Holy F@#&ing S@$t!

Calm down…
Calm down Frankie-boy…
Okay, people, I have to announce that…
F@$k! I can’t believe it!
…anyway, I have to say…
Dammit! I’m so excited I can’t type…
Frank! Get a hold of yourself, man!
Anyway, my announcement is that…

You begged, you whined, I whined of the whining, and they have returned. And, if I get my way, the IMAO T-Shirt Babe will be modeling one. So get those entries in, you lazy babes. Are you all waiting for the last minute?
Everyone else, get to preordering. Your chance for immortalization in the Peace Gallery has come again.
It’s time to celebrate! Hooray!

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  1. What, nuking the moon aint big enough for you??
    YES! I get a nukie shirt!
    Hey Frank, will there be a subtle difference between the two shirts so that those of us in the Frank J. fanclub can brag about having a gen. 1 vs gen. 2 ‘nuke the moon’ shirt? After all, these are bound to become collectors items.

  2. HALELUJHIA!!(is that spelled right?) i can finally send the beloved FRANK .J a picture of me with my KAR 98k uber peace tool!!
    the gods have surely smiled on me tiday (or Emperor Misha has, but whats the difference?)

  3. Oh, Yaaae! I have a friend that has been dying for one of those shirts..Now, should I buy it for him or let him figure it out for himself..
    I’m not sure I can enter the contest because I’ve just found out that some of my co-workers have discovered this website as well…and, I may be harrassed beyond belief if I enter it! What to do…

  4. The officially tested and certified Mac OS X version of the IMAO Frank J. Fan Club Decoder is available.
    The non-workingness was all the fault of a single mis-typed character. And having to deal with our Lawyer today and other really stupid crap that adults should not have to deal with. Programming is hard, and sometimes harder when you can’t think straight trying to deal with LIFE.
    Get the OS X Decoder app off my blog which is linked in my awesome name below this. Its all good.

  5. How could you succomb to the eeeeeeeeevil capitalistic overstatement of the product to sell your eeeeeeeeevil t-shirt provoking eeeeeeeeevil violence?
    That’s what I would say if I was a Liberal. Just in case anyone wanted to know.
    But since I’m not….
    I was scared there for a minute, until I read “I’m so excited.” Then I knew frank wasn’t quitting, and all was well.

  6. Outstanding Frank J.!
    I’ve been longing to send in a pic for the Peace Gallery.
    Although it looks as though it won’t ship for a couple weeks. Hopefully the next job takes me somewhere I can take my arsenal.
    If I end up in San Fran, I may have to settle for a pic with one of the pistolas.

  7. Being that I’m only 19, I don’t exactly have the funds to own any more widely accepted peace hardware, but would my quarterstaff qualify? I know if a terrorist or hippy ran into me somewhere when I had that with me they wouldn’t stand too much better chance than if I had a gun…

  8. Considering that I’ve just dropped a dress size without even trying (and I’m well on my way to dropping another one–I’ll be a six by the end of the summer, hopefully), I may just enter that there contest thing. Now if I can just get someone to take the picture for me . . .

  9. Hey, since we’ve got so many girls planning on getting this fantabulous shirt, are we finally going to get some smaller sizes? All the other ones seem to have medium as the smallest size, which is a dress on some of us. Actual girl size shirts would be super cool, but at least a small would be helpful…

  10. Mmm tighter T-shirts…yes…yesss…(slaps forehead) no no mea culpa mea culpa – I should only have eyes for one T-shirt entrant;damn which of the Berkeley-Girls was it again?? (ducks to avoid getting hit) :-p
    P.S. To The Limey’s imaginary friends/multiple personalities – you can stick the email where the sun don’t shine (I think its a cave in deepest Afganistan)

  11. EXCELLENT! I am so happy that I will not longer have to beat the limey with a baseball bat out of frustration of not having a Nuke The Moon T-Shirt, that I shall now beat him with a lead pipe to show my joy.
    runs off
    come back here you limey bastard.

  12. Seeing as I am recently unemployed, and am considering a cross country trip to deliver a friend’s ordinance he left in Virginia, maybe I should offer my services to the IMAO babe contestants.
    NOOO, not THOSE services!
    I have lots of “peace” equipment suitable for modeling, and a pretty nifty digital camera.
    The ladies could have their choice of hardware. I’m partial to the AR-15 and the stainless steel, pistol grip, 12 guage pump shotty, but if I make the trip I will also include a variety of rifles and handguns featuring many different calibers.
    Unfortunately for the babes in Cali, I’m thinking that a lot of my stuff won’t be legal there. I need to check the laws. Don’t they have rules against clips with a 30 round capacity there?

  13. I live in Berkeley… all my weaponry is down in So Cal, and my friends up here are too young to own 🙁 Although I guess I could just get into the armory at Cal (yes we have one… wait, am I allowed to say that?) and pose with one of my cute little M-16’s… mmm, guns…

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