill someone, you kill generations.
    Finaly now you BEGIN to think that your president scamed you, your patriotisme is low… LOL You really though the story about those weapons yes, when you started another war for cash ours teachers was teaching really why you started this war. Bush isn’t right, cash, you don’t care about other life only your is important your damn big mac and fate ass.
    I can say a lot more but instead to do some war and telling my country is so cool because we killed so much in past and telling some damn rasict thing like lumberjack, about hockey… on you I would say fat, killer, bomber… so much possibility of insulte… Well like I was saying instead of that, I will learn more about irak.
    Here in Canada we learn about other country, we don’t care so much about our.
    In U.S.A you learn how you are superior, your glory storie but nothing about other country or not much.

  38. The best thing that can be done for the world community is to discourage Americans from procreating (with all the dyke white women habitating that sick, pervert’s paradise, that dream is – hopefully – closer than we have hitherto dared hope).

  39. Ugh, SOME candains are jelous of America’s ecnomic and military growth, so we will just leave it at that. And when an American meets a canadian thats a jackass then they stereotype the whole country and vise versa. And for some of you Canadian that say americans are jelous of canada’s hockey team are jack shit wrong. 99% of america doesnt give a rats ass about hockey. sorry. BTW i dont know if canadians or Americans noticed but it seems Canadians are copying all of Americas trends. hmmm
    God bless England!

  40. Ok u need to calm down ZERO your extream use of 4 letter explitives shows your lack of BRAIN POWER but i dont expect much from the canadian school system.But lets think about logic for just a sec ok does canada have an army? ok who has over 300 diffrent military installments in canada?? ummm…..oh yeah THE UNITED STATES!! ok and what if we just decide we dont wanna take any more crap from you canadans?? we will STOMP YOU INTO THE GROUND AND TAKE YOU OVER WITHIN HOURS

  41. ok well im going to get this straight.
    *yes we do have a army. in fact we have the highest trained army in the world. our weapons are better (C7 is way better than M16). And our defense budget is the 14th highest in the whole world.
    *no we are not lumber jacks. no we do not moose hunt in our back yard and no we do not keep beavers as pets.
    *we have a higher education. our country has 99% literacy rate while America’s is 97%.
    *Although your country is richer we are not far behind. And America IS NOT the richest country in the world. The richest is Luxembourg. Look it up yourself. You guys are second. Canada is fifth. And its very very close.
    *In WWII Canada sent 9% of its population to WWII while America only sent 0.01% of its population to war. We had 2 million people and you had 10 million. You guys had 100 million population and we had 19 million. So basically we sent more people to war than you did. We also had third largest navy, fourth largest army, and fifth largest air force.
    *I hate the French too. I hate speaking French. I hate learning French. No one in Canada likes the French. That’s probably why they want to leave. Us normal English people poke fun at them ALL the time.
    *Your country isn’t any better. You’re surrounding by the freaky deaky mexican spanish speaking bastards. At least France kills Spain in Europe by A lot.
    France army size – 250 000
    defense budget – 22 billion
    Spain army size – 215 000
    defense budget – 4 billion
    So even though I hate the French they sure are a hell load better than the Spanish.
    *Canadians live longer by 3.2 years. Our crime rates are way lower. And we can smoke weed any time we want. It’s also legal to download in Canada.
    *We don’t f***ing plague war on every unarmed poor middle east country we see. Your army is UNSKILLED. The only Canadians killed in Afganistan we’re from stupid Americans killing us. Your apparently skilled “ace” pilot shot a missle at 3 Canadian soldiers killing them. And while in Iraq the Americans started shooting at British soldiers. DO THE BRITISH LOOK IRAQI TO YOU?
    *Our beer is better.
    *We burned your whitehouse down in 1812. I see you re-painted it. Looks lovely.
    *You dumbasses went to Vietnam and expected to win but after 10 years you guys pussied off and ran away. And yet Ive heard Americans say “Oh how I loved it how we beat the stupid vietnamise in vietnam.” Well dude its the other way around. Americans were murdered in Vietnam. Maybe you should mine your own business and let the people of south and north vietnam handle it their own way.
    *Everyone in the world hates you besides Canada. We’re just there to make you guys not look like complete idiots.
    *The only reason no one is nuking America is because they are afraid that they will affect Canada or Mexico.
    *We made the zipper, invented hockey and basketball, and most of all the worlds fasted plane the Avro Arrow going Mach 4. Not even modern day scientist(who are of course American) can beat Mach 4.
    *And that settles it. I say we stop the American-Canadian word war before it turns into another cold war. Canada and America are suppose to be friends. It’s suppose to be one of those “Hey buddy Canadian! Hows it going man!” not the “What! You’re from Canada! Are you a eskimo?”
    AND NO WE ARE NOT ESKIMO’S. America has more igloo’s and eskimo’s than Canada does.
    *Alaska pop. – 700 000
    *Nunavut pop. – 60 000
    So America has 640 000 more eskimos than Canada.
    And yes I’m Canadian. Proud. And if I was American I would also be proud. And same with if I was Chinese or Australlian or even from Singapore. Let’s stop this war.

  42. Noone wants to nuke America cause we are the worlds power house, the end. Sorry, Canadians only live 2 years longer than americans now, and we have a population of almost 300 milion so 97% literacy rate is GREAT. and your outdated Mach 4 ist going to be the fastest any more, with NASA creating the X-43 and plan its second test flight June the 2, this technology is called ScramJet. and So? Luxemburg has a higher GDP, yay! lets throw them a cookie, but remeber America has the most billionaires in the WORLD!, America has 269 billionaires and Canada has 16… the US has by far the most computers and internet users per houshold, and even the poorest poeple in America have TV’s and toaster ovens. Dont belive me? go here (at least i have proof to back up the stuff i say) and wow, i never knew France had a military! and who cares if the world hates us, we fight for our defense. You guys can let terrorist blow you up, but we are going to kill them before they kill us.
    Have a G’day mate.

  43. Oh, and you didnt burn the whitehouse, the british did, but WE DID burn Toronto, and slaughter ya’ll at New Orleans 🙂
    P.S. We invented The TV the airplane the phone, the car the stop light, the first skyscraper, should i go on?

  44. Your original article (and this site) were quite moronic, so whom do you blame? If for one moment you could look past your silly blind nationalism, you’d have a clue, but as for now, frank, and company, you’re all f***ing idiots.

  45. You retard, if you want to make a point, then state it. But saying “you need a clue blah blah” that aint going to change shit. so how bout you go back to kindergarden and learn how to f***ing make a point, then come back and post a comment that makes sence, ok?

  46. this comment is to ‘lalalela’ yes you americans invented “The TV the airplane the phone, the car the stop light, the first skyscraper” but you forgot to mention stupid americans made a dumbass like you. honestly, i wouldnt have posted this comment, but you stop bad mouthing canadians.

  47. this comment is to ‘Like Whoaaa.’ Canadians have really done nothing in history up north besides use oxygen, and run around in cirles knocking each other’s teeth out with wooden sticks like a bunch of monkeys. I dont bad mouth canadians in general, i just bad mouth canadians, like above besides Sic becuase he/she was actual being logical, which is uncommon among canadians. And sorry, In america the first ammendment grants me the freedom of speech say i can say what i want, so stick that in a pipe and smoke it.

  48. americans or at least your president is a wussy..maybe majority of your presidents. but BUSH holy crap where should i start? he blames canada for the 9-11 terroist acts?? he said that its because of canada letting in too many foreign people causing the 9-11 attacts. well excuseeeeeeeee me. we take up oxygen? okay well thats weird cuz you’re taking up ours, North America’s forests are abundant and growing. Between them, Canada and the United States contain 15 percent (10 percent in CANADA and ONLY 5 percent in the U.S.) of the Earth’s forest cover. so…wanna think again? well u’re the one who wanted statistics. let me go on, i heard that americans are more aggresive about hockey than we are. almost each of your states have a hockey team so i guess we’re not the only ones knocking our teeth out are we?

  49. what a bunch of crap! Bush didnt blame anything on Canada, i dont know where you heard that, and if its true send me some gosh dang proof, like a link. and yes, everyone takes up oxygen, but canadians dont do anything BUT take up oxygen. oh, and run around and play hockey ofcoarse. And said i wanted statistics? i said i wanted a link, statistics are useless without proof. and only about 9 states out of 50 have hockey teams. And no one in America watches it anyway so bleh.

  50. In response to Britain:
    You’re from Britain, whereabouts, Northern Ireland you piece of shit! Wow who gives a f*** what you think! You talk about America stereotyping after only being to Canada one time, how many times have you gone over to Canada when you mentioned those sterotypes? My family moved from Liverpool, the greatest city in England, thanks for noticing. God it’s people like you who give good Brits (like me) such a piss-poor rep. Oh, and by the way, study up on Britain’s history! U.S.A. f***in betrayed us you little whore! Canada still has a monarchy! What does that say to you? Stay strong, Canada! Rest assured you are still a better country, you always have been!

  51. American: Hello are you canadian?
    Canadian: Yes i am
    American: Even though your country would always have our backs, and would support us any time cuz we’d bumb the shit out of you if you dont, i hate you. even tho i dont know you, i’m a gay ass who has too much to say about canadians and thinks you all live in igloos and sit around drinking beer
    Canadian: Its alright, we know we’re better

  52. omg is this still going on. canadians aren’t stupid. some are just ignorant or protective of a great country that americans like to poke fun at. and no we do not say “EH” every second. have I even used that word in this whole paragraph? besides the one where I state that we do not say it every second than basically I have not said “EH”. americans say EH too. same with british and australlian people. and americans also have the world “HUH” which I find quite annoying to hear. but hey you guys find the word “EH” annoying to hear. and americans aren’t stupid either. you guys are just very ignorant. im pretty sure if you guys actually had a slightly larger knowledge of our country im pretty sure you wont be making fun of it. and hockey sucks btw. just because you know “1” or “2” canadians who like hockey, that doesn’t mean the whole friggin country likes hockey. theres like no difference between america and canada. we both speak english. both are large countries. both have large coastlines. both share undefended borders. both have idiot leaders. both hate the french(besides the quebec fools). both are rich. and both have large cities. canada even has larger cities than the UK(ex: besides london pop. 7 000 000. the UK’s second largest city is 1 000 000. and the third largest is like 800 000 and it goes lower and lower. Canada has Toronto at 5 000 000. montreal at 3 000 000. vancouver at 2 000 000. ottawa at 1 000 000. calgary at 1 000 000. edmonton at 1 000 000. and so on. america is new york at 8 000 000. los angelos at 3 000 000. and so on.)
    now i know canada and america dont get along but cmon. just stop this shit and lets team up and make fun of france or china. i mean china is just corrupted so we have a reason for making fun of them. and france is just gay.
    but of course i know the americans wont listen to me for im just a stupid “canuk”. yes im very stupid(our education .99 on chart. america is .97 on chart.) so really you guys are stupidier than us. but hey who cares.
    and if u want a full list of canadian inventions ill be glad to post them!

  53. In response to the person saying “Oh America has more computers and TVs or whatever.”
    Well as a typical american would do, you look upon total amount instead of percent of country. of course US is gonna have the most internet users. look at your bloody population 300 000 000. and look at canadas 30 000 000. but actually CANADA has MORE internet users than USA. there is 165 million internet users in USA which is 55% of your population. there are 18 million internet users in canada which is 60% of our population. so basically if canada had the same pop. as USA we would have more internet users than you. so I think in the end you guys are the poor ones. and your economic growth is shit now. USA’s economic value is going DOWN. your US dollar bill is going DOWN. soon we will worth more. we also have more TV’s than USA if we do that percent thing again. but thats alright USA has had enough surprising info showing that they arent the best today.

  54. I think your all being unfair to Canadians they are there helping out. Shame on your comments. You had better take a closer look, and remember who shot who down , it was called Friendly Fire remember>>>>>>>>>>>>

  55. i have a fat dick. i hate vaginas. penis fat ass kitten cat how i wonder how your fat. i love cocks. i have crushes on baby kittens. i like sperm. it is goowwee. HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

  56. This has all been incredibly amusing. Personally, I have, do, and always will support Canada. We have one hell of an amusing history and I love it. We have things to be proud of and they include our hockey players, our beer, our mall, and Jeremy Hotz.

  57. haha this is great reading all this sh*t…yea im from america, just checkin out t-shirts but yea….CANADA ROCKS…JUST LIKE THE US…ITS GOT SOME GUYS WITH SOME BIG COCKS!!…HAHA YEA BUT IM OUT…SO PZ

  58. Amazing, such misguided hatred on both accounts. I would like to call an end to this war of words (however incorrectly they may be spelled). There is no point to this thread. This right-wing site is administered by people looking to argue their opinions and belittle those who disagree. The core of this conflict is not really about how much one country “sucks” or “rules”, but how much we love our homelands. Canada and America are both great lands, with freedom and oppertunity. America is proud and has a fighting spirit, Canada is Peacefull and forthcoming. Alogoricaly they are Yin and Yang. Do not let the needy and jaded minds of those who run this site come between our unity.

  59. I think everyone needs to realize something. Canada and the US are very powerful. But even though the US is still attacked by other countries. If Canada and the US became one country, we would have enough power to take over every other country in this world, if we needed to. No offense, but you don’t seem to be doing a very good job of doing it yourself. Canada and the US are not at war, and I find it very stupid that even though your country was attacked on Sept.11th, and thousands died, and your country went through a extremely difficult time, you actually bitch about Canada. I saw how many people cried that day from Canada. No one was happy that it happened. I lost my brother on that day, and it only makes me want to attack the assholes that done that. It doesn’t make me hate the US. Maybe you should remember who it really is that the US should hate. You all have give up on Osama Bin Laden, that’s what makes me feel hate against the US. Look what he done!!!!

  60. Funny how I keep running into these “I Hate Canada Sites” on the web. You Americans seem to have a million of them…such a hateful country you are. Ever search for any Canadian sites and see how many of us bash you? Not very many. In case you haven’t noticed, were a pretty diplomatic country. Like Switzerland on Steroids. Yes, we hide under your military umbrella like a little brother. I mean, I think its pretty damn smart, since we aren’t really paying for it. Besides, who the hell would attack us? We’re just too Damn nice. Did you know that we are always told to wear a Maple Leaf if we vacation in Mexico? That’s so latinos won’t rip us off, beat us up or spit on us. It’s a symbol saying, “Hey, we’re not those arrogant people from the U.S., we’re actually cool”. I mean we can talk about Hockey and Beer, Nukes, Bush and the Canadian Dollar, but really…It’s like comparing apples to oranges. I live in a country where our Medicare is a few meazley dollars a month, whether I get a scratch or need a triple bypass. The air and water is clean, beautiful wildlife surrounding me all the time, and there are only 12 people per square mile. I live in a city where we may forget to lock our doors to our cars & homes and we don’t get taken for what we work so very hard for. Where women don’t have to carry a handgun in their purse when they go out. You can start a business here and sell your goods to Americans like I have and make 30% more money with the exchange rate. What I mean to say is “LIFE HERE IS DAMN GOOD !” If you do indeed hate us, please just stay out of our country. We don’t want you to spoil it.
    We don’t want your crime, nor your arrogance, or your tourism. We don’t want your media and melo-dramtic, violent television… Although I ask if we can keep Jerry Springer, afterall all the guests are Americans and it’s great entertainment.
    You see, we really don’t care if you people want to be number one at everything. That’s your thing. We are a peaceful melting pot of many cultures, who happen to get along. Imagine that? You work so hard at being numero uno and what are you rewarded with?… Triumphs of wars, Olympic trophies, a million dollar house in a smog ridden city you have to guard with your life? Are you lashing out at us because we have what most of you could only dream of? I’m just saying it’s a different attitude up here. If you pay attention to little brother fellas, you just might learn something valuable. Nuff said.

  61. Ditto, except Canada is reffered to as a cultural mosaic, not a melting pot (I paid attention in highschool Geography). The US is a melting pot, many different people get tossed in and come ou tall the same (sludge). Contrary to that Canada is made up of many different cultures. People are not forced to change their ways, and each different aspect adds to our vibrancy.

  62. Lesson.. Did u no that the united states is the second country with the most fat consumers(fat asses). Did u no that the united states is the country with the most homosexuals(gays,lesbians).

  63. Lesson.. Did u no that the united states is the second country with the most fat consumers(fat asses). Did u no that the united states is the country with the most homosexuals(gays,lesbians).

  64. Quote: Lesson.. Did u no that the united states is the second country with the most fat consumers(fat asses). Did u no that the united states is the country with the most homosexuals(gays,lesbians).
    Posted by: The Dominator on August 24, 2004 08:41 PM
    I hope the asshole who wrote that is not from Canada, because if he is, Canadians should be ashamed of him. Who cares if someone is overweight or gay or a lesbian? Canadians have overweight and gay people, I know for a fact that they do, because I’m 100% lesbian and damn proud of it. I’m also proud to be a Canadian, but I would be ashamed to live in the same country as you. If you think I’m defending overweight people because you think I’m overweight, than I’m not, I’m 130lbs soaking wet and my girlfriend loves every piece of me, everynight. To all you Canadians out there, we are suppose to defend ourselves from crap like this site, don’t stoop to their level like the moron who wrote the above quote.

  65. Quote: I don’t have a problem with gay, lesbian or overweight people. I know Canada has some gays, lesbians and overweight people but very rarely in Canada and we don’t wanna know about your personal life so SHUT THE F*** UP quote.

  66. If you have no problem with lesbians, than what makes my comment nasty, and why would you consider saying that the US has more gays, lesbians and overweight people an insult? I will NOT shut the f*** up, if anyone needs to shut up, it should be you. The reason Canada has less gays and lesbians, and overweight people, is because less people live in Canada. What part of Canada are you from anyway? Your statistics make no sense, and were probably created in your head when you could not think of anything else to say.
    Next time, keep your facts to yourself, save yourself the shame and embarrassment of being who you are.

  67. We do have less people than the U.S. but the PERCENTAGE of overweights, gays and lesbians are way higher than Canada. In the natinol geographic book of world records it shows that Las Vagas has a higher PERCENTAGE of gays and lesbians than all of Canada and more countries its just too much to list all of them and on the list its the top 30 countries with the highest rate and Canada wasn’t even on that list and eveything i said about the gays and lesbians its almost the same i would say about the overweight in America…

  68. Hi,
    I’m Canadian and DAMN proud of it. I’d just like to say that this site is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen. There was a comment about the war of 1812 which obviously wasn’t taught correctly. There was no winner, but Canadians did burn down the white house.
    Just because our old prime minister (Jean) wasn’t a trigger happy moron and wouldnt follow in that direction doesnt make him stupid.
    your whole, we saved world war 2. oaky well firstly you never got involved until they did something to you, which shows your country’s selfishness. also canada helped you win. you guys wiped out an entire native trip who you exploited and we got uranium from the NWT (thats Northwest Territories by the way..).
    Okay sure you may hate Canada, but does it comfort you that we hate you too? There was a study that so many Generation Z are anti-american. And why? Probably Bush. The war of “errorism” (thank you NOFX). That war was probably one of the dumbest thigns ever.
    As well your media. HOLY BEJESUS. The misuse of the word “terrorist” appauls me.
    Get to know your country. ACTUALLY get to know ours, and you’ll see, theres nothign really wrong with either, but at least when people come to the “free world” they have a choice, to work illegaly in a work house (USA) or to get a decent job here, no green card asked.

  69. Here are a list of things Canada should be ashamed of:
    ~Sharing a border with the United States
    Here are a list of things the United Stated should be ashamed of:
    ~George Bush
    ~Giving up on Osama Bin Laden
    ~William Hung
    ~Sharing a border with Mexico
    ~Your ability to hate everything
    ~Columbine, Oklahoma Bombing, 9/11
    Canada don’t feel the need to prove our pride, strength, and abilities. We know were strong. I don’t know how you call what you have freedom. Living your life, unsure if your going to be bombed or going to have a plane flew at you, or not knowing if the person sitting next to you on a Subway is carrying a gun waiting to brutally murder you for no reason at all, that’s not freedom. I know that living in Canada, real freedom is being able to leave my car and my front door unlocked, or go to work safely and know that I will be home with my family again. That’s freedom.

  70. A friend of mine showed me this web site and i must say im shocked. the arrogence of some American’s and Canadians for that matter is over the top. There is nothing wrong with the French ( i am english ) except that a french country in Europe was against the war in Iraq. Guess what Right wing Americans, they were right! there were no WMD or a conection to Osoma so Bush and the British Govenment were wrong. Canada has a Govenment that takes care of its people and yes we have problems with some of the french people of Quebec but not enough that compares to the devide between political parties in the U.S. . As for years when there are no Canadian hockey teams in the Stanly Cup finals, look at the rosters. If you never noticed before, most of the Players are Canadian and where was the U.S. hockey team at the World Cup finals this year? oh yeah, not there. have a good life!


  72. finally, people who hate canada. do you know how long it took me to find this site. i thought the world loved us, but it’s nice to see a little hate coming our way from you guys. guess i now know we’re going in the right direction

  73. i am canadian and i dont hate america. i have some good friends there as a matter of fact. i just dont understand why the some of you americans hate us so bad. it could of started when we burnt down the white house in washington during the war of 1812. and dont try to argue that fact becouse it is true.
    the other reason could be that we have kicked your asses at hockey for the past 3 years. men and women.
    you think that your american hokey teams are the best and are better than the canadian hockey teams. well like jamie said almost all the players on the american teams are canadian. wayne greskey for example. he was the best hockey player ever. now he coaches team canada and since he startde that we have been kicking your asses.
    three of the bigest sports in america were invented in canada by canadaian they are hockey, basket ball and lacross.
    one other thing who was cosiderd the most feared fighting force by the germans during ww1 and ww2. the canadians.
    so before you go bashing canada think about it. your only doing it becouse you are envious of canada.
    oh and size DOES matter.

  74. one more thing
    does anyone know where the mariens got there marpad design?
    the americans bought the design from canadas military.
    americans are right when there say we have a small military. we do but we are also the 2nd best trained military in the world. oh and sorry the american military is not first.
    has any one herd of the jtf 2 i am guessing not. becouse they are our version of the sas theyare way beter trained than the navy seals.
    so before you insult our military think about it your only doing it becouse we are way beter trained and we dont kill hundreds of our own soldiers. so once again you are envious

  75. ok and also any americans that think americans are smarter than canadians you need to watch talking to americans with rick mercer ok. hell i bet you wouldnt even understand half the things. and i bet you wouldnt get the parts were he makes fools of americans. ya so before anyone says anything about canadians watch this show you might have to go and rent it or somthing

  76. oh and one more thing NO american can compare there mordon military planes to what the canadian invented. we created the avro arrow it went mark 4 and guess what that was in the 50s. also we created the landing craft for the first landing on the moon. unfortunatly we had to trash our avro arrow project and our space project becouse our f***en stupoid prime minister in the 50s wanted to keep peace with the americans and feared haveing better tecnolegy. so we would of been first on the moon if we had not of trashed the plan. also during the cold war does any one remember nato. we set that up so that the canadians and americans could set bases up in the artic to prevent russia from bombing the us. we could of left it open and let russia come right in but we are ALLIES remember that.
    i remember saying wwe burnt down the wite house but i did not say that is the reason it is white. the americans in the war of 1812 painted it white to cover the burn marks. and your luckey the rain was there to put out the fire.
    so if it were not for the canadians your white house would not be white.
    like i said i dont hate americans i just hate when hey think they are beter than everyone eles in the world


    sometime u need to just think about other things than hatrid like come on we should just stop hating one another like were all equal like i live in canada and i think its preety shity sometimes too and americans dont act like america is heavne cuz its not its the same as every other country out there..we all lokk the same( maybe our races are different) but that doesnt really matter cuz god didnt take his 7 days to have people bitching to one another about foolishness… sure americans are selfish and are dumb,…..sure canadians only play hockey (which is not tru) and r weak…im not taking either sides cuz were all the same and if ur juss going to makw a few border line divide our equality then ur all wack and u have no eye to ur life really means to u…
    i thinkt that americans should have more sympathy to the less fortunate like the iracys like the solders are doinf a fine job but the killing of innocent ppl is not neccisary they should just call of the war and just for get about osama becuase its been nearly a year and they havent found him yet…he’ll turn up eventually..
    Canadians need to stop worying about wat other countries in general have to say or think about them… we try to be wat everyone thinks we are but were not…and that needs to stop and we dont always have to depend on the americans for every little thing… becuase if we were to go 2 war right now.. without any weapons or missiles just a million to million …hand t hand fight there would be a draw…cause, just think about it were as equally as strong as the americans..
    we all need to stop and smell the roses and appreciate wat we ahev because we only live once and by dieing with hatrid in ur hearts.. is a waste of live itself……
    PEACE brings more PEACE
    WAR brings more WAR
    what path will u choose…….

  79. all u guys stop righting u hate american this and u hate american that they can thelp it if they lived in a country where bush was the leader. BUSH IS A SELF-CENTERED, STUCK UP.. IGGNROANT..PIECE OF SHIT LEADER…u guys shouldnt be hatin americans uu should be hatin bush…HE’S the one who rules the country… and tells them what they can and cant do dont hate them HATE BUSH!!!!!!!!!! HES WORSE THAN OSAMA!!!!

  80. to all canadians who just made anti-american comments you should be ashamed of yourself. I (a canadian) may not always agree with americans, but bashing them back doesnt make the situation any better. now i dont hate all americans, in fact if theres an american in here who voted Kerry, than i respect you. to all those who voted Bush, good for you but you’re an idiot not to see what the REAL war is about. i recomend all americans watch Fahrenheit 911 as it will show you whats really going on. besides that, i respect the USA, and i respect Canada( i respect Canada more because i live in it 🙂 )

  81. Face it, Canada is too scared to fight terrorism and doesn’t know its priorities if its life depended on it (which it does)
    You numbnuts like to rag on Bush, but still, you elected the screwball Paul Martin whose corruption coughPower Corpcough is high enough to make South American leaders blush.

  82. TO ROB:
    You f***ing stupid shithead, America isn’t even fighting terrorism, their fighting a country that had no connection to any terrorist attacks. The only reason Iraq is fighting back is because their scared, of what, I have no idea. Probably because some arrogant men invaded their country and starting killing people off. What’s the point of having a big military if you don’t know how to use it? And, how the hell is Canada in danger, I suppose the US is going to attack us for not backing them up, take a hint, not everyone wants to look like an idiot. Do you realize how ridiculous americans look? Your country is the one in danger, and you have nothing better to do than to place your comments on here, Why aren’t you in Iraq?

  83. 100+ years of american Imperialism
    * PHILIPPINES, 1898 – 1910: seizes from Spain, 600,000 Filipinos killed
    * PUERTO RICO, 1898: seizes from Spain
    * PANAMA, 1901 – 14: separates country from Colombia and annexes canal zone
    * HONDURAS, 1903: US marines intervene against revolution
    * NICARAGUA, 1912 – 33: 20-year occupation and war against guerrillas
    * HAITI, 1914 – 34: occupation
    * DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, 1916 – 24: occupation
    * CUBA, 1917 – 33: military occupation, made into economic protectorate
    * RUSSIA, 1917 – 22: troops sent five times to try to overthrow revolution
    * YUGOSLAVIA, 1919: marines intervene against Serbs
    * PANAMA, 1925: marines suppress general strike
    * CHINA, 1927 – 34: marines stationed throughout the country
    * EL SALVADOR, 1932: warships sent during revolt
    * JAPAN, 1945: firebombs Tokyo and other cities, drops atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
    * PUERTO RICO, 1950: independence rebellion crushed
    * KOREA, 1950 – 53: US and South Korea fight China and North Korea to stalemate. US threatens to use nuclear bombs. At least two million Korean civilians killed or wounded
    * IRAN, 1953: CIA overthrows democracy
    * GUATEMALA, 1954: CIA directs invasion after government nationalized land belonging to US United Fruit company
    * LEBANON, 1956: US troops land
    * VIETNAM, 1960 – 75: two million Vietnamese killed in longest US war
    * INDONESIA, 1965: one million killed in CIA-assisted coup
    * GUATEMALA, 1966: troops intervene
    * CAMBODIA, 1969 – 75: US carpet-bombs. Two million killed by years of bombing and starvation
    * CHILE, 1973: CIA-backed coup overthrows democratically elected government
    * ANGOLA, 1976 – 92: CIA assists South African backed rebels
    * LIBYA, 1981: two Libyan jets shot down
    * EL SALVADOR, 1981 – 92: troops and air power assist death squads, 75,000 people killed
    * NICARAGUA, 1981 – 90: CIA directs Contra invasions
    * LEBANON, 1982 – 84: US forces intervene, navy shells Beirut
    * HONDURAS, 1983 – 89: US troups build bases for death squads
    * GRENADA, 1983: US invasion
    * LIBYA, 1986: capital Tripoli bombed in effort to kill President Gadaffi
    * IRAN, 1987: Iranian passenger jets shot down over Persian Gulf
    * PANAMA, 1989 – 90: invasion, thousands of civilians killed
    * GULF WAR, 1990 – 91: US-led coalition kills 100,000 Iraqis. Post war sanctions kill an estimated one million civilians in the following ten years
    * SOMALIA, 1992 – 94: US-led United Nations occupation
    * EX-YUGOSLAVIA, 1995: bombs Serbs and assists ethnic cleansing
    * SUDAN, 1998: bombs pharmaceutical factory
    * IRAQ, 1998: four days of air strikes, raids continue until present day
    * SERBIA 1989: 78 days of NATO air strikes
    * AFGHANISTAN, 2001: US-led war kills thousands
    * IRAQ, 2002/3: +1000 Iraqi civillian casualties.
    America is responsible for more civillian deaths than the Hitler, Stalin and Saddam.

  84. Merry Christmas to everyone, that includes Canadians, Americans, Russians, Africans, Mexicans, Black, White, Yellow, Red, who cares. This is not the right time of year to argue about what country is better. All countries have great things, why always point out the bad things, I’m sure all countries have bad things too.
    So, as a Canadian, I would like to say to the Americans, Have a great Christmas, no matter how much you might hate us, On Christmas morning, most of us will be doing the exact same thing, spending time with our families, and forgetting everything else in the world. Stay warm, happy, and most of all, safe.

  85. Re: What Rob posted earlier.
    “Face it, Canada is too scared to fight terrorism and doesn’t know its priorities if its life depended on it (which it does)”
    1. Canada does not need to fight terrorism because:
    a) When was the last time someone flew planes into our skyskrappers ?
    b) Why go and pick a fight with the guy who hates your neighbour when yo don’t like him that much anyways?
    2. Canada’s priorities…
    What do you know about Canada’s priorities ? You are not from our Country! You will not bully us into following all your commands! You are trying to get us to fight terrorism because it’s important to our safety ? Who hates Canada besides you guys ? The safest thing we could do is set our country adrift to try and get as far away from you guys so when the nuclear and biological attacks happen we don’t get any fallout.
    You Americans do not understand what is important up here. Our priorities are making sure everyone is healthy, educated, has a job and a high quality of life.
    P.S. When the world turns on America (face it most of it already has) and the bombs stop dropping on your arrogant country we will be there… to colonize your homeland and trun it into a productive member of the global community.

  86. ok americans stop and read this before you go thinking you are better than canada.
    go reserch the war of 1812. you will learn that we kicked your asses. we had like no military (the majority malitia)
    and we still managed to turn your invasion of canada into chasing the americans out of canada back into detroit and than we took detroit. we werew out numberd i beleive 2-1 and you guys had the defensive. but than again not a shot was fired. we scared you so much that you surrenderd to an army half your size with out a fight.
    *queenston hights one of the greatest victories. we may of lost sir issak brock but that was becouse he was a major general that led the charge of his troops to push the americans off and out of canada. oh ya we won that battle the americans surrended once again we were out numberd 3-1.
    *we bured down the white house and chased the americans out off washington. the reason the white house is white is becouse you had to paint it to cover the scorch marks. ya its true.
    * i am sure all the americans know about the battle of new orleans right wherere the british soldiers got slaughterd ya it was a british disaster and it was considerd the greatest american victory in the war but i have some sad news for you first the british were only there not the canadians and second it was 2 weeks after the war ended so that greatest victory of the war was not during war time soooooo it cant be the greatest victory of that war.
    *americans were asking for that war anyway. they kept sending ships to try and supply nepolion during the war in eourope and the brittish had set up a blockade but the americans would not stop sending the ships and i am sure the british were greatful for the supplies.
    that is all i will metion of that war for now but really you should go and reserch it.
    *the americans may of invented the sky skraper but cadada has the worlds largest and it has been the tallest since the 1960’s it is the CN tower.
    *i know this one will be hard to belive but it was a canadian that invented the lightbulb. not an american. sure the americans got the credit for it but if you do your reserch we sold the product to the american becouse the man that invented it didnt relize what he had created.
    well read this and do some reserch and you will relize whao the better country really is. and i know if you are american you will usally think america is better and if you live in canada you will know that canada is better.

  87. Brian,
    I am canadian, and just so you know, the CN tower is not even close to the tallest skyscraper. There is a new one called Taipei 101 in Tokyo, and the Sears tower is taller, and the World Trade Center was taller. And even if it was taller, the CN tower sucks, most skyscrapers look nice, that one is just plain ugly and is a eyesore to Toronto. Don’t be too proud of it. It should be torn down.

  88. ok i agree the cn tower is not the best looking building i have to look at it everyday but it is not ugly. it serves as a radio tower but is a very famous tourist attraction and the united way collects hundreds of thousands of dollars from the cclming of the cn tower i have climed it twice. it is a magor land mark and a very large object to orientate your self from. it is the tallest the world trade centers were not taller i think you need to do your reserch. and as canadians we need to stand togeather and try and convice people that canada does not suck. and to the person that posted there comment and told me that the cn tower was not the tallest and ugly and should be destroid may i ask where you are from? i think i have an idea.
    *CN Tower, the World’s Tallest Building and Wonder of the Modern World
    do you know that 2 million people a year visit the cn tower. that i a lot of people and if you were to destroy it a lot of money would be lost
    the cn tower has a height of 553.33m (1,815 ft., 5 inches),
    the worl trade centers were only 1,353 feet,
    that is a diferance of 462 ft 5 inches
    the taipi 101 is only 1,671 feet
    that is a differance of 144 feet and 5 inches
    so before you go saying it is not the tallest do your reserch and dont insult it go up it and see the veiw from the top you may change your opinion

  89. I am from Alberta, and the CN tower is disgusting. Who cares if it’s taller, congratulations Toronto you have a very tall ugly building. And just so you know, CN tower is not considered a skyscraper, but a free standing building.

  90. I live in Toronto, the CN is considered the worlds largest “free standing structure” what ever that means, but it’s not even that anymore, Taipei101 0wns all.
    Anywayz I agree, the thing looks like shit, butI would hate for it to be bulldozed though I mean we’ve had it so long, it just wouldn’t look right without it.

  91. i am also from toronto and the person from alberta i could tell you were from the west. the majoraty of the west hates east cadada becouse we have so much more. alberta has shit all i love the mountains i was there all summer climing them but apart from that ya nothing oh what mad cow, farms dinisor bones and 2 cities with shitty hockey teams. but besides that i love alberta. you should not hate the cn tower becouse it is in toronto and not alberta. i know your jelouse that canada evolves around toronto and ontario but that is no reason to hate. but dont argue with me we need to stand togeather and brag about how we beat russia 6-1 in the juniors and about how graet canada is not argue bout how ugly or stupid the cn tower is. i never said the cn tower was a sky skraper. you will not find those words anywere i said the americans invented them and than said we have the world largest i ment to put bulding after that. it is the worlds largest free standing structior. who care what it is we still ahve the tallest

  92. hey, i am canadian, and if i may say, americans are f***ing stupid, a waste of time and space, and for all you stupid americans remember one thing, us canadians burned the white house to the ground the first time, and we are not afraid to burn it agian.
    stupid americans

  93. One more thing, the CN tower is the tallest free stand bulidling, our military can kick the shit out of the americans military, and the “hardcore” america navy would get beaten bye our JTF2, and at least our leader isnt a hick that needs to be shot in the head, insted of giving it to his father.

  94. Brian, I believe you posted this:
    quote: *the americans may of invented the sky skraper but cadada has the worlds largest and it has been the tallest since the 1960’s it is the CN tower.
    And, just so you know, I hate Alberta with a passion, I am not originally from here. And, about what you said about the hockey teams, Calgary was very close to winning the stanley cup last year. I am definitely not jealous of Ontario, I am from Newfoundland and I am damn proud of it, the scenery in Alberta sucks, Newfoundland is a beautiful province. Albertans are stuck up, arrogant too good for their own good assholes. So, don’t expect an argument from me there. And if you want to write back insulting Newfoundland, then that’s fine too, I still love it there. Also, Canada doesn’t revolve around Toronto, the only reason Ontario is the center of things, is because of Ottawa, our Nation’s capital. I realize that Canada is better than the US, Americans and Albertans act the same way. So, in conclusion, we both agree the CN tower is ugly, and that it is not a skyscraper, and that Alberta sucks, and Canada is better than the US.

  95. hey i agree with you i think newfoundland is a awsome place so you wont here me argue with that. i may not think the cn tower is attractive but it is a part of toronto. i have to say that ottawa has nothing it may be the capital but that is not why ontario has so much. i think it is really becouse ontario has pretty much every resourse in north america we dont really depend on any one to survive. so i will go on a truce and we can work togeather to convince the americans we are supiriour. after all look at who didnt even get bronze in the world juniors hockey.

  96. im english,so neutral and have to say that u americans are ignorant ******* !
    canada is a million times the country america is.
    they dont get involved and start wars like the USA and britain
    AND THERE NOT SO UPTIGHT AND ignorant towards british history, as that is where alot of u all come from originaly.

  97. Hey just to let the americans know that they are hated much more than we are. when i went to google and typed in anti american 12,800,000 sites poped up in 0.12 seconds. when i typed in anti canadian only 6,270,000 in 0.22 seconds that means there is over two times the amount of anti american sites and in almost half the time of searching

  98. canada rules all you american fux can go to hell and then suck on the devils dick. you fat ass bitches better recognize whos more liked around the world.The reason everybody hates you is because you talk shit like little pussies.

  99. wtf u guys suk canada WILL be fkin smaller n all u cock sukin motherFker’s can like dah shit between MAH ASS and when the U.S. is done fkin canada over canada’s goin to like all dah fkin shit of his DICK u stupid f*kkin americans, QUEBEC RULES and we will fkin split off from you canadians shit faced cock master’s, testicles shitting recatal wart english bastardsand fk u all!!! n u wanna know how tah tell if ur mah’s not wearin any fkin panties when tyhere’s Fkin dandruff on hur shoes !!!


  101. You stupid fking americans, You stupid fkers voted for that inbred retard again. Fk you all. And don’t use the fking we kick your ass in hockey excuse, like none of your players are even american. And whats up with bin laden your president cant even keep his attention focused in one place. And go ahead and bomb those french fks into the ground. Then maybey i’ll respect you american fkers a little more.

  102. wow!! I wouldnt let anyone who is younger than me to read anything in this page..It’s very violent…and too much swear words to last me a lifetime…
    I’m also a Canadian…but that doesn’t mean I hate every Americans I see..(though I hate A LOT of Americans here)
    look!! On September 11…My teacher announced what happened to New York…and you know what we did…we were all shocked and upset…WE GAVE ALL THE PPLE WHO DIED THERE 15 min. of silence…and we prayed for them and America every morning…
    I think they just hate Quebec because they dont like french and I admit I dont like french but it’s because of my teacher.. (FRENCH IS A HARD LANGUAGE TO LEARN)
    Okay..that’s it!! CIAO!

  103. i have a better laptop and computer and iPod than all of you. america sucks, canada sucks, japan rules. cmon, they are making all this super cool stuff. they made this chip smaller than a dime thats faster than any chip ever made and can run up to 3 operating systems at once. its coming out in 2006 and i am jealous. oh and im an american

  104. Everyone hates who’s on top. The United States of America has gone from being a minor colonial outpost to being the most powerful nation on earth probably unequalled since the days of the Roman Empire. There’s nothing more to it than that. Plain old fashion jealousy.

  105. the funny thing is that there are so many right wing christian extremists… but being christian (and catholic none the less) its clear that the majority of them are going to hell. I mean supporting a murder like Bush, he killed retarded people in Texas and now he sends Americans to go get him oil. Not to mention how much gas costs now adays. I mean its obvious we should be trying to turn away from this source of fuel instead of attacking a country to get more. People are such morons. He directly benifits from the success of these gas companies and even protected his buisness by focusing so much attention on Saddam which had nothing to do with us. I mean we were attacked by Saudi Arabia… so umm what the? But its fine, I’m going to heaven, ur not…I win.

  106. the funny thing is that there are so many right wing christian extremists… but being christian (and catholic none the less) its clear that the majority of them are going to hell. I mean supporting a murder like Bush, he killed retarded people in Texas and now he sends Americans to go get him oil. Not to mention how much gas costs now adays. I mean its obvious we should be trying to turn away from this source of fuel instead of attacking a country to get more. People are such morons. He directly benifits from the success of these gas companies and even protected his buisness by focusing so much attention on Saddam which had nothing to do with us. I mean we were attacked by Saudi Arabia… so umm what the? But its fine, I’m going to heaven, ur not…I win.

  107. All of you are pathetic all f***ed up in the head. Why the f*** do u all even go on this stupid site. This is the only thing the idiots that made this site can do cause their just sad losers that don’t have a goddamn life.

  108. All of you are pathetic all f***ed up in the head. Why the f*** do u all even go on this stupid site. This is the only thing the idiots that made this site can do cause their just sad losers that don’t have a goddamn life.

  109. All of you are pathetic all f***ed up in the head. Why the f*** do u all even go on this stupid site. This is the only thing the idiots that made this site can do cause their just sad losers that don’t have a goddamn life.

  110. This arguement is idiotic.
    Canada’s defense is small. This is not because our soldiers are weak, on the contrary, but because our politicians insist on sucking the life out of the Canadian Forces.
    I am a member of the army, I have seen Canadian Troops, US Army and USMC. I can tell you with all honesty that I am not very impressed with the US army. The level of training compared to ours is crap, mostly because the US army likes to bring in more recruits with lower quality than few with good quality (like Canada). The USMC however kicks ass, never have I seen such professional soldiers like what i see in Canada.
    I f***ing hate how Canadians seem to think we are a peacekeeping country. Last time I checked, the Army trains me to KILL people, not hand out tim hortons to a bunch of Afghanis and Bosnians.
    I honsetly think a lot of people posting on this site know nothing about the others country. When I liked the US I liked it there, and I can tell you that many people in the US military hold the Canadian Forces with a much higher regard than you CIVILIANS do. I would think they would know more than you.
    Canada has always punched way beyond it’s weight from the American Revolution, war of 1812, Boer War, North-West Rebellion, WW1, WW2, Korea, Bosnia, Haiti and Afghanistan. We always will punch above our weight, and its looking like the politicians might just start giving us the funding we deserve!
    Finally, referance the comment just above about Bush sending people to Iraq for oil. I have not noticed my gas prices going down since the war in iraq.

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