It looks like I’m going to be really busy for a while, but, since I love my readers, I’ll use some of my weekend to pre-write posts. I’ll even write ahead on Superego for the first time (I’m just thrilled anyone likes that).
BTW, we’re still restructuring for the next IMAudiO. It will make a triumphant return… hopefully next week.
First! (This comment was not pre-written.)
Uh… almost first!
Superego is great! I have to say its becoming my favorite content here.
keep up the good work!
Let’s get real Frank, you were gone for a day and none of your other bloggers contributed anything except two brief posts by the Joo (Who was fleeing a hurricane) and Spacemonkey, where is the group blog?
Need superego.
You are thrilled people like your sci-fi story? More like you ought to be amazed anyone likes it.
Pomoze Bog.
Hmmmmmm…Kriti-KOS…sounds like a troll from the moonbats over at Daily Kos; or perhaps even the moronic blogmaster himself in disguise…
Tsar Lazar
No accounting for taste on your part, Krit.
I also have been enjoying “superego” — I have a fondless for “funny” SF, like Dickson’s “Dragon & the George” series, the Xanth books, etc.
I think that if you’d like to insert some subplots, fluff out some characterization & background, etc., etc you’d have an eminently salable novel, or at least a short story. Certainly have read less funny stuff from established authors….
Hm…Frankj says he loves his readers; Spacemonkey says he loves his readers…it’s getting a little weird in here…
Go “Super Ego”! I’m loving the story however you get it out.
The group blog idea is pretty much just as dead as the weekly podcast idea.
It was a good idea while it lasted, but you really would think there would be other people besides the Joo in a Hurricane posting when Frank was too busy to post.
There are 8 members of this group blog but it’s been a long time since we’ve heard from most of them…
So where’s the Homo AquaQueen during another disaster when he’s needed? Is he available to save his fans from certain death like a normal super hero? Noooooo!!! Figures! What a loser!
Been helping serve meals to evacuees for several days here in central Texas.. 1700 on Friday night. Some pics here.
I was wearing my NTM shirt, by the way, but no pic. Did laundry all weekend, maybe tonight I can show it off.
They were really hungry on Friday after long bus rides. Better now.
We’ll do some more tonight (lasagnas in the oven even as we speak). Oh, and all our personal evacuees made it home today (my wife’s brother, wife, two kids, daughter in law, 2 year old, 6 week old, 5 dogs and a cat). They stayed with us this week.
what a week!
Comment spam???
I thought you fixed that FrankJ!
Plug that hole up before the levie is breached!!!
John W. rocks for the Xanth reference, since I am a big Piers Anthony fan, but Frank J. and Tony Pierce are the best online writers by far (sorry Moxie (cabana boy or no, you are too political now for a dose more than 2/3 times per week), and I miss Ms. Lucas and her rants).
Superego is a GREAT read but I got hooked here by IMW, so bring it on Frank…jobs are way over rated anyway.
Best to you and the T-shirt babe.